Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 563

Li Er glared angrily at Li forgetful. Knowing that this was not the place to talk, he motioned Li forgetful to go with him and drive back to the Tai Chi palace. Naturally, the hand-operated generator was also taken back by Li Er motioning Mituo.

Seeing that it was still early, Li forgot to worry. He quickly said hello to the dandies and asked them to arrange for the farmers to pick up the dung today. Don\'t delay the time to make money.

As for Hou Junji, his face was uncertain at this time. He stood among the officials and looked at Li forgetful very badly.

Li forgot to worry and occasionally looked at him. Seeing his face, he was not afraid, but laughed more and more happily.

After following Li Er back to the political palace of Taiji palace, Li Er asked Mituo to move the hand-operated generator and turn around the wooden box for several times.

After asking Li forgetful, he motioned Mituo to open the wooden box. After carefully looking at the structure inside, he was greatly disappointed.

Sure enough, it\'s not a fairy baby. It\'s just some copper wires wrapped around the magnet. There\'s no mystery.

In fact, this is the second hand-operated generator built by Li forget worry. The one made of silver wire is still in his house. It uses water to drive power generation to charge his mobile phone. This one is just a backup machine. It doesn\'t matter if Li Er disassembles it.

"Ziyou, what\'s the use of this thing?" Li Er looked at it for a long time and didn\'t know why. He simply turned around and asked Li forgetful.

Li forgot to worry and spread his hands: "uncle, you saw it too. My nephew named it a hand-operated generator. It\'s useful. Naturally, it can produce electric light."

"This electric light has and uses. Can\'t it be used to distinguish good from evil and test lies?" Li Er still doesn\'t give up. If there is something that can do this, it will be very useful to him.

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help sweating. This superstitious person who doesn\'t understand science is so terrible.

"Uncle, this thing can only generate electricity. It can\'t distinguish good from evil."

Li Er didn\'t believe it and asked, "so what\'s going on just now in the lobby of the county government of Chang\'an County? Why are those farmers not afraid of this electricity?"

"Hey, uncle, those farmers have beeswax on their hands, which can isolate the electric light."

"Oh? Beeswax still has this effect? Is that man not afraid of thunder even if he is coated with beeswax?"

Li forgot to worry and was sweating. Unexpectedly, Li Er was quite imaginative. I think it\'s a thunderstorm. Someone is covered with beeswax and goes out and is split by thunder. The picture is so beautiful

He quickly shook his head: "uncle, the electric light produced by this hand-operated generator is a drop in the bucket compared with lightning, and its power is completely different. Applying beeswax on his hand can isolate the electricity of the hand-operated generator, but it can\'t isolate the lightning."

Li forgot to worry about giving Li Er a general knowledge of electricity, which made Li Er interested in listening.

Even Li Er asked Mituo and several waiters to try the taste of being shocked, which made Mituo constantly look at Li with sad eyes.

"Ziyou, what\'s the use of this electricity except to power people?"

"Er... It\'s of no use..." Li forgets to worry. He really can\'t think of the use of electricity in Datang.

In addition to the unique mobile phone and speaker in the hands of the beautiful boss, there are no other electrical appliances. As for the light bulb, he can\'t make it, let alone other electrical equipment.

This thing is really useless for Datang.

After listening to Li\'s answer, Li Er was disappointed and played with the hand-operated generator for a while. Li Er was no longer interested. He turned and looked at Li forgetful: "Ziyou, what\'s the matter with Luo Hui? A lower class man dare to oppose you, the founder of the country?"

"Uncle, naluo will naturally be a small man, not worth mentioning. But uncle should also see that there is naturally someone behind him to support him against me."


Li forgot his worries and smiled: "isn\'t it obvious? Uncle, there are also the county yamen of Chang\'an County above the hall today, but only Duke Lu has been reluctant to spare his little nephew."

