Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 571

Li forgot his worries and thought hard for several days, but let him figure out what to let 227 palace maids perform. However, when you take your ideas to negotiate with your beautiful boss, you get a big white eye.

"Forget your worries, are you sure you want to perform this for Li Shimin? Can they accept it?"

Li forgets worry strangely and asks, "why not?"

Beauty boss speechless to hand the forehead: "well, since you say OK, then OK."

"Hey, Changqing, you have to come here. How to rehearse this program is up to you. Can\'t I teach them? I can\'t either."

The beautiful boss glared at him angrily: "you know how to be lazy!"

"No, you have wronged me, can\'t I prepare the ultimate weapon?" heh heh, will surely shake the woodlouse. "Li Wangyou certainly does not admit that he is lazy.

"Hum, it\'s strange to believe you!"

I don\'t blame the beauty boss for thinking like this. Li forget worry is really lazy. Don\'t look at the idea one by one, but the goods belong to those who just set fire, regardless of the end.

Many of the things he did and the subsequent troublesome things were all left to others.

Shunfeng carriage shop and underwear shop, beauty bosses are taking care of; The wine making workshop directly dumped it to the palace waiter, who only paid dividends; The coin workshop and weapon workshop were lost to Yan Liben; The beverage vending machine in Chang\'an city was lost to Qiu Kun; When Huxian county changed to winter rice, Yang Zuan lost a lot of trouble; It was left to the dandies to clean the dung in the good hall and the road toilet; Even the public carriage was left to the old village and others, and he was too lazy to intervene.

For his laziness, the beauty boss was too lazy to say anything. His delicate nose wrinkled and made a face at him, so he went to find those palace maids.

Li forgets to worry about looking at the beautiful boss\'s gone shadow. He laughs. He knows that the beautiful boss must be happy about it. Although the beautiful boss always shows people in the image of a strong woman, in fact, he is still very literary and artistic. Otherwise, how could she learn belly dance and dance so well.

Besides, if he doesn\'t give it to the beauty boss, he will rehearse the program for the 227 graceful, yingyingyanyan maidens and sisters. He\'s afraid he\'ll be chased by the beauty boss.

Besides, he is not idle. He plans to make the same secret weapon when Li two birthday, and shake the woodlouse of Datang.

This secret weapon is fireworks.

The earliest fireworks in China appeared in the Song Dynasty. There were large-scale fireworks in the Xuanhe period of the Northern Song Dynasty. As for Datang\'s explosive rod that seals saltpeter into bamboo tube, it is still a little far away from fireworks.

The word "fireworks" in Tang poetry does not refer to fireworks in later generations, but to beautiful scenery or prostitutes\' homes.

For example, Li Bai\'s "old friend leaves the Yellow Crane Tower in the West and fireworks go to Yangzhou in March". The fireworks in the poem refer to spring. Tang poem "better think of concubines\' color without fireworks", which refers to prostitutes\' homes.

Fireworks are actually black powder added with different metal powders. Different metal powders will show different colors when burning to produce chemical reaction.

Li forgot to worry that the blasting rod was not lively enough. On a whim, he had already made black powder. To make fireworks, as long as different metal powders are added to black gunpowder, they can show various colors.

However, Datang does not have as many metal elements as later generations. Li forget worry can be used to make fireworks. He can only make a few simple colors.

For example, adding iron powder can emit yellow fireworks, and adding copper powder can show green.

But even so, Li forgot to worry that as long as he could make fireworks, it would be enough to shock Li Er and all the officials.

But how to make fireworks made Li forget to worry and stop scratching his head. He only knew the general principle, but he didn\'t really operate it in future generations.

Fortunately, it\'s still early. I\'m not in a hurry. I\'ll experiment slowly.

Led by Niu Wu and Niu Yong, he found a quiet place in the mansion. After playing drums for several days, he still didn\'t produce fireworks that could be set off, which made Li forget his worries and depressed.

This day, the fireworks experiment failed again. Li forgot to worry about it and ran to Dingzhou village for a walk.

He talked and laughed with the village\'s farmers and aunts, greeted them, chatted about family affairs, and taught those naughty bear children in the village a lesson. Li forgot to worry and his depressed mood got better again.

The negative hand wandered around the village, but unexpectedly saw his old housekeeper Li Heng arguing with the old village.

Li forgets worry curiously and sneaks over to hear what the two old men are arguing about?

"No, it\'s not negotiable. The cowherd in the house is lent to the village for farming. How can he be used to grind it? Don\'t you have more than ten cows in your village? Why do you use the cattle in the house?" Li Heng\'s loud voice heard him shouting before Li forget you approached.

The old villager smiled and said, "before the village, those were old cattle. How can you do these grinding work? The cattle can\'t be used and bad. Why are you so stingy, old man?"

"Bah, you old fellow, there are so many copper coins in the public accounts in the village. Go to the mule and horse market in Chang\'an city to buy cattle."

"Hey, hey, twenty cows in Lang Jun\'s house are kept in the village. Why waste copper money to buy cows? I have some money in my hand, but I dare not be so extravagant." the old village continued to advise, "why don\'t we give Lang Jun the rent of cattle?"

"Hum, who wants your little copper money? You\'re still a man of the old village. Haven\'t you heard of it? In winter and October, the cattle are cold and build a palace. Now it\'s October. How can the cattle work? It\'s time to conserve physical strength."

Li Qieyou sneaked up behind them and listened to the conversation between the two old men. He couldn\'t help laughing.

He suddenly made a noise, which frightened Li Heng and Lao Cun Zheng. When he saw that it was Li forgetting his worries, he hurriedly saluted.

Li Qieyou smiled and waved his hand: "I said, you two, are you free, just a few cows?"

The old village was laughing and said, "let me laugh at you. Housekeeper Li is trying to embarrass me. The old man is too small-minded. Didn\'t he win him some money in Mahjong yesterday? He deliberately fought against me today?"

Li Heng was exposed by the old village in front of Li Wangyou, and not from the old face: "nonsense, am I a mean person? Hum, yesterday I was not good at it, but I was so complacent!"

"I\'m not stingy. Just now I said that I\'m not allowed to use cattle to grind?" the old village was unreasonable and continued to expose Li Heng. He was so angry that Li Heng almost took up his sleeve to play with the old man.

Li forgets to worry to also know, these two old men are pure idle amuse sullen son, also don\'t bother to manage them. I was going to continue to walk my turn, go out for two steps, and suddenly turn back.

"Village, now the mills and mills in the village are pushed by big animals?"

The old village didn\'t know why, so he nodded and replied, "yes, thank you for the twenty Qianniu cows, Lang Jun. otherwise, the ten cows in the village are not willing to let them push and grind. When they were busy in previous years, they were pushed by the farmers themselves."

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help laughing: "I see, Li Heng, we don\'t lend our cattle to the village to grind."

His words immediately stunned old village Zheng and Li Heng.

Li Heng hurriedly said, "Lang Jun, there are no big animals in the village. How can we grind them? The old slave is just teasing the village. Don\'t take it seriously."

Old Murakami didn\'t know what to say. He could only rub his hands and look at Li forgetful. He didn\'t understand what he meant.

Now the village is naturally not as poor as it was and can\'t afford cattle. The old village just doesn\'t understand why Li forgets to worry suddenly.

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "Li Heng and Cun Zheng, I have a way to grind rice and noodles without human and animal resources. Do you believe it?"

His words naturally made Li Heng and Lao Cun Zheng look at each other and don\'t know how to answer