Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 567

Li forgot to worry about asking Li Er for a franchise. Naturally, he was afraid that others would see the benefits and build a carriage to compete with him.

This is a public carriage, but he is going to leave the "private plot" to the village households in Dingzhou. Naturally, he refuses to let others take a share. It is not only a public carriage in Chang\'an City, but also from Huxian county to Chang\'an city. He also plans to set up a public carriage for people to travel.

Li Er naturally saw his careful thinking and couldn\'t help shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "Ziyou, you are thinking about the long-term for your farmers."

"Hey, uncle, anyway, the farmers in Dingzhou village and their uncles are partners in business. They should always take care of one or two." Li forgot to worry about the thief smiled.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with his words. The royal family accounts for 50% of the members of Shunfeng carriage company, 30% of Li forget worry, and 20% of the members belong to Chang\'an enemy and Dingzhou village respectively. The minority shareholders are also shareholders.

"Well, you put forward this public carriage, and I did it. Your intention is that only your family experience is allowed in Chang\'an City, but I also have one condition."

"Uncle, please."

"Since you say two Wen is enough for the fare, you can\'t raise the price of the public carriage after it is put into use. How? Are you willing to agree?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded again and again: "this is nature, my nephew can guarantee."

Li Er nodded with satisfaction and agreed to Li forgetful\'s invitation. Although he had never seen any public carriage, he wanted to get many benefits after it appeared.

With the convenience of people\'s travel, the personnel exchanges in the city will be more frequent, and the vitality of the whole Chang\'an city will naturally increase. After thinking about the public carriage proposed by Li forgetful, Li Er secretly praised his nephew. He felt that his nephew was really talented and quick-minded. No one in the world could compare him.

Chang\'an city is not easy to live in, and it has been difficult for people to travel for a long time. But no one in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty could come up with such an incredible method like his 16-year-old nephew.

Li Er picked up his pen and wrote four large characters of "public carriage" on the paper. He looked around and was very satisfied.

"Ziyou, I\'ll give you this word. Don\'t let me down."

Li forgot to worry and quickly took Li Er\'s calligraphy with both hands: "don\'t worry, uncle. In ten days, this public carriage will appear in Chang\'an city. I can guarantee this."

In fact, the public carriage is not Li\'s idea. As early as the 19th century, the public carriage appeared in Paris.

The appearance of public carriage also promoted the development of the city, shortened the distance between the city and adjacent villages and towns, and made more frequent exchanges.

Leaving, Li Er went out of the Tai Chi palace, and Niu Wuhe came back with dozens of carriages. Many Hu stools were temporarily placed on these carriages. With the help of a series of dramas, the palace maids boarded the carriages one after another and went to Dingzhou village.

These episodes of Li\'s house were even more attentive, riding around the carriage, talking and laughing with the maidens on the carriage.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head. These old singles are really not reserved!

After the carriage team returned to Dingzhou village, the beautiful boss asked Li Heng and the maidservant in the house to settle the 300 palace maids, and pulled Li forgetful aside.

"Forget your worries, what are you doing with so many palace maids?" the beauty\'s boss\'s face was slightly ugly.

Li forgot to worry and quickly explained the matter again. Finally, he sighed: "Hey, it\'s too difficult for my family to marry a daughter-in-law. I broke my heart to marry a daughter-in-law for the Ministry of the house. These 300 palace maids, see who is willing to marry those old singles, and stay. I\'m going to let them rehearse a festival for Li Shimin\'s birthday in two months."

Find out Li\'s plan and know that he misunderstood him. The beautiful boss was embarrassed to spit out his tongue. She thought it was Li forgetful. She thought there were not enough women in the house. She asked Li Er to expand the "back Palace".

As soon as Li forgot to worry about the change in her expression, she knew that the beauty\'s boss wanted to be crooked. He couldn\'t help pretending to be angry and said, "shit! Changqing, you don\'t think I\'m going to get these 300 palace maidens back and enjoy them for yourself? You\'re too evil!"

"Bah, people don\'t think so. Don\'t talk nonsense." the beauty\'s boss blushed and quickly turned off the topic: "forget your worries. You think very well, but these palace maids can\'t be left by you without permission? You\'re not afraid of Li Shimin. He\'ll settle accounts with you?"

"Hei hei, I have thought of it for a long time. I asked him if these palace maids would be at my disposal if they didn\'t obey me. Haha, then I said that those palace maids didn\'t listen to the count and were punished by me. They were punished to marry the music of my house and were not allowed to return to the palace in the future. Wow, haha, Li Shimin, he can\'t eat his words and get fat? He said it himself Ah. "

The beauty boss turned his eyes in silence: "thanks to you. Hum, you see, Li Shimin will definitely settle with you."

"Hey, hey, don\'t worry about him. Anyway, when people get married, can he go back?" Li forgets worry and says indifferently.

"What program are you going to have these palace maids rehearse?"

"I haven\'t thought about it yet? The song and dance drama? The choir? You can help me think about it. Anyway, why do you want to enjoy it?" Li Shimin said. "Why are you afraid of Li Shimin?"

The beauty boss is speechless. The goods don\'t regard the emperor as a cadre.

"By the way, Changqing, I came up with another idea today..." Li forgot to worry about the public carriage again, but he heard the beautiful boss nodding again and again.

"That\'s a good idea. Chang\'an city is too big. It\'s really difficult to walk without horses. I think the public carriage can work. Are you going to let the farmers in Dingzhou village drive the public carriage instead?"

"Well, I think so. Now they often travel long distances to transport goods. They can\'t go home for a few days after going out. It\'s very hard. It\'s far better to drive a public carriage in Chang\'an City, which is close to Dingzhou village and can go back and forth every day." Li forgets worry.

The beauty boss nodded: "I think it\'s OK. I\'ll ask someone to invite Lao cunzheng and discuss it later. Since you promised Li Shimin to put it into operation within ten days, hurry up."

Li forgets worry naturally to have no objection, and immediately asks people to invite the old village to invite them.

Before long, old village Zheng, carpenter Liu and several respected old people in the village came to his residence.

"Lang Jun, summon the old man and others, but what\'s the matter?"

With a smile, Li forgot to worry and showed the ink treasure of Li\'s second-hand book to the public: "village chief, you abbots, this is the ink treasure written by the sage. Today, you are invited to change the livelihood of the village farmers and run this public carriage."

His words made Lao Cun Zheng and others look at each other.

The public carriage is a new thing that no one has heard of, but Li forgets to worry, but he doesn\'t intend to let qingzhuang in the village become a driver in the four-wheel carriage business, which makes people hesitate.

The village\'s farmers drive carriages in the carriage shop. Although they work hard, they earn a lot. They can earn 200 Wen a day and six times a month, which is the same as the monthly salary of the second-class leaders in the current Dynasty.

If we change to run a public carriage, can we still have such benefits?

But since this matter was put forward by Li Lianyou, Lao cunzheng and they naturally have no reason to refuse.

As soon as the old village was gritting his teeth, he nodded and agreed: "it\'s all according to what Lang said. Dingzhou village doesn\'t dare to talk nonsense. Don\'t worry, lang. who has any complaints about this matter? I\'ll kill the bastard myself!"

"Yes, the village is right. Whoever has complaints will be driven out of the village. Such ungrateful people, we will not let Zhou Village!" a group of elders in the village echoed one after another.

Li Qieyou was stunned when he heard the speech, and then laughed