Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 579

Li forgets worry. Naturally, he doesn\'t know. As a famous doctor in the world, Zhang Baozang is sought after by many people on weekdays.

Moreover, he was once the Minister of Honglu temple and an official of the third grade. Naturally, he did not pay attention to Li forgetful, the founder of the fourth grade.

Zhang Baocang, who is in his 70s this year, is known as a famous doctor and a miracle doctor, which makes the old man grow a bad temper with talent and pride.

Li forgot to worry about Zhang Baocang\'s words, but he was also slightly stunned: "Mr. Baocang, I respect you as an old man, but you can\'t talk nonsense. Geng Hong clearly said that the prince had died in front of all officials and saints in the Tai Chi hall that day, which annoyed the saints and was killed by the staff. What does this have to do with me and old immortal sun?"

Zhang Baozang was more angry. He took several pictures and said angrily, "nonsense! It\'s not you and Taoist priest sun who deliberately concealed the prince\'s condition and misled my disciple. How could he annoy the saint?"

The old man\'s words made Li forget his worries and smiled angrily.

This is really pig Bajie\'s trick - upside down!

Geng Hong was not good at medicine and was stubborn. He refused to cooperate with him in surgery to treat Li Chengqian. Now Zhang Baozang still uses this as an excuse to criticize him and Sun Simiao. It\'s really shameless!

Not to mention the original blockade of Li Chengqian\'s illness, it was Li Er\'s own will. Even if he deliberately doesn\'t let Geng Hong know, so what?

What obligation does he have to go to Geng Hong, the Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau, to explain Li Chengqian\'s condition? Who does this treasure think his disciple Geng Hong is?

Zhang Baozang was still reluctant, pointing to Sun Simiao\'s impolite accusation and said, "Taoist sun, you just beat and bumped by mistake and cured the prince\'s intestinal carbuncle, but why did you kill my disciple?"

Sun Simiao is a monk. He is really too lazy to talk to him. He just made a light first salute: "immeasurable God, Mr. treasure misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? What\'s my misunderstanding? My disciple, as the Imperial officer of Shangyao Bureau, is responsible for treating the prince. Even if you treat the prince well, you should communicate with him. Taoist sun, dare you say that you are not my sweep Zizhen, deliberately concealing the method to cure intestinal carbuncle and deliberately locking up the prince\'s condition, so that my disciple Geng Hong misjudged the prince\'s disease and finally killed my disciple?"

Li forgot to worry. He really didn\'t know what to say. Is the old man crazy? Should people all over the world follow his heart? Why didn\'t he go to heaven?

Without speculating, Li forgot to worry and stood up. "Since Mr. treasure thinks so, there\'s nothing to say. If Mr. treasure thinks that someone and old immortal sun deliberately killed Geng Hong, you can go to the censor\'s desk and report. There\'s no need to show your tongue here!"

Zhang Baocang is very old and has a bigger temper. When he heard Li forget you, he jumped angrily: "don\'t be a man! You young man, how can you respect the old? That\'s how you talk to me? Don\'t think you are the founder of the country, so you can act recklessly!"

Li forgot to worry and ignored his clamor. He turned to Sun Simiao and said, "old immortal sun, let\'s go. There\'s nothing to say with such people."

Sun Simiao nodded silently, turned and was ready to leave.

"Stop! I haven\'t finished yet!" Zhang Baocang was even more annoyed and raised his volume: "I must ask for justice for my disciple! After you killed my disciple, everyone in Chang\'an City says that you, Taoist sun, have stronger medical skills and are a miracle doctor in the world, and my Zhang\'s medical skills are useless. It\'s outrageous! I want to test my medical skills with Taoist sun and correct my Zhang\'s medical skills! Taoist sun, dare you fight!"

As soon as Li forgot to worry, he understood something in his heart.

What is this treasure? I want to ask for an explanation for disciple Geng Hong. It is clear that Geng Hong did not cure Prince Li Chengqian. He was killed by a living stick, which made him lose face with the Zhang family.

This is not the old face. I ran back to Chang\'an City from my hometown of Liyang to find Sun Simiao\'s bad luck. In fact, I just want to make a name for myself.

This treasure, an old man, still attaches so much importance to fame and wealth, which surprised Li.

Although Zhang Baozang was also a famous doctor in the early Tang Dynasty and remained famous in history, it was not a little worse than the king of medicine. How can he compare it?

As for Zhang Baocang\'s words, Li QIAOYOU couldn\'t help laughing: "How dare the light of fireflies compete with the sun and the moon? Old immortal sun has medical skills, which can\'t be compared with Mr. treasure? You think very well. If you lose, you should win. Old immortal sun can publicize everywhere? Make a name for your Zhang family? But why can old immortal sun compete with you in medical skills? Is it glorious to win? I don\'t know what to say!"

"Huxian uncle! You have a share in killing my disciple Geng Hong. I haven\'t argued with you yet. How dare you humiliate me like this?"

"Humiliation? Ha ha..." Li forgot to worry. He was too lazy to say anything more.

Sun Simiao naturally didn\'t want to say more. In his opinion, it\'s extremely boring to compare medical skills. With that Kung Fu, it\'s better to test the efficacy of penicillin.

"Wuliang Tianzun, Mr. treasure, it\'s just a misunderstanding. I\'d better not mention it again. I\'m sorry for your death, but I really have nothing to do with you. Please don\'t bother about it any more. It\'s getting late. Mr. treasure should return to Chang\'an City earlier."

Sun Simiao ordered to leave.

With the help of several middle-aged disciples beside him, Zhang Baozang stood up and laughed and said, "Taoist sun, I respect you as a medical elder, but if you want to do such a shrinking turtle, I\'ll be disappointed. Unexpectedly, Taoist sun, who is famous all over the world, has no courage to compete with me. Ha ha, it\'s really interesting! Interesting!"

Sun Simiao was not moved by Zhang Baozang\'s ridicule. He was almost 100 years old. What haven\'t he seen?

Such verbal provocation as Zhang Baozang is really not worth mentioning.

But Sun Simiao\'s disciples and grandchildren, after hearing Zhang Baozang\'s words, all glared at each other, but they didn\'t dare to interrupt because of their identity.

But Sun Simiao can bear it, but Li forgets worry, but he can\'t. Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, can also be humiliated by this treasure?

Li forgets worry and directly dodges in front of Zhang Baozang: "Hehe, it\'s not bad for Mr. treasure to try medicine. But you don\'t seem to be qualified to compare with old immortal sun. Why don\'t you do that? I\'m also a little familiar with medicine. Since you keep saying that I\'m responsible for Geng Hong\'s death. That\'s great. Let me try medicine with old immortal sun\'s apprentice with Mr. treasure, how about it?"

"No!" Sun Simiao said anxiously.

Zhang Baozang disdained and said, "Huxian uncle, you are not qualified when it comes to medical skills!"

"Oh? Really? But in Chang\'an City, everyone says that I, Li niangyou, am also a miracle doctor. Go and ask the people if you know Mr. treasure? It seems that I will suffer a lot if I compare my medical skills with you." Li niangyou mocked.

Naturally, he was right. Most of Zhang Baozang\'s fame lies in the Imperial Hall and noble families. The Zhang family, which never sees doctors for ordinary people, has no reputation among the people?

Li forgot to worry about this, almost didn\'t directly annoy the old man.

Zhang Baozang stared at Li forgetful and gasped