Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 577

Today, Li forgot to worry. He had nothing to do. He simply led Niu Wu and a series of songs to watch the rehearsal of those palace maidens.

"Lang Jun, are you going to let these maids perform this on the saint\'s birthday? I\'m afraid it\'s wrong?" Niu Wu didn\'t blink, but he was questioning Li forgetful\'s decision.

Li forgot to worry and kicked him on the ass: "please wipe the saliva from the corners of your mouth. Besides, this is more persuasive."

Niu Wu quickly wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, but found nothing: "Lang Jun, you lied to me again! Where is the saliva?"

"Hum, really? Then I\'ll ask Xie Sanniang to have a look and make sure if you\'re drooling." the Xie Sanniang in Li\'s mouth is Niu Wu\'s beautiful palace daughter-in-law.

The two daughters-in-law of Niu Yong and Niu Wu, born in the Tai Chi palace, can not only sing and dance, but also write and draw.

In this era when illiteracy is everywhere, it already belongs to high-end elite talents.

Beauty bosses are getting busier and busier now, and there are more and more things. Naturally, they need help around them.

In the family, Perrin and Alfred are strictly speaking "illiterate". Needless to say, Perrin is not very literate. She learned a little when she was with Li forgetful.

According to the standards of the Tang government, Peilan is literate because she can write her own name... It is recognized that Tang Shi is not illiterate if she can write her own name.

Aphrodite, though fluent in Chinese, can\'t write. By the standards of Datang, she is a standard illiterate. Even if she had a good education in Byzantium, it was useless.

Therefore, now in the house, Perrin and Alfred are still forced with a hard face and slowly learn to "read" with their beautiful boss.

Su Qiao, Niu Yong\'s daughter-in-law, Xie Sanniang, Niu Wu\'s daughter-in-law, and more than a dozen palace maids who married to Dingzhou village have become sweet pastries in the eyes of beautiful bosses.

What is the most precious thing in the seventeenth century? Talent!

These palace maids who can write and calculate are the talents of Datang in the eyes of the beautiful boss!

Under her persuasion, many palace maids "abandoned their families and their husbands" one after another. They no longer stayed in the house and taught their husbands and children, but followed the beautiful boss.

More than a dozen former palace maids were cited as right-hand assistants by their beautiful bosses.

Even many palace maids were appointed by the beauty boss to take charge of the carriage shop and underwear shop. They helped the beauty boss take care of these industries. They took the carriage to and from Chang\'an and Dingzhou village every day as before.

It\'s not uncommon for women in Datang to go out to work, but it\'s not normal. How can these newly married old soldiers be willing to let their beautiful daughter-in-law run out every day?

Niu Yong, Niu Wu, and a group of old soldiers in the village also complained about this. They even complained with Li forget you several times in private.

However, when they found that their daughter-in-law\'s monthly salary was higher than theirs, these old soldiers had to shut up.

What\'s more, these "women" are now supported by beautiful bosses. Whether Niu Yong, Niu Wu or old soldiers, they dare not offend beautiful bosses, and have no right to speak to their own mothers-in-law and aunts.

In this regard, Li forgets his worries but has no heart and no lung. He smiles very happily.

Wow, hahaha, it\'s up to you guys to feel the plight of future male compatriots in advance!

Now when the beauty boss goes out, he is followed by a group of Yingyan\'s beauty managers and assistants. It\'s not dignified.

As the 73 people in the episode married the palace maids again, Li forgets worry. It can be predicted that the team of women around the beauty boss will continue to grow.

Now, even if the two daughters-in-law of the Niu family, Su Qiao and Xie Sanniang, are pregnant, they still work with their beautiful boss.

Upon hearing Li\'s words, Niu Wu immediately put away his smiling face and replied solemnly, "Lang Jun, your idea is really unique. The sage must like it!"

"Get out!" Li forgot to worry. He was too lazy to pay attention to the goods. He continued to turn his head to see the ladies rehearse.

Not to mention, there is no such treatment in future generations. It is rare to see more than 200 graceful beauties twisting their bodies in front of themselves, dressed thinly and full of temptation.

Li forgets worry and Niu Wu, as well as a series of episodes, are having fun, but they see the beautiful boss leading her group of "female assistants" to come over.

"Does it look good?"

Li forgets to worry subconsciously and wants to answer that he looks good, but his strong desire for survival makes him talk to his mouth, but he changes again.

"It\'s OK. The dance team is not neat enough. Changqing, you should urge them and be strict with them. It\'s the saint\'s birthday in another month. I don\'t dare to delay. Time is tight and the task is urgent. Please. Well, I just came to see how the rehearsal is. Since there\'s no problem, I\'ll go first."

After Li forgets worry, he is ready to lead Niu Wu and a series of episodes to retreat.

But listen to the beautiful boss behind him tell Su Qiao and others: "when the maids train in the future, pay attention to the door. Don\'t let some people spy on the maids in various names. Hum, big pig hoof!"

Her words almost made Li forget his worries. He didn\'t dare to say more. He took Niu Wu and others to run away.

"Lang Jun, why does lady Su say you are a big pig hoof?" Niu Wu asked Li niangyou which pot he didn\'t open.

"Shut up! That\'s talking about you!" Li forgot to worry and kicked the goods again.

While playing with Niu Wu, he saw the old housekeeper Li Heng come in a hurry: "Lang Jun, look at the old immortal sun and send a message. Please go to the Taoist temple and say you have something important to see."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, but it was a little strange. What did Sun Simiao find himself to do?

Sun Simiao asked for a microscope. Li forget worry had already asked the craftsman who would be the supervisor to polish one and send it to Xianwei.

Although the magnification is not high, Li Qieyou estimates that the maximum magnification is 40 or 50 times. Similar to the simple microscope used by later primary school students to do scientific experiments, they can barely see the microorganisms in the water.

No matter how large the lens is, Li forget worry really doesn\'t know how to do it. He can only explain to the craftsman who will be the supervisor and continue to study slowly how to improve the magnification of the microscope.

However, even so, the simple microscope that was sent to show the microcosm surprised Sun Simiao and treated him as an artifact.

Especially when Lao Dao, under the guidance of Li forgetful, saw all kinds of magnified scenes in his hair, blood, water and leaves, he was so obsessed that he refused to give up holding a microscope every day.

Recently, the old Taoist priest didn\'t find Li forgetful trouble. He engaged in his "scientific research" in the Taoist temple every day.

Sun Simiao found himself. Li forgets worry and will not delay. He immediately rode to Xianwei.

After entering the Taoist temple, Sun Simiao\'s disciples naturally led him to the old Taoist priest.

"Ziyou, you came just in time. Ha ha, I got the penicillin you said before!"

Sun Simiao\'s words made Li forget his worries and suddenly felt like lightning.


Penicillin out?