Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 575

It was Li Er who led a group of civil and military officials to visit Li forgetful\'s "loser road".

Li forgot to worry about the use of mirage mud to build roads. Li Er and others had already mentioned it, but none of them took it to heart.

According to Li Er and others, such precious mirage mud should be used to build walls and fortresses, which is as solid as gold. He didn\'t think it was good to build roads, but he thought it was a waste.

In the Chang Dynasty today, Li Er and other officials were discussing matters, but he heard from Mituo that the 20 mile long mirage road built by Li forgetful was open to traffic today.

Although Li Er felt that mirage mud road construction was a waste, he was curious about the road surface built by mirage mud. Therefore, under the encouragement of Cheng Yaojin and others, he simply stopped the Chang Dynasty, led all officials to directly kill Huxian and "watch the excitement".

When they arrived at the cement road outside the city of Huxian County, it was as lively as the Shangyuan Festival. On the cement road, there were people who came to see the excitement.

Although Li Er, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, is also the most distinguished group of people in the whole Tang Dynasty, their reaction when they see this cement pavement is no better than that group of people in Huxian county.

A group of civil and military officials, facing this unprecedented cement road, couldn\'t help but take a breath and looked surprised.

Cheng Yaojin even jumped off his horse and stamped the road with his feet.

"Zhiniang thief, Ziyou is really willing. The mirage mud is really used to pave the road? Good guy, the road is strong enough. Even if the rammed earth is hard, it is not as good as the mirage mud."

Yuchi Jingde, Qin Qiong and other military generals were also shocked by the flat road like a whole slate. Some even pulled out Zhang knives at their waist and waved knives to chop the road.

Duan Lun, the Minister of the Ministry of work, carefully inspected the cement road under his feet, turned around and summoned a carriage, which drove onto the track and galloped back and forth several times.

After a series of tests, he turned to Li erzan and said, "Your Majesty, huxianbo\'s muddy road is amazing. The road surface is flat, and it\'s extremely fast to run a carriage. The minister just tried. Compared with the official road, the speed of the carriage can be increased by almost 10%, and it\'s very stable. It can not only save horsepower, but also pull more goods. It\'s amazing."

Li Er nodded: "I was surprised when Ziyou said that the mirage mud could be used to pave the road, but I didn\'t expect that the road paved with mirage mud was so incredible. Duan Qing, the output of mirage mud needs to be increased as soon as possible."

Duan Lun smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, I naturally know the benefits of mirage mud. However, the output of lime is limited. I have ordered people to try their best to mine lime and burn lime. Mainly because the lime mine is remote and inconvenient to transport."

When he got the news, he hurried to meet Li Er and others. He just heard Duan Lun\'s words and was stunned.

In his memory, Huaxia is an important producing area of lime mines, and lime mines exist in almost all provinces and cities. Especially now where Guanzhong road is located, Shaanxi Province in later generations has the largest lime ore reserves in China, nearly 5 billion tons.

Duan Lun said that the origin of Lime Mine is remote and inconvenient to transport?

Haven\'t those limestone mines been discovered yet?

It\'s interesting. Li Qieyou rubbed his chin and felt as if he could operate from it. It seems to be another good business.

Not to mention the large mines far away, he did not have enough manpower and mechanical equipment to mine, but in Huxian County, Li forgets to worry about the existence of lime mines.

At that time, the lime mining enterprises in Huxian county did not pay attention to environmental protection and carried out crazy mining. At one time, there were nearly 1000 mining enterprises and thousands of lime kilns. After more than ten years of vicious mining, the pollution caused by the production of these enterprises has made the surrounding people suffer.

The interview of TV station has aroused great social repercussions after it was broadcast on TV. It was after watching the news program that Li forgot to worry that he remembered the existence of these lime mines in Huxian county.

However, this is not the time to talk about it. We\'d better wait until we find someone to explore and determine the location of the lime mine.

After Li forgets this matter in mind, he meets Li Er and others and introduces them to all kinds of situations of this cement road.

"Ziyou, I heard that it took you 20000 yuan to build this road. Do you know what the people in Huxian County call this road?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "hey hey, you know, the road to ruin your family. You think it\'s good. Building the road to ruin your family is a good thing. If Yang Ming\'s house, Cui Ming\'s house and Lu Ming\'s house are willing, you\'re even willing to build the road from Huxian county to Chang\'an city into such a mirage. What do you think?"

His words moved Li Er. It was only 20 miles from Huxian county to Dingzhou village, and only Dingzhou village and the villages and towns along the road benefited.

But it would be very valuable to renovate the 80 mile road from Huxian county to Chang\'an city.

As the South Gate of Chang\'an, Huxian county is an important place to connect Yizhou. Moreover, because the house price in Chang\'an city is too high and expensive, many merchants set their workshops in Huxian county. They don\'t know how many carriage caravans come and go between Huxian county and Chang\'an city every day.

In fact, after seeing the cement road built by Li forgetful worry, Li Er had thought in his mind how spectacular it would be if such a road could be spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

However, such an expensive price of 20000 yuan to build a 20 mile road directly discouraged Li Er from building the road.

How many officials are there in the whole Tang Dynasty? If we all build at this price, it is estimated that Datang will become the first dynasty to "go bankrupt" because of road construction?

Now Li forgets to worry and unexpectedly proposes to renovate the 80 mile official road from Huxian county to Chang\'an city. Of course, Li Er is happy to see its success.

Twenty miles took twenty thousand passes, but eighty miles did not take eighty thousand passes?

Moreover, the official road from Huxian county to Chang\'an is not comparable to the path to Dingzhou village. Its width is at least twice as wide as the mirage mud road in front of us.

In this way, I\'m afraid that just building this 80 mile long road will cost no less than 100000 yuan, or even more.

Li forgets to worry about this money and is willing to pay it himself. Whether Li Er or all civil and military officials, they are not unwilling.

Yang Zuo looked at Cui Luo and Lu Dejing, and immediately stood up: "tell your majesty that the ministers naturally agree. If Huxian uncle is willing to invest in the construction of the official road from Huxian to Chang\'an and recruit and dispatch service households, the ministers can take care of it all."

Li Er nodded slightly and looked at Li QIAOYOU again: "Ziyou, can you think about it? Are you willing to invest in the reconstruction of this official road from Chang\'an to Huxian?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled more brightly: "uncle, it\'s OK for my nephew to invest in the construction. But my nephew spent a lot of money to build this official road. It must be good?"

Li erweileng: "what benefits do you want?"

"Hey, hey, not much, little nephew, just a hundred Wen..."