Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 572

Li Heng and Lao Cun Zheng naturally don\'t believe what Li forgets.

Can a mill or a mill grind rice and flour by itself? Isn\'t that a fairy?

The mills used by farmers to grind rice are made of heavy large stones, which are composed of rollers and plates. It is specially used to husk rice and wheat. The stone mill is composed of two round stones. Grain enters the middle of the two layers from the hole above, moves outward along the texture, and is ground to form powder when rolling over the two layers.

These two kinds of utensils are not light at all. They can\'t be lifted without seven or eight strong workers.

Li Heng and Lao Cun Zheng can\'t imagine how to drive without human or animal power.

If others say this to them, the old village can spit on his face. It\'s a dream. I didn\'t wake up. What about talking in my sleep?

But these words were said by their own husband. They didn\'t know how to answer, so they both looked bitter and didn\'t speak.

Li forgot to worry. When he saw the old men\'s faces, which were soon wrinkled into chrysanthemums, he knew that they didn\'t believe what they said and couldn\'t help laughing happier.

"Why? Don\'t you believe it? Well, why don\'t I make a bet? If I can\'t get the mill and mill driven by human and animal power, I\'ll cook a delicious meal myself and invite you two to drink. But if I can do it, hehe..."

Li Heng and Lao Cun looked at each other and said, "it\'s done, Lang Jun. what do you want?"

"When it\'s done, you old man, just move out of the mansion and live in the courtyard by yourself. How about gambling?"

Li forgets to worry about sending the house to Niu Yong, Niu Wu and a series of episodes. Naturally, there is no shortage of the house of the old housekeeper Li Heng. However, the old man was so stubborn that he said he was the housekeeper of Li\'s house. He had no reason to move out and had to stay in the house.

If Li Heng didn\'t get married, Li forgets his worries and naturally goes with him. But now that Li Heng has become a good citizen, married the Zhao lady and still lives in his own residence, it doesn\'t look like a home.

The old man doesn\'t care, but he can\'t wronged the Zhao lady.

It was when Li forgot to worry about this that he deliberately proposed to bet with Li Heng.

Seeing that it had nothing to do with him, Lao Cun nodded and agreed. If you win, you can get a delicious meal cooked by Li forgetful. If you lose, it will be better. It will be too convenient for the village to grind rice and noodles in the future.

"Lang Jun, that\'s the deal. Hey, hey, we\'ve made a bet with you. It\'s a deal."

Li Heng couldn\'t help pushing Lao Murakami: "go aside, what\'s your business, you old man, why do you decide for me?"

"Hey hey, you don\'t know how to be kind! Lang Jun is obviously for your own good, but you\'re still hypocritical." the old village sneered, turned to Li forgetful and said, "Lang Jun, don\'t pay attention to the stubborn old man. We\'ll bet. I don\'t know how long Lang can get out the mill and mill you said?"

Li Qieyou stretched out three fingers: "three days at most!"

"Then I\'ll thank you for your kindness on behalf of the farmers." Lao Murakami also wanted to understand. Although the mill and stone mill will turn by themselves, it sounds difficult to understand. But since this is what Li forgets worry to say, and says so firmly, it must be true.

The old village looked at Li Heng again and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, lang. in three days, I will lead the farmers to help housekeeper Li move."

Li Heng glared at him and was too angry to speak.

Li Qieyou laughed: "that\'s good. That\'s it. I\'ll go to carpenter Liu\'s workshop and let him start building it right away."

When he finished, he didn\'t wait for Li Heng to speak again. He turned and left the old housekeeper Li Heng messy in the wind

Li Qieyou said that there is no need to accumulate manpower to grind rice and flour by himself, which naturally refers to water mill and water mill.

He also forgot these two good things before and was reminded by the words of Lao Cun Zheng and Li Heng.

To build a water mill, for Dingzhou village today, it is simply too simple. The reason why Li forget worry can say that three days is enough is because carpenter Liu\'s workshop has already made good waterwheel in various sizes.

The waterwheel is the key power to drive the stone mill. For other things, it is just a simple transmission device to convert the kinetic energy brought by the rotation of the waterwheel, so as to drive the heavy stone mill to rotate.

After carefully studying the drawings of the water mill drawn by Li Qieyou, carpenter Liu couldn\'t help but applaud the case.

"Lang Jun, your water mill is wonderful! Why didn\'t I think that since water can drive the waterwheel to rotate and lift water to a high place, this rotation can also drive the stone mill to rotate?"

"How? How long will the water mill be built?" Li asked

"Very fast! It will take two or three days. The waterwheel and stone mill are ready-made. You only need to build a transmission mechanism. In addition, it\'s easy to build a water mill next to the Gan River. Now I\'ll let my three sons lead people to build a water mill. I\'ll ride to Huxian and find a blacksmith\'s shop to build those rotating iron shafts."

Li Qieyou nodded and told carpenter Liu to hurry up and build the water mill in three days. He didn\'t want Li Heng to have another excuse to refuse to move because of the delay.

At Li\'s command, carpenter Liu naturally did not dare to delay his time. He asked his sons and apprentices to put down what they were doing first and began to seize the time to build this water mill.

The farmers in the village don\'t know what carpenter Liu and others are doing by the Gan River. I knew that they removed the large stone mill used for grinding noodles in the village, which caused many farmers waiting for grinding noodles to complain.

Others ran to the old village to complain, but the old man scolded them and said they would know in three days.

The farmers didn\'t know, so they talked about it one after another.

Until three days later, the old village was knocking a gong and loudly calling everyone to go to the water mill in the village. All the people gathered around.

"Murakami, what did you just say? What did you fix for us?"

"Water mill! You melon skin! You can turn the flour mill without human and animal power!" the old village smiled.

Everyone doubted their ears: "Murakami, are you wrong? Don\'t joke with us. The mill is so heavy. How can you turn it without human and animal power?"

"Yes, how can this be possible? The big stone mill in the village has to be dragged by two cows. It doesn\'t need to be pulled by cattle or pushed by people. Did your husband apply immortal magic to the stone mill?"

The old village knocked a chestnut on the head of the young man in front of him: "you melon skin, what can you say wrong? I\'ve seen it. It\'s a mill driven by a waterwheel."

When he explained this, the farmers shook their heads: "it\'s good that the waterwheel can carry water, but the stone mill is so heavy. How can the water be pushed?"

"Yes, the small stones by the river can\'t be washed away by the river. Only seven or eight strong boys can lift the stone mill, and the waterwheel can carry it?"

The farmers didn\'t believe anyone, but they followed the old village to the water mill beside the Gan River. When they saw the big stone mill removed by Carpenter Liu with their own eyes, driven by the waterwheel, they were so surprised that their chins were about to fall off