Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 564

In Guangde square near the west city of Chang\'an, a group of petty officials like wolves and tigers smashed open the gate of Luo\'s house and rushed in.

The family members, housekeepers, maidservants and servants in Luohui house did not know what had happened, so they were all captured by the Baiqi division, took down the prison and interrogated severely.

Luo Hui worked hard to pick up the dung. His family wealth was copied out and his residence was closed.

However, Luo Hui\'s whereabouts are unknown and he has not been caught. All counties and counties in the Tang Dynasty have posted notices to arrest Luo Hui, but he seems to have evaporated from the world and disappeared.

Li forgets to worry but surreptitiously guesses that this Luo Hui has not been killed by Hou Junji?

For the experience of Luohui, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t sympathize at all. He doesn\'t care whether the account books related to Hou Junji are found in Luohui\'s residence. It doesn\'t matter at all.

What if you find it?

With Li Er\'s trust in Hou Junji, he was greedy for some dung money. It was just a reprimand and a fine of copper. Li forget worry and Li Er\'s small report on Hou Junji is more to make Li Er have an "greedy" impression on Hou Junji, so as to lay a foreshadowing for the future.

Now, without the obstacles of Hou Junji and Luo Hui, farmers in Huxian county go to Chang\'an city to pick up dung. There are no waves any more. A continuous stream of gold waste every day is transported by dung trucks to the States and counties around Chang\'an City in exchange for a large amount of copper money.

After busy with these things, it has come to the golden autumn October, the most important day of the year.

However, due to the locust plague this year, there was no joy of harvest in Guanzhong road. On the contrary, every family sighed.

Most of the wheat fields that used to yield one stone per mu can now harvest four or five Dou. Even many fields have only a few two or three Dou of harvest this year.

This harvest, let alone paying rent, is not enough, even if it is reserved for the family\'s rations for the coming year.

Ma Zhou played Li Er and asked for a reduction of the land rent in Guanzhong road and yongdiao this year. Li Er nodded and agreed. He made a decree that all States and counties in Guanzhong road would be exempted from land rent and granted amnesty to the world.

The autumn harvest has nothing to do with the people of Huxian county.

With the full cooperation of Yang Zuan, all 100000 people in Huxian county changed to winter rice. Originally, the people were worried and felt that this matter was very unreliable. After planting all my life, I planted rice seedlings in September for the first time.

Many farmers sowed while weeping, feeling that the seedlings could not be planted at all.

But to everyone\'s surprise, all the rice seedlings sown in the field survived. Now the rice seedlings in the fields are green, which gives Huxian people a glimmer of hope.

Among the hundreds of villages in Huxian County, the only one that has not changed to rice is Dingzhou village, which is now busy with autumn harvest.

Li forgot to worry about the ducks he had fed, but he made great contributions.

In the case of no wheat in the surrounding villages, the wheat field in Dingzhou village was basically saved, with a maximum reduction of 12%.

So when Huxian county government asked people to burn wheat fields and change to rice, they only bypassed the fields in Dingzhou village.

Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to farming. Even now, the farmers in Dingzhou village don\'t rely on the output of the field to eat, but when the autumn harvest comes, everyone still goes to the field and is busy collecting the hard income of a year.

Even in later generations, white-collar workers who came from rural areas, dressed brightly on weekdays and worked in office buildings in various cities will still ask for leave and run back to their hometown to help cut wheat and rice at the autumn harvest.

This is already a deep-rooted belief of the Chinese people.

Li forgot to worry about this. Now there are many people in his house, so he naturally wants to help the village.

Early in the morning of the autumn harvest, Li Qieyou led Niu Wu, Niu Yong and a group of family servants down to the fields in the village to help harvest wheat.

Even the beauty boss led the old housekeeper, Perrin, Aphrodite and a group of maidservants in the house to help.

It\'s very lively for those who send water to pick up ears of wheat.

Li forgot to worry symbolically cut a few clumps of wheat and was so tired that he sweated heavily that he couldn\'t straighten his waist. The old village hurriedly advised him to take a rest.

