Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 568

Li forgot to worry and smiled so that Lao Murakami and others didn\'t know why. They didn\'t understand what they said. What\'s funny.

The beauty boss also covered her mouth and said with a smile: "you don\'t think that operating this public carriage is less profitable, sir?"

Lao Cun Zheng and carpenter Liu looked at each other and felt that they might want to fork over. The old village was quickly bowing to Li forgetful and said, "old man and others are stupid. Please make it clear."

They really don\'t know what Li Qieyou means by public carriage.

Li Qieyou reached out and handed over a drawing, which was a schematic sketch he had just simply drawn.

The figure shows a four-wheel carriage. The difference is that the carriage box is high enough for a person to stand in it. There are two benches on the left and right sides, and some wooden poles in the middle of the carriage.

Carpenter Liu looked for a long time and didn\'t know why.

This carriage is obviously not used to pull goods. However, it is completely different from the "luxury" carriages built by Li forgetful before. It is not only very simple, but also he doesn\'t understand what the wooden poles in the middle are used for.

"Mr. Lang, what is the purpose of this public carriage? I\'m sorry I\'m old and stupid. I don\'t understand." the old village asked.

"The seats on both sides are for passengers to sit and rest. The wooden pole in the middle allows people to stand in the carriage and hold it with their hands to avoid falling," Li said with a smile

Carpenter Liu finally understood it under Li forgetful\'s explanation, but he was still puzzled and asked, "Lang Jun, this public carriage is used to pull people? Where is it used?"

Li Qieyou smiled and explained the concept of public carriage to Lao cunzheng and others. Finally, they suddenly realized it and couldn\'t help clapping their hands.

"OK, this method is really good! The old man of Chang\'an City has been there several times. It\'s too big. It takes a few hours to walk from the city to the east city. Lang Jun\'s method is great. This public carriage must be very popular."

"Yes, that\'s right. Mr. Lang really came down to earth with Wenqu stars in the sky. I can think of all these methods. Tut Tut, this public carriage is really great."

Old village is a little confused: "Lang Jun, it\'s only two Wen at a time. Isn\'t it too cheap?"

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. Why is this old man the same as Li Er\'s goods? They all dislike that two Wen is too little.

He could only calculate the expected income of the public carriage to Lao Murakami and others, but the old men became happy. As long as the public carriage can make money, they believe that Li forget worry will not lose the farmers.

Finally, Li forgot to worry and said, "I\'m going to partner with the village in the sale of the public carriage in Chang\'an city. What do you think of the old village and several old men?"

"Mr. Lang, you are praising us. We have no reason to refuse. I will treat 127 farmers. Thank you for your kindness." the old village is bowing down to thank him. Naturally, he knows that this is Li forgetful and giving money to their village.

"That\'s good. In that case, I\'ll pay for the cost of building carriages and purchasing horses. I\'ll divide the income by 50-50. My house and the village each account for half. As for how much the farmers who drive the car take, it\'s up to the village leader to discuss."

Li\'s forgetful words startled the old village. They quickly stood up and waved their hands back and forth: "Lang Jun, this can\'t be done, it can\'t be done. The village can take 10% of it. How dare you share it equally with Lang Jun? It doesn\'t make sense where this goes."

"Yes, Mr. Lang, there are too many to make."

"There\'s no gentleman. You\'ve given all your capital. We can\'t reap profits by sitting on it."

Li forgot to worry and rubbed his temples with a headache. These old men are too stubborn.

"Well, the village also pays half the cost, and then 50-50. That\'s it. One more word, I won\'t do this business."

Now Dingzhou village is not short of money. At the beginning, the enemy took out a large amount of copper money and bought a part from the old village Zheng. With the share of Shunfeng carriage company for more than half a year, there is a lot of money in the public account of the village.

Seeing that Li forget you said so firmly, Lao Cun Zheng could only thank Li forget you again and again and settled the matter.

Carpenter Liu slapped his chest: "I\'ll go back and start building this carriage immediately to ensure that I won\'t delay my husband."

Now Li forgets worry and asks carpenter Liu to build more and more things, including the surrounding villages and towns, to find carpenter Liu to build their own waterwheel, carriage and other objects. The carpenter Liu was also shrewd. He simply recruited many apprentices from the village and surrounding villages and set up the first carpentry workshop in Dingzhou village.

His three sons became masters in the workshop, led a group of apprentices to make all kinds of objects, and their business was very prosperous.

There are nearly 200 farmers in Dingzhou village who are drivers in Shunfeng carriage shop. Within ten days, carpenter Liu\'s carpentry workshop could not build so many public carriages. However, Li forgot to worry and pushed more than 200 public carriages to Chang\'an city.

After ten days, about 50 public carriages can be put into operation, and the initial demand can be met.

After the establishment of the public carriage in Chang\'an city was determined, the farmers in Dingzhou village naturally smiled.

It\'s also better to drive a carriage and a public carriage in Chang\'an city than running on the road in the wind and rain every day. What\'s more, you don\'t have to go far. You can drive the carriage back to Dingzhou village after work every day. Why not.

Li Qieyou also made several trips to Chang\'an City in recent days. He found Cui Luo and Lu Dejing. Facing the map of Chang\'an City, they planned a preliminary road map for the operation of public carriages.

Cui Luo and Lu Dejing were completely convinced of Li\'s "tossing" ability. This thing was one after another.

Only a few days after the storm over the construction of road toilets in Chang\'an City, the Huxian uncle made another public carriage.

However, Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing, two county magistrates of Chang\'an City, have to admit that what Li forgets to worry about is good.

Needless to say, since 300 road toilets have been put into use, coupled with the supervision of Yamen servicemen and Marquis Wu, the situation of defecating everywhere is no longer seen. There are no yellow and white things in the streets, and there are even fewer flies and mosquitoes.

This public carriage is a good thing. It can facilitate travel for only two Wen. Naturally, it is also a good thing for the country and the people.

But both of them couldn\'t understand why Li forgot to worry about the running route of the public carriage and why the strange terms "one-way public carriage" and "two-way public carriage" were used.

Li forgets worry and naturally doesn\'t bother to explain. Of course, it\'s just his bad taste attack. Li is always happy to bring all kinds of shadows to future generations in the Tang Dynasty.

Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing didn\'t go deep into why these public carriages had to be called "so and so public carriages". They just asked a question, which made Li forget his worries and depressed.

"Huxian uncle, most of the people are illiterate. I\'m afraid it won\'t work if you write so and so on your carriage? Not to mention the carriage platform, no one can understand the words above."

Li forgot to worry and was speechless. Ma egg, I forgot this crop. Datang is now full of illiterates