Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 562

Hou Junji glared at the old woman angrily, "what\'s the ghost\'s name, you woman?"

"Pain, pain, this thing is biting my hand..." the old woman was more flustered and her face was ugly.

"Stop talking nonsense and hold on to the copper!" Hou Junji naturally didn\'t believe her and shouted at the old woman.

The old woman was sad and helpless. She could only shake her hands and hold the two copper pieces again. Hou Junji shook the handle. Without accident, the old woman screamed again and quickly threw away the two copper pieces in her hand.

Li forgets worry and a group of dandies are holding back their smiles. Niu Wu grins even more. He was cheated by his husband at the beginning.

When Li forgets to worry about making trouble and shaking the generator, he is not sure whether he has succeeded. He once fooled Niu Wu and asked him to touch the two copper wires, which can make Niu Wu pit very light.

Niu Wu knew that the wooden box was even magical. Shaking the handle could produce "electricity". Although he didn\'t know the use of "electricity", he knew that electricity could not be touched.

Li forgets to worry is to hold a smile in her heart. It\'s strange that the old woman doesn\'t cry. Unless she mutates into a superhero like "storm girl", anyone who is electrocuted will have to cry.

Li forgot to worry about how many volts the hand-operated generator he pounded out could send out. In short, electrocution can\'t kill people, but it\'s no better than electrocution.

Anyway, Li forgets worry. Since he saw Niu Wu being electrified, he has no intention to try it himself.

Yesterday, he asked Niu Wu to go back to Dingzhou village and find the beautiful boss. It was this hand-operated generator that wanted to come. In order to keep the secret of the generator, Li Lianyou had carpenter Liu build a sealed wooden box for him to seal the generator in it.

After seeing what Niu Wu took back, the dandy didn\'t know why, and was fooled by Li forgetful worry, so they ran to touch the electrified copper piece one by one. Naturally, they were screamed by the electricity. They also had a personal experience of the "power" of the hand-operated generator.

At this time, seeing that the old woman was badly electrocuted and forced by Hou Junji to touch the wire again, naturally made the dandies laugh and twist their faces.

As for the fact that Liu Xi didn\'t get the electricity just now, of course, it was Li forgetful and the dandies who cheated.

The dandies had already sent a lot of beeswax to the prison of Wannian county and Changan County, and asked the farmers to apply a thick layer of beeswax on their palms.

Beeswax is non-conductive and forms a translucent protective layer in the palms of farmers.

So Liu Xi held the copper piece in his hand, but he didn\'t feel anything.

Any junior high school student in the future will laugh off his big teeth when he sees this little trick, but in the eyes of the Tang people, this is what Li forget you said. Artifact can distinguish good from evil and test lies.

The old woman would be "bitten" by the electric light from the copper, naturally because she lied.

Faced with such a situation, the old woman really didn\'t know how to distinguish, so she simply knelt down and cried.

Cui Luo\'s eyes lit up, waved to the Yamen to fork the crying old woman aside, and then motioned another Huxian farmer to come forward.

The farmer, like Liu Xi before him, did not panic at all. He clenched the copper with both hands and told the story of what happened yesterday. Hou Junji kept shaking the handle, but it was of no use.

The farmer then bowed to the crowd and stepped aside. The injured person he "hit" by driving was also carried over with a sad face.

The injured leg was crushed by the wheel and directly broke. Now he can only lie on the door panel and was carried to the "artifact" by the Yamen.

With a dead gray face, he reached out and grabbed the two copper pieces as if he were going to the execution ground: "the grass people walked in the street yesterday, but they were driven from behind by the carriage... Ah!"

There was another scream. Under the stimulation of electric current, even if the man had perseverance, he couldn\'t stand such stinging pain. He shouted and shook off the copper piece in his hand.

"Wow, ha ha, Ziyou, your artifact is really interesting! It seems that there is no need to continue the trial of this case. Isn\'t it obvious who is loyal and who is treacherous? Zhiniang thief, unexpectedly framed a lover. God won\'t let you go!" Cheng Yaojin smiled.

Li Er and others also nodded again and again. The scene in front of them is enough to explain the problem.

Hou Junji didn\'t give up. He sent several people out of the farmers to hold the copper and shake the handle of the generator quickly.

Hou Junji, of course, did nothing. The hands of farmers with beeswax on their hands were not conductive at all. How could the current of the hand-operated generator threaten them?

The "victims" were screamed by electricity one by one, and no one could escape.

This iron fact was put in front of everyone. The group of "victims", who had been noisy before, could no longer make a sound. They knelt down one by one and kowtowed repeatedly.

Up to now, there is nothing to say. Hou Junji was so angry that he left the generator and stood back among the officials in a daze. He didn\'t know why things were like this.

Cui Luo and Lu Dejing looked at each other, stretched out his hand and patted the startled wood: "what else do you have to say now? Don\'t you come here quickly and truthfully? Do you have to force the county to execute?"

"Grass and grass people recruited... We all deliberately ran into those carriages. It has nothing to do with these Coachmans. In fact, we are to blame ourselves." finally, someone couldn\'t resist the pressure and confessed.

With a precedent, others naturally could not continue to deny it. One by one, they were sad and honestly explained everything.

"Who ordered you to do this?" Cui asked again.

"Yes... Yes... It\'s Luo Hui\'s instigation. He, he said that as long as we do so, we will pick up dung in Chang\'an City in the future and don\'t charge us. The grass people are confused for a moment and do it. Please forgive us for our current physical disability."

"Yes, it\'s the naluo society that ordered us to do so. The Ming government is aware that the naluo society is the mastermind!"

"The Ming government has pity on us. We know we are wrong and ask the Ming government for forgiveness."

"I\'d like to identify naluo Hui. Please be kind to Ming Fu."

These people are only beginning to be afraid now. Falsely accusing them of sitting back is not a joke. So they all began to climb and bite Luo Hui in an attempt to reduce their crimes.

"Come on, sign their confessions!" Cui Luo was not wordy. In front of Li Er, he naturally wanted to punish them according to the law of the Tang Dynasty. Where would he care about their life and death? He directly asked the scribes to send their confessions and let them sign their confessions.

After everyone signed the pledge, Cui Luo directly pronounced the judgment. The case of "taking cars and horses" of 100 farmers in Huxian county was actually framed and acquitted.

Fifty "porcelain bumpers" falsely accused of anti sitting, all of whom were punished according to the crime of "walking without reason".

The first offender, Luo Hui, was arrested by the Yamen and sentenced to another sentence.

Li Er and Baiguan naturally have no objection to Cui Luo\'s punishment. In the county government hall of Chang\'an City, hundreds of farmers erupted into thunderous cheers, and the sound waves almost overturned the roof of the county.

"Mingfu is wise!"

"The grass people kowtow to the Ming House."

The farmers knelt down one after another, thanked Cui Luo and Lu Dejing, and turned their heads to the dandies and Li forgetful.

Li Er nodded with satisfaction and got up to go back to the palace, but he waved to Li forgetful sorrow and asked in a low voice, "Ziyou, can you give me your precious artifact?"

Li forgot to worry, looked around and came to Li Er\'s ear: "uncle, that thing is fake and has no role in lie detection."

When Li Er heard the speech, he was Spartan... NIMA, was cheated by this bastard again?