Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 570

For the situation that the public carriage was not enough, it was the beautiful boss who solved the problem for Li forgetful.

She transferred more than 100 freight wagons from SF express, sent them to carpenter Liu\'s workshop for transformation, and re installed the wagons on the chassis of the freight wagons.

As a result, in a few days, there were more and more public carriages driving on the streets of Chang\'an city.

After experiencing the novelty of the public carriage, those early adopters will not rush to take the carriage, which gradually makes the operation of the public carriage tend to be normal.

However, even so, in a month, 200 public carriages earned a total of more than 4000 copper coins, which frightened the old villagers.

According to Li\'s agreement with the village, more than two thousand copper coins belong to the village. This year, the village can\'t take more than 20000 copper coins?

Even if 127 families in Dingzhou village share the income equally, each family can get more than 180 yuan, more than 10 yuan a month.

The old village suddenly felt that the money was too hot. If the dividends of Shunfeng express horse and cart company were included, wouldn\'t every family in Dingzhou village get about 300 copper coins a year?

Is this still a farmer\'s house?

Even those merchants who open shops in Chang\'an city earn 300 yuan a year. I\'m afraid they don\'t have much?

The old village is having a headache. Looking at the account book in his hand, he simply turns around and asks for Li to forget his worries.

After listening to the worry of old village Zheng, Li forgot to worry. He couldn\'t help laughing: "village Zheng, just take the money, just give it away, and hide it. What\'s the matter? I\'m going to turn Dingzhou village into the richest village in the Tang Dynasty, so that those people can envy it."

"Lang Jun, but it\'s too much money," said the old village with a bitter face.

Li Heng couldn\'t help but say: "you old fellow, don\'t be wordy. The money is not for you alone, but for 127 village households. If there\'s more money, bite your old fellow\'s hand or what? It\'s a lot to say! Go, go, don\'t bother Lang Jun. Lang Jun doesn\'t have time to talk to you. He\'s still busy thinking about celebrating the saint\'s birthday."

After being scolded by Li Heng for a while, old Murakami was naturally hard to say anything. He had to thank Li forgetful again and again and withdrew.

The village\'s farmers were stunned when they knew the income.

Who would have thought that Dingzhou village was still muddy half a year ago. Now not only do families live in green tile houses with bright windows, but they can also earn more than 20 copper coins a month.

This kind of thing was a dream at the beginning, which was unthinkable.

The village households did not dare to disturb Li forget you, so they ran silently to the door of Li forget you\'s residence and kowtowed to the door.

After Li forgets to worry about this, he is made to laugh and cry, but he can only go with the farmers.

But as Li Heng said, he was busy.

The 300 palace maids "cheated" from Li Er only took ten days. They were actually "taken" by the group of "hungry" old bachelors in their house.

Li forgot to worry about watching his 73 episodes, each leading a shy maid in waiting to kneel in front of him. When he begged him for perfection, he couldn\'t help jumping his temples a few times.

These old hooligans, NIMA, started too fast!

Thinking that he has not coaxed the beautiful boss to bed and carried out some physical and mental sports, Li forgets worry and feels relieved.

Why are these ladies in waiting so reserved?

How can these old hooligans get what they want so easily?

Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t think about it. The palace maids he took out from the palace originally wanted to marry people in the palace. Now that I\'ve finally left the forbidden Tai Chi palace, I can\'t go back.

If it were not for the fact that there were only 73 episodes in Li QIAOYOU\'s residence and the other servants and maids didn\'t like it, I\'m afraid none of the 300 people would go back. At that time, he really couldn\'t explain to Li Er.

You can\'t have the cheek to tell Li Er that the 300 palace maids were disobedient and were punished to marry, right? It\'s strange that Li Er doesn\'t go wild.

However, these palace maids were originally "cheated" by him to recruit relatives for these episodes. Now that others are interested in concubines, he naturally can\'t do that terrible thing.

"Come on, let\'s get up. I\'m sure of your marriage. As for the saints, I\'ll explain it. When seventy-three of you defected to me, I said I would give each of you a house. Naturally, sir, I can\'t eat my words. Just in time, I built more than 100 houses in Dingzhou village, so I\'ll send them to you to settle down."

Li\'s words of forgetting worries naturally made a number of episodes rejoice and kowtow again and again. The 73 palace maids were even more happy, and there were not a few who cried with joy.

They have seen all the benefits of Dingzhou village these days, and they envy those palace maids who can marry the old soldiers in the village.

Many palace maids are familiar with the 3000 palace maids who moved out of Li Er\'s palace before. Naturally, they go to their new home as passers-by. They yearn for those houses with complete supporting facilities.

They also hoped that they could leave the palace and live in such a house, but they just thought about it. But I didn\'t expect that today\'s dream can come true. How can I not be excited.

When Li Qieyou was building xindingzhou village, he only planned 120 courtyards. Later, however, he thought that he would recruit the episode again and had to prepare a house for the episode, so he simply asked the Ministry of work to expand the construction area and build more than 100 houses, but he thought that it was used now.

The two brothers, Niu Yong and Niu Wu, have already led their daughter-in-law to move into their new house. On weekdays, they take turns on duty at Li forgetful\'s residence. After being on duty, they can go home and make out with their daughter-in-law.

These two people are capable. Now the two daughters-in-law of the Niu family are pregnant, which makes Niu Yong and Niu Wu laugh all day.

A few days later, Dingzhou village became lively again. At one time, 73 new people got married, which is more than the first time that more than a dozen old soldiers got married with Niu Yong and Niu Wu.

The banquet of the wedding banquet was held in the village for three days. Naturally, the protagonist is the "pig killing banquet" that people can\'t get tired of.

Now it\'s not natural for Li to cook in person. Naturally, the cook in the house does it on his behalf. If he did it himself, everyone in the village would dare to use chopsticks.

In fact, 74 new couples got married, and the matter between Li Heng and Zhao\'s wife was also settled. However, the Zhao lady refused to say anything. She put on green wedding clothes and pasted gold foil and mother of Pearl with those palace maids.

In her words, she is a widow and a second marriage, which makes people laugh. Li Heng is thin skinned and afraid of being laughed at. He is not ashamed of his old age and is unwilling to handle marriage.

Li forgot to worry about them, so he had to give up. It\'s just that a few more cups of toast to the two "newlyweds" at the collective wedding can be regarded as a banquet. But that night, the Zhao family moved into Li Heng\'s room, which made Li forget his worries and secretly laugh.

As for the daughter of Zhao Jia\'s wife, the little Zhao Niang son has already married, and married the man who made a decision in Zhoucun. It is because she can\'t help worrying about her own, and can\'t help but make complaints about animals.

After finishing these trivial matters, Li forgot her worries and began to ponder. What the rest of the two hundred and twenty-seven ladies in the Palace should let them rehearse for what program can they make a good start at the time of Lee two birthday?