Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 576

Li forgot to worry about this, which stunned Li Er and all the officials, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears.

What the hell is a hundred Wen?

What is this condition?

Li forgot to worry and explained leisurely: "uncle, if you invest in the construction of this official road, the people will naturally use it at will. But should you pay some fees for the merchant carriage? Hey hey, don\'t you charge a hundred Wen for a carriage?"

His words made all officials and Li Er more confused.

Many people immediately began to calculate silently in their hearts. How much profit did Li forget you put forward.

Nowadays, between Chang\'an City and Huxian County, there are no less than 1000 carriages to and from each other every day. It\'s really not much to charge 100 Wen per car. On that day, Li forgets worry and Niu Yong, Niu Wu and others had breakfast in chongrenfang, and spent more than 100 Wen.

The officials thought to themselves, how much would it be to pay a hundred Wen Road fee and run on such a flat mirage mud road?

A thousand carriages can collect copper coins in a day.

It can collect more than 30000 copper coins a year. Even if it takes 100000 to build this road, it will only recover the investment in more than three years, and then make a net profit.

All officials calculated silently in their hearts and suddenly found that Li forgot to worry about building this road, in which the profit was too large.

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, the aristocratic family leaders, looked at each other and stood up one after another to express their opposition: "Your Majesty, this matter is not allowed! How can officials become private and charge fees like that?"

"Huxian uncle\'s words are bad. Your majesty, don\'t! What\'s the point of changing official ways into private ways?"

"If you\'re 80 miles away, you\'ll have to collect 100 Wen copper money from merchants. Your majesty, what\'s the difference between this and road robbery? Now this official way doesn\'t charge!"

"Yes, your majesty, how can Huxian uncle exploit the people like this?"

The private road in their mouth refers to the road built by private people. In the Tang Dynasty, private roads and charges for pedestrians have appeared.

Li Er had some intention, but he hesitated after being persuaded by Wang Renyou and others.

"Ziyou, Baiwen toll, seems to be too much."

Li forgot to worry and looked very reluctant: "what about fifty Wen? Can I charge fifty Wen?"

Wang Renyou and others naturally shook their heads: "it\'s not right. There are still too many fifty words! How hard the people are! It\'s really wrong to exploit them like this!"

In fact, they don\'t care how much they charge. In short, Li forgets to worry about building this road to make money.

Even Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others have been wondering whether the States and counties where their families are located can build mirage mud roads in this way and then charge fees? It seems like a good deal.

Although the initial investment is large, it can reap the rich returns for many years.

For the unanimous opposition of Wang Renyou and other aristocratic family leaders, Li forget worry can only shrug his shoulders: "in that case, forget it. The money in my house is not from the wind, so you can\'t throw it into the water at will."

In fact, Li forgot to worry about where he really wanted to repair the official road from Huxian county to Chang\'an city.

Before Datang\'s cement production did not increase significantly and the cement price did not decrease, the cost of building cement roads was too high, which was a thankless behavior.

The purpose of what he said just now is just to plant a seed in Li Er\'s heart and let him know that road construction is not just a matter of losing money, but has great potential.

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, you should build roads first. This is absolutely true.

Li forgets worry that as long as he finds the Lime Mine in Huxian County, the lime output will naturally increase gradually. With the increase of cement production, it is natural to build roads with cement?

He didn\'t think there was anything wrong with road construction fees. Although free things were good, seeing the benefits could urge the Tang government and the public to pay attention to road construction.

As for the charge of 100 Wen for 80 Li Road, it is really too expensive. In Li\'s opinion, it is reasonable to charge 10 Wen for every 200 li of cement carriage "expressway". The average price is one Wen per kilometer, which is eight or nine times the charging standard of Expressway in later generations.

Once several cement wagon "highways" are built in Datang, Datang\'s economy will be more prosperous and its national strength will be more prosperous, which is predictable.

But it\'s not urgent. It\'s better to plan slowly.

Li Er didn\'t mention the road construction either. He was in high spirits with a group of officials. He carefully observed the mirage mud road several times. He was even interested in pulling Cheng Yaojin and others to gallop back and forth several times on the 20 mile long cement road.

The horseshoe iron collides with the cement pavement, constantly making a crisp sound of horseshoes, which is very pleasant.

Li Er was addicted, so he asked all the officials to return to Chang\'an city. Although he didn\'t say anything when he left, it was obvious that the cement road had been remembered by Li Er.

Since then, for a long time, Li forgot to worry about the "loser road" built with a large amount of money, which has become the favorite place for the people of Huxian county. Many good people run to watch the excitement every day, which can be called "online Red punch in road".

Even in Chang\'an City, many people came to visit on horseback.

Some people also beat the road with stones to test whether the road is as indestructible as rumors.

Fearing that people would destroy the road, Yang Zui had no choice but to arrange the Yamen service of the County Yamen to maintain order on the cement road every day.

For more than half a month, it was not until the middle of November of Zhenguan that the weather became colder and colder. The heat of this "loser road" gradually dissipated, and there were no more crowds around.

Li forgot to worry. Now he is living a natural and unrestrained life. The fireworks have been pounded out by him. They will appear on Li Er\'s birthday. There are more than 200 palace maids and beautiful women. Their boss arranges them to rehearse every day. He doesn\'t need to worry about it.

One thing after another.

At first, his mind was so hot that he played Li Er and asked 100000 people in Hu county to plant rice. What he was not sure about now seems to be a sign of success.

Those sown winter rice actually began to sprout in winter.

This is gratifying. Yang Zuan, the county magistrate, takes great pains to ride to various villages every day and personally go to the field to check the rice seedlings.

According to the estimation of experienced farmers in the county, in about 40 or 50 days, the rice in Huxian county will be ripe and harvested.

After receiving the news, Li forgot to worry, too, and fell to the ground with a stone in his heart.

To tell you the truth, if these rice planting fails, Li forget worry really doesn\'t know how to face these folks in Huxian county. It\'s not that he can\'t afford these 100000 people, but it\'s difficult to face the disappointed eyes of the people.

However, Li\'s carefree days didn\'t last long. The old immortal Sun Simiao found him and the trouble came to the door again