The beauty boss waved to him in the shade of the tree: "hee hee, didn\'t someone boast to me that he was a rural baby? Why can\'t he do so twice? Your body is weak enough."

She was ridiculed by her boss for her physical weakness. She was so angry that Li forgot to worry. She almost wanted to pull her back to the house immediately to prove her ability. However, this can only be thought about.

Li forgot to worry and gave her a white look: "nonsense, when I was young, my family harvested manually, but it was not my turn to work at that time. When I was old, the village would harvest mechanically. Every autumn harvest, there was a harvest army, driving a harvester to work. Only a hundred yuan per mu of land was harvested. Who was full and worked hard to harvest?"

"Hum, sophistry! In the final analysis, you are too weak. You are so small that you don\'t know where the courage came from. You dare to kill three Japanese people in a row."

As soon as the conversation wind of the beauty\'s boss turned, he brought up the matter again, which made Li forget his worries. He had to touch his nose and stop talking.

On that day, when he was in Taiwan prison, he drew a knife and killed three Japanese people. Naturally, the beauty boss knew it at the first time.

To this end, the beauty boss was so scared that she didn\'t sleep well for several nights, had nightmares, and had to comfort pelan, who was also frightened. After seeing Li forget you again, the beauty boss, regardless of her reserve, directly rushed into his arms and cried for a long time, which made Li forget you feel the feeling of a nephrite in his arms.

However, after the beauty boss vented his emotions, he was a "female power" and taught Li forgetful a lesson for a long time. He didn\'t let him go until Li forgetful repeatedly promised that he would never be so impulsive again.

So seeing the beauty boss mention it again, Li forgets worry can only shut up so as not to get angry again.

Nearly 100 people in Li\'s house helped harvest, and with the thresher made by Li, the harvest speed in the village was very fast. A bucket of wheat was put into sacks and pulled back to the granaries of each family and government in the village by carriage.

The village has been very lively these two days. Everyone smiles constantly. The autumn harvest is always pleasant.

Old village Zheng found Li forgetful again: "Lang Jun, now that the autumn harvest is over, when do you think it\'s appropriate to send this year\'s field rent to your house?"

Li was stunned by the old man\'s words, and then he reacted.

Now Dingzhou village is the capital household of his real food city, the uncle of Huxian county. Now the farmers don\'t have to pay the rent to the government, but give it to his master.

Li forgot to worry and quickly waved to the old man, "what else do you have to pay? Keep them all by yourself. Do I still lack your three melons and two dates? Keep them all by myself. In the future, the village will not collect field tax."

His words naturally startled the old village Zheng and waved his hands again and again: "it\'s not allowed, it\'s not allowed, it\'s against the rules! Lang Jun, how can this field tax not be collected? This..."

The old housekeeper Li Heng was also happy and pushed the old village chief: "what\'s the noise, you farmhouse Lang? I worry about how to stack the copper money in the house every day. How can I care about the food and cloth you pay? Are you tired to death? If you say no, you won\'t. don\'t talk about it."

Li Heng and Lao Cun Zheng are also joking. During the past six months when they moved to Dingzhou village, the two old men have a very close relationship and often meet to drink old wine and chat together.

Now there is nothing missing in the house, and his husband is promoted to Kaiguo County uncle, which makes Li Heng energetic every day. His gray hair has turned black and looks much younger.

Old Murakami was naturally not annoyed by his words. He could only sigh with emotion that he was blessed by the ancestors of Zhoucun. It was a blessing for several generations to meet a master like Li forgetful.

After generations of farmers thanked Li for forgetting his worries, the old village looked at Li Heng again and suddenly grinned: "housekeeper Li, you Geng this year?"

Li Heng was stunned. He didn\'t understand what the old village was asking, "I have eight out of forty."

His words startled Li.

Nima, Li Heng is only 48? He always thought that the old man, oh, should not be uncle, has been more than 60