Hearing the speech, Li Er nodded slightly. Hou Junji naturally could see what he had done. He just verified it with Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, well, I\'ll find a chance to resolve the contradiction between you and Junji. Junji suffered a big loss in the last gambling fight, and it\'s normal to have resentment in his heart."

Naturally, Li Er doesn\'t want Hou Junji and Li forget worry to make too much trouble. Hou Junji has always been trusted by Li Er and is his confidant, not to mention Li forget worry\'s position in his heart.

For Li Er, these two people belong to the relationship between the palm and the back of the hand. If they make too much trouble, his face will not look good.

Li Er still thinks that Hou Junji\'s opposition to Li forgetful worry is just because he lost the gambling fight of the episode that day.

Hearing Li Er\'s words, Li forgets to worry about whether to give Hou Junji eye medicine.

Li Er\'s trust in Hou Junji was beyond doubt. Even two years later, Li Jing, the God of the Tang Dynasty, was forced to give up his position and gave the position of the Minister of war to Hou Junji.

Li forgets his worries, but he really doesn\'t want to see Hou Junji\'s power getting heavier and heavier, which is not good for him.

After making up his mind, Li forgot to worry and whispered to Li Er, "uncle, I\'m afraid you\'re wrong. Duke Lu\'s embarrassment is not for the gambling fight, but for the benefit."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Uncle, as you know, the 300 road toilets earn no less than 200000 yuan from selling dung a year. My nephew has told my aunt that he is going to take all of them out to relieve the orphans and widows and set up a charity hall."

Li Er nodded and said approvingly: "Yes, Guanyin maid has told me about this. Ziyou\'re so righteous that I\'m impressed! Being kind to children, supporting the elderly, shaking up the poor, helping the poor and alleviating diseases are all good deeds that benefit the country and the people. You boy, you didn\'t fool around with that group of dandies this time. When your worry free hall is built, I\'ll inform Dai Gong and hand over 20% of the annual lottery revenue to the hall for use To protect the interest of all the people! "

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed: "my nephew thanked my uncle on behalf of the people. However, my uncle and nephew don\'t care about the 200000 yuan of income, but this wealth moves people\'s hearts. Someone cares."

Li Er couldn\'t help staring at him: "do you mean that Junji spies on your income from selling dung? How is this possible? He is a dignified Duke of Lu, and can do this for some money?"

"Hey, uncle, I\'m not talking nonsense. Uncle, do you know why naluo Hui met Duke Lu? Why did he do such absurd things at the direction of Duke Lu?"


"Horse dung."

"Horse dung? What does this mean?" Li Er didn\'t understand.

In a few words, Li forgot to worry about the sale of horse dung for public use in the Tang army. Li Er also heard about it, but he didn\'t take it back.

"Ziyou, are you impeaching Junji for his greed for ink and fecal money?"

Li forgot to worry and shook his head: "uncle, I just think it\'s mostly like this. Whether it\'s right or not, I\'ll know as soon as I check it. I asked Chumo about the process. Uncle Cheng and uncle weichi sell horse dung every year, and the revenue is about forty or fifty thousand yuan, which are all shared in the army. I don\'t know whether the right guard of Duke Lu is like this."

Li forgot to worry about the words that gave Hou Junji eye medicine. Li Er naturally listened to him. His face was cloudy and sunny. He paced back and forth in the hall for a few steps and reached out to attract Mituo.

"Let the hundred riders check the residence of naluohui and find out if there are any books or the like."

"Promise!" Mito naturally took orders and went away, while Li forgetful smiled in his heart.

He naturally knew that this matter could not bring down Hou Junji, let alone some "dung money". Even if Hou Junji was greedy for ink when he destroyed Gaochang, even the booty that should be given to Li Er, didn\'t Li Er do anything to him?

But it\'s good to bury a thorn in Li Er\'s heart.

If Hou Junji took over as the Minister of the Ministry of war in the fourth year of Zhenguan, he would overturn because of this insignificant "horse dung"?