Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 565

Tang people are different from later generations. Due to good medical conditions and adequate nutrition, 48 is at most a middle-aged person.

The World Health Organization of later generations even classified those under the age of 44 as young people and those between 45 and 59 as middle-aged.

Li Heng is 48 years old, but he has just entered middle age.

Li also remembers that historians studied the average life expectancy of the ancients. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the average life expectancy was only in its forties. Li Heng is forty-eight years old. He is really not young in the eyes of the Tang people.

As for the long-lived elderly like Yu Shinan and Sun Simiao, they are already a human honor and can not be generalized.

Perhaps it was a lifetime of hard work. In Li\'s eyes, Li Heng, 48, was as old as an old man in his sixties.

He never asked Li Heng\'s age, and the memory of the central plains body owner seemed unclear. He only knew that when he was born, Li Heng was already an old man in his family and had served Li Zhou for many years.

But like Li Heng, he didn\'t understand what Lao Cun was asking Li Heng about his age.

Lao Cun Zheng smiled: "Housekeeper Li hasn\'t got a wife yet? Have you seen lady Zhao in the village? Lady Zhao is 33 years old and looks beautiful. In her early years, the man was also a soldier of the government. She was unlucky and didn\'t come back. The lady Zhao pulled her daughter to grow up and has been widowed until now. Hey hey, now the lady Zhao looks at you, an old man, but I don\'t know whether housekeeper Li is a good family or not ……”

Old Murakami didn\'t finish what he said, but Li forgetful and Li Heng immediately understood what he meant. Do you want to be a matchmaker?

As for asking whether Li Heng is a good or a slave, this is naturally the prerequisite for the Zhao lady\'s willingness to remarry.

If Li Heng is a slave, even if she secretly admires the old man Li Heng, she will not choose to marry. After all, if she marries a slave, she and her descendants will become slaves.

Before Li Heng could speak, Li forgot to worry and nodded again and again: "Liangji, of course, is Liangji. Li Heng is only the housekeeper of my family, not a servant. Lao Murakami, the lady of the Zhao family, but the lady of the Zhao who once sold pigs to me?"


"Well, that Zhao xiaoniang is a diligent girl, and the Zhao family\'s wife is also well-developed. Li Heng, ha ha, it\'s not cheap for you? Now she has her daughter-in-law and daughter."

Li Heng blushed at what they said: "no, Lang Jun, I, this, this can\'t be."

"Why not? You don\'t like the Zhao lady, or do you dislike that others have daughters?" Li forgets to worry and stares.

Li Heng quickly waved his hand: "no, I don\'t dislike it. What the old slave means..."

"What kind of slave? I\'ve already given you your release and exemption document! Don\'t talk nonsense! Today I\'ll go to the county government and go through the naturalization formalities with Master Liu. If you can\'t do it well, don\'t go back to the government."

When he was still in his old house in Huxian County, Yang Zui wanted to ask for debt, but Li forgot to worry, but he spared all the slaves and maidservants in the house for good, which made Yang Zui half dead.

The release and exemption document written to Li Heng at that time was torn to pieces by the stubborn old man.

At that time, Li forgot that he had nothing to do with him, but since he was granted a title and paid off his debts, he wrote another release and exemption document to Li Heng. However, Li Heng didn\'t want to get rid of his nationality, so he kept delaying going to the county government.

Li forgot to worry and looked at the old village chief: "village chief, I promised Li Heng about it. Please ask the Zhao lady. If there\'s no problem, I\'ll let the matchmaker come to the door, hire three and six gifts, and let Li Heng marry her."

The old village was grinning and said, "the widow\'s family, where can I ask for three hires and six gifts? It\'s like a banquet. Naturally, the Zhao family is willing. It\'s her blessing to marry housekeeper Li. Leave it to the old man to ensure that it\'s done properly."

When Li Heng saw his husband and the old village, he told him about his wife in a few words. His old face was even more ashamed.

"No, I can\'t. I\'m old enough. How can I delay the Zhao family."

Li forgot his worries and didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. He took care of himself and discussed with Lao cunzheng how to hire him and how to greet him.

After the discussion, Li forgot his worries and was full of joy. He was going to invite everyone back to his house, but he felt that all the episodes behind him seemed to be looking at himself.

He turned his head and looked, but a few sad eyes came

What does that mean?

Li forgets to worry about being looked at by his family\'s trilogy. It took a long time to finally react. NIMA, these old singles heard that Li Heng was going to marry a daughter-in-law. I\'m afraid they all wanted to marry a wife?

Ma Dan, it seems that he promised them to introduce the palace maid to be their daughter-in-law... He has long forgotten this.

Come on, no one can stand without faith. As the master of his own hall, he can\'t deceive a number of episodes.

Li forgot to worry and simply did not go back to his house. Seeing that it was still early, he led a series of episodes to Chang\'an city.

In the legislative palace, Li Er is reading the memorial to deal with official business. It\'s strange to hear that Mituo came to report Li forgetting his worries and asking for an audience.

"Ziyou, why are you free to come to see me in the palace today? But something happened?"

Li forgot to worry, touched his nose and said with a smile, "it\'s all right, it\'s all right. I just miss my uncle. I came to the palace to visit my uncle."

Li Er looked up at him with a smile: "it\'s really all right? If it\'s all right, go back. I have to deal with official business. I don\'t have time to chat with you."

Li QIAOYOU, NIMA, can\'t you be polite?

He thought about how to ask Li Er for 73 palace maids. Ask directly. He\'s afraid he\'ll be beaten by Li Er.

On that day, in order to solicit the episode, he boasted that he would "match" their palace daughter-in-law, but it was simple and difficult.

Although there are thousands of maids in the Tai Chi palace, not everyone can peep. Usually, Li Er will only reward those meritorious officials with several stunning palace people.

There are many maids in the Tai Chi palace who are willing to leave the palace and marry others.

Let alone 73, that\'s 730. It\'s easy to get together.

But the key is how can Li Er give so many maids to Li forgetting worry for no reason? What\'s more, he still betrothed to his family\'s episode as his wife. If this matter comes out, where will Li Er\'s face go?

Therefore, Li forgets to worry. Naturally, he can\'t talk like this. He directly asks Li Er for the maid of honor. He must save the country by curving the curve and attack the Guo State under the false path. He turned his eyes a few times and finished the abdominal manuscript in his heart.

"Uncle, I entered the palace today, but I also have something to tell my uncle."


"Uncle, my uncle\'s birthday will be in two months. I want to give my uncle a special birthday gift, so I want to borrow some hands from my uncle when I enter the palace today."

Li Er\'s birthday is the fifth day of December, that is, December 22 of the lunar calendar. It is still more than two months from now.

Li\'s words aroused Li Er\'s interest. He put down his memorial and said with a smile, "Ziyou has a heart. I don\'t know what you want to give me? What do you want to borrow?"

"Hey, uncle, isn\'t it meaningless to say this birthday gift? Let me keep it a secret and give my uncle a surprise when my uncle\'s birthday? I want to borrow 300 palace maids to prepare the birthday gift."

Li forgot to worry about this, but Li Er didn\'t think much about it. He just looked up and laughed: "OK, OK, I\'ll wait for Ziyou\'s gift. You can tell Mituo what you need, and choose by yourself."

"Thank you, uncle!" Li forgot to worry and bowed quickly, but he was happy