Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 573

In the water mill, the stone mill removed from the village by Carpenter Liu is installed.

The stone mill is very huge, with a diameter of about one meter and five meters. It used to take two Qianniu to pull it. Now, what is presented in front of everyone is the grinding plate that has been rotating under the push of the waterwheel.

"My mother, can this water really push the grinding plate?"

"You melon skin, didn\'t Murakami say just now? It\'s something made by Lang Jun. what\'s wrong?"

"Bah, you seem to be doubting just now?"

"Hey, hey, there\'s nothing wrong. You heard me wrong. How can I doubt what Lang Jun said?"

"Tut Tut, it\'s easy and convenient to pull the mill without mules, horses and cattle." a farmer immediately found the advantages of the water mill.

Pulling the mill with animals requires not only driving the animals, but also people have to follow the animals around the mill. Grinding a bucket of grain is not easy at all. Every time you grind a bucket of grain, you have to rest the animal power. After all, the cow will be tired.

If it is driven by manpower, it can only push a small mill, which can\'t be pushed by people. And with human power, the efficiency is even slower.

The hydraulic stone mill can grind grain by one person, and there is no need to walk at all. It just needs to constantly add grain to the stone mill. It\'s really too easy.

When the farmers were talking excitedly around the water mill, someone suddenly rushed out of the water mill.

Someone shouted curiously, "Zhao Sanlang, what are you running for?"

"Go back to move grain and grind noodles!"

Reminded by his words, the farmers immediately responded and stopped watching the mill. They all turned around and ran to their own house.

Not long after, there was a long line outside the water mill. Whether it was necessary to grind the surface or not, they used wheelbarrows to transport a bucket of grain. They planned to try the benefits of the water mill.

The huge stone mill grinds grain with amazing efficiency.

A bucket of grain can be ground into flour in more than ten minutes. However, to grind into fine flour, you usually have to grind it at least twice, which is only half an hour.

The water mill does not need to rest. It can be ground continuously, and the efficiency is naturally very high.

When Li forgot to worry and led Li Heng to check the water mill, a group of farmers in Dingzhou village gathered around and bowed to him.

"Lang Jun, this water mill is really easy to use. Thank you, Lang Jun, thank you."

"Lang Jun, you see, this is the mill I just grinded out. It\'s white and fine. This water mill is really good. It takes no effort to grind it out in a moment." Zhao Sanlang, the fastest runner, squeezed over, grabbed a handful of freshly grinded flour and said to Li forgetful.

"Ha ha, that\'s good. It\'s not in vain for me to let carpenter Liu work hard." Li forgetful laughed and hit Li Heng next to him with his elbow: "how about? Admit defeat in gambling? Move to your yard today. Don\'t be wordy!"

Li Heng was helpless and could only nod silently.

The water mill in Dingzhou village has become the most lively place in the village. All day long, all the men, women and children in the village would run to the water mill as long as they were free, staring at the grinding plate without blinking.

The news spread quickly. Yang Zuo, who got the news, rode again and hurried to Dingzhou village from Huxian county and went straight to the water mill.

"Ziyou, why don\'t you tell brother Wei that you\'ve made such a good thing?" Yang Zuo squatted in the water mill without image. He carefully visited the water mill all over, and then took Li forget you to complain.

Then he stretched out his hand: "where is the drawing of the water mill?"

Li forgot to worry very speechless rolled his eyes. Are these officials of the Tang Dynasty too conscious? How do you feel like you owe them something?

"Hey, brother Xuqing, what do you want to do with the drawings?" Li forgets to worry and pretends not to know.

Yang Zuan knew him well and naturally didn\'t eat his way: "of course, it\'s to promote and build this water mill in all villages of Huxian county. Ziyou, you don\'t want to ask me for money again? You are an uncle of Huxian county. You are also open-minded?"

Li forgets to worry and wonders, "Why are you sorry? Brother Xuqing, our friendship is friendship, and our business is business. We want the drawings of the water mill. Hey, hey, get something for it."

Yang Zuo pretended to be angry and said, "well, I\'ll give you more than 100 kilograms for my brother. How about it?"

Li forgot to worry, looked up and down at Yang Zuan, shook his head and said, "no, it\'s too old. It\'s not worth a few money!"

His words almost made Yang Zuo\'s nose crooked and gasped: "come on, what do you want to do, moth?"

Li forgets to worry and so on is what he said. Hei hei, the thief said with a smile: "not much, not much. I\'m not greedy. Help me build the road and change it. How about it?"

Yang Zui was stunned when he heard the speech: "build a road? What road?"

"The road from Dingzhou village to Huxian County, you parents of Huxian County, don\'t you find that this road is too bad? Every time it rains, it becomes a rotten mud pond. I can\'t go out. That road should have been repaired long ago!"

Li Wangyou make complaints about this.

The road from Dingzhou village to Huxian county is not official and lack of maintenance. Now it has long been in ruins. Moreover, the road is narrow and can only accommodate one carriage. If there is a carriage on the opposite side, you have to look for a wide place for the wrong car.

If it\'s OK to travel on horseback, but if you take a carriage, people will be knocked unconscious and suffer.

Now Dingzhou village is getting richer and richer, and there are more and more carriages. It\'s time to repair this road.

Li Qieyou had been thinking about this for a long time. When he met Yang Zuan today, he mentioned it by the way.

Yang Zui was startled by his words: "Ziyou, you\'re too open-minded. For a drawing of a water mill, you actually asked me to build this twenty mile long road for you? Do you know how much it costs to build this road?"

"Brother Xuqing, you are a dignified Qipin county magistrate. How can you be so stingy? Tut Tut, forget it. I know that you are also a poor man in the Ming government. I don\'t care about you. I\'ll pay for the cost of road construction myself, but you have to mobilize the corvee households in the county to help me build the road. Is that always OK?"

Being ridiculed by Li forgetful about his poverty, Yang Zuo was speechless. However, he could agree to the terms put forward by Li forgetful.

Anyway, the service households collected and issued by the county every year are basically used to build and maintain various facilities throughout the county. Of course, it is also possible for these servicemen to build roads.

Moreover, since Li forgets to worry about all the expenses, Yang Zuo certainly has no reason to refuse.

He pondered and nodded, "yes, I can agree to this condition."

Seeing that he had agreed, Li forgot to worry and quickly added, "I want to double the width of this road. The county has to solve the land occupied by the subgrade."

"You..." Yang Zui almost wanted to blow his beard again, but there were not too many farmland on both sides of the road from Huxian to Dingzhou village. Even if the subgrade is doubled, he estimates that the land that needs compensation from the county is more than 100 mu.

After this calculation, Yang Zuo decided to put up with it. Anyway, this road should be repaired. Especially now, Li Er still comes to Dingzhou village from time to time. The road is too bad to justify.

"I......" seeing Yang Zuo nodding and agreeing, Li forgets worry and opens his mouth to talk.

Yang Zui couldn\'t help it now. His saliva almost sprayed on Li forgetful worry\'s face: "Ziyou, you\'ve had enough!"

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders: "Hey, brother Xuqing, what\'s your hurry? I mean, I\'ll buy you a drink..."