Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 566

After thanking Li Er, Li forgot to worry and asked, "uncle, if these palace maids are not obedient, can my nephew have the right to deal with them?"

Li Er didn\'t take it seriously and waved to him: "I\'ll give it to you. Naturally, it\'s up to you to deal with it. Anyone who doesn\'t obey discipline will be killed."

Li forgot to worry and so on. After thanking Li Er again, he hurriedly pulled Mituo out of the Lizheng hall and was ready to choose palace maids.

"I dare ask Huxian uncle, what kind of maid do you need? I\'ll let someone know in advance."

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "naturally, we need those who are good at singing and dancing and are good at all kinds of musical instruments. Don\'t be too young. It\'s better to be over 20 years old. It\'s best to be a palace maid who is willing to leave the palace and marry someone."

His words stunned Mito. He didn\'t understand what Li forgot to worry about.

It\'s easy to understand that you should be good at singing dance instruments, but what should you do if you are old and willing to go out of the palace and marry? What does this have to do with the birthday gift to Li Er?

"Huxian uncle, why can\'t I understand you?"

"Don\'t ask, it\'s a secret. Do you know the secret? I didn\'t say it when the sage asked me. There was no surprise when I said it." Li forgets to worry about where he is willing to tell Mituo the truth. Naturally, he sent him away vaguely.

Mituo had no choice but to take him to Taichang Temple according to what Li forgetful sorrow said. From them, 300 palace maids who were good at singing and dancing, old and willing to marry were selected and handed over to Li forgetful sorrow to take him out of the temple.

Seeing Li forgetful sorrow entering the Tai Chi palace, when he came out, he was followed by hundreds of beautiful women of all colors, waiting outside the palace gate for Li forgetful sorrow\'s Niu Wu and his trilogy. His eyes were wide.

Li Qieyou kicked Niu Wu angrily: "it\'s just for them to have a look. You\'re a man with a daughter-in-law. Look at the fart! Go back carefully and I\'ll talk to your mother-in-law and aunt."

"Lang Jun, no, no, hey hey, I\'ll just look at it for the brothers, hey hey." Niu Wu quickly smiled and begged for mercy.

Li forgot to worry and stared at him angrily: "go to Dongshi and let the farmers drive the carriage, otherwise you can\'t go back to Dingzhou village today."

"Mr. Lang, which four wheeled carriages do you want the little ladies to take? Those are goods carts." Niu Wu muttered.

"Nonsense, if you don\'t take those four-wheel carriages, can you carry them back? There are 300 palace maids here. Where can I find so many horses? You ask the farmers to find more Hu stools and put them in the carriage. By the way, go back and talk to Mrs. Su and Li Heng first. Let them prepare. These 300 palace maids will stay in the house for two or three months."

After Li forgot his worries, Niu Wu naturally had to do it. He arranged a trilogy to report back to Dingzhou village first, and then hurried to Shunfeng carriage company in Dongshi.

While waiting for the carriage to arrive, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly thought, should he get some passenger carriage out?

Before, he asked carpenter Liu to build many luxury versions of "four wheeled carriages" and gave them to a group of national leaders, including empress Chang sun, which was greatly appreciated and thanked by everyone.

Nowadays, there are more and more people in Chang\'an City who entrust craftsmen to imitate these four-wheel carriages, but the customers are all distinguished officials and rich businessmen.

In Chang\'an City, ordinary people still rely on the "No. 11" bus and walk. After all, there are still a few people who can afford to raise mules and horses, and even in the big Chang\'an City, it takes a little while to go shopping in the East and West cities.

Li forgets to worry about it. The reason why the East and West markets don\'t start business at noon is that customers go out early in the morning. When they get to the East and West markets, it\'s just noon

Public transport system, it seems to be a money business.

Nowadays, there are more and more carriages in Shunfeng carriage line, and the farmers in Dingzhou village are already out of use.

The beauty boss has also "recruited" the driver several times, and there is an endless stream of drivers who come to apply. After all, the income of the driver of the carriage shop is envious.

The business of the carriage shop is getting bigger and bigger, and the scope of freight is as far as Yinzhou. The beauty boss is also ready to continue to expand the scope of freight.

It\'s a long haul and makes more money, but the farmers in Dingzhou village have less time to go home.

Recently, Li forgets worry that young people are not common in the village, which is not what he wants to see. So he has been thinking about how to help the village farmers find a career that can make money without going away.

Today, he was inspired to transport 300 palace maids back to the village. This "bus" is also a profitable business.

At the thought of this, Li forgot to worry and explained to the trilogy, and turned back to the Tai Chi palace.

Li Er was surprised to see Li forgetting his worries and returning from the legislative palace.

"Ziyou, why are you still busy?"

"Uncle, I just thought of it and came to tell my uncle."

"What\'s up?"

"Uncle, now the population of Chang\'an city is nearly one million. However, among the people, only a few can raise mules and horses. In the great Chang\'an City, people are very distressed because it is inconvenient to travel."

Hearing the speech, Li Er was slightly stunned and nodded slowly: "Ziyou\'re right. I\'ve heard some complaints from many people. But I can\'t help it. Chang\'an city is so big that I can\'t send a mule and horse to each of them."

Li forgot to worry, rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "uncle, my nephew has a way to solve the rare problem of people\'s travel in Chang\'an city. I wonder if my uncle is interested?"

Li Er asked curiously, "what\'s your plan? Tell me quickly."

"Public carriage."

"What is a public carriage?" Li Er didn\'t understand.

He understood the word "public", which was explained in the historical records as "the Dharma maker and the son of heaven are also public in the world". It means public and public. But how did the carriage become public?

"Uncle, my nephew plans to build a batch of carriages with built-in benches for riding. They can drive back and forth according to the fixed route in Chang\'an city. When people need it, they can reach out and stop, arrive at the place they want to go, and get off at any time. The fare is also very cheap. My nephew thinks two Wen is enough for one. In this way, the rare problem of travel for people in the city can be solved."

Li Er thought over Li\'s words carefully, nodded and shook his head: "Ziyou, your method is very good. With this public carriage, the problem of people\'s travel in Chang\'an city can be solved. But I don\'t think your public carriage only charges two Wen. Isn\'t it too little? I\'m afraid it\'s not enough for the monthly salary of the driver and the forage money for horses? I\'m worried that the public carriage won\'t last long. I might as well charge more fare."

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

The bus of later generations only costs two yuan. I charge two Wen, which is equivalent to about eight yuan. Li Er is too little! Despise him!

He can only patiently explain: "Uncle, there seems to be very little two Wen money, but the accumulated sand makes a tower. There is no problem with a four-wheel carriage carrying ten people. In Changan City of Nuo Da, there is not much investment in 200 bus carriages. In other words, even if these carriages only run once, they are four copper coins. But the passengers can get up and down at any time, both far and near. With the carriage, they can open the square door and arrive in one day When the evening drum rings, I\'ve been running on the road. My nephew estimates that based on 200 public carriages, the daily income will not be less than 100 Guan, which is enough for expenses. "

Li Er was stunned. He didn\'t expect to have so many benefits.

"Yes, in that case, you can build this public carriage as soon as possible. I\'m looking forward to it."

Li forgot to worry but said with a smile: "uncle, my nephew wants to ask you for a royal edict."

"What imperial edict?"

"Hey, hey, franchise in Chang\'an city."