Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 561

Li Erzheng drank tea with a tea bowl. Hearing Li forgetful, he almost choked himself to death.

The word "lie detection" is not used in Datang, but according to the literal meaning, people can understand it. It should be to test whether they lie or not?

All the officials naturally didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about, and heard it and asked one after another.

"Ziyou, don\'t joke. Where is this kind of thing?"

"Ha ha, I\'ve lived all my life and heard for the first time that something can detect lies. It\'s really interesting."

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be fooling around. How can there be such a thing? People are unpredictable. What can detect whether people lie or not?"

"Ziyou, what artifact do you have and how to detect lies?"

Li forgets sorrow to face the public\'s question, but smiles more and more happily: "gentlemen, it\'s just the so-called lying to be struck by thunder. So is this precious artifact. It can distinguish good from evil. If you lie, you will be struck by thunder. It\'s very accurate. If you don\'t believe it, you can have a try."

His words made Li Er and his officials look at each other and feel that Li forgets to worry. The more he says, the more he doesn\'t like it.

What kind of lie detection has made people feel unimaginable. How can one be hit by lightning? Is Li forgetting sorrow really a reincarnation of ancient power? Now that memory is restored, can you even get such an artifact out?

Hou Junji thought it was a little bad, so he wanted to stop it.

But Li Erqing coughed: "since Ziyou said so, bring your artifact here and let me see it."

Li Er opened his mouth. Hou Junji naturally couldn\'t say what he wanted to stop. He could only watch. Niu Wu led several Li mansion episodes and carried a wooden box into the county government hall.

There was nothing strange about Fangzheng\'s wooden box with a handle on the side.

Li erliao was disappointed: "Ziyou, is this what you call an artifact? Can you detect lies? Will you be struck by thunder?"

Li forgot to worry, smiled and nodded. He went to the wooden box and pulled out two copper wires coated with thick black paint from the wooden box. The front section of the two copper wires was followed by two shiny copper pieces.

He motioned Niu Wu to shake the handle on the wooden box, and then gently touched the two pieces of copper together.

Li Er and a group of officials were startled by the sudden "pa" sound of the copper. What made them more incredible was that lightning came out of the copper.

Although there is no earth shaking momentum like thunder, it can also be seen that the lightning on the copper sheet seems to be very similar to the lightning from the sky

"Son, son worry, this, what is this?"

"Electricity! Just now, Murphy is electricity?"

"The Taoist priest is on the top. What an electric light? I\'m dazzled by Murphy?"

Tang people naturally did not know how lightning was formed, but they also had enough understanding of electricity.

The so-called "sound is thunder, light is electricity", "Yin and Yang strike each other as thunder, excitement is electricity", "electricity, yin and Yang excite and shine", are all the ancient Chinese understanding of electricity.

The word "electricity" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions is like a mysterious and frightening splitting bolt and lightning cracking in all directions.

Li forgot to worry about playing tricks for a long time. What he showed off was actually the hand-operated generator he built to charge his mobile phone.

Niu Wu shakes the handle of the generator to generate current. When the positive and negative poles contact, sparks will naturally appear. Of course, future generations who have studied physics in junior high school all know that this is the luminous phenomenon caused by the charge breakdown of the air and the conduction of the air.

However, this scene, in the eyes of Li Er and the ministers, was another taste. Li forgot to worry really made an electric light in front of them, which was really incredible.

A hand-operated generator, a simple discharge phenomenon, is no less exciting to the people of Tang Dynasty than the UFO suddenly landed on the road and walked out of aliens.

Hou Junji opened his mouth in surprise and couldn\'t believe it: "demon, demon law! This is demon law!"

Fang Xuanling immediately refuted: "thunder and lightning is a noble righteousness. How can it be a magic law? Lu state wants to talk nonsense on public holidays!"

"Yes," the songs of Chu "said," the left rain master is the path attendant, and the right Lei Gong is the guard. How can this lightning be a demon? "Du Ruhui nodded.

Since ancient times, China has believed that thunder and lightning is in the charge of Lei Gong\'s electric mother. Thunder and lightning has the meaning of punishing evil and promoting good. Lei Gong can debate good and evil in the world, enforce law on behalf of heaven, kill evil people and uphold justice.

After seeing the copper strip of the hand-operated generator and sending out an electric fire, the people present believed that they could distinguish good from evil and detect lies.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of those farmers and the "injured", with different reactions.

The farmers kowtowed to the wooden box one after another, with a happy look between their eyebrows and eyes. They felt that they and others could settle their grievances.

The injured people, however, looked more and more ugly, and even the old woman was directly frightened to cry.

"Uncles and gentlemen, why don\'t you try my baby? See if it can distinguish good from evil and return the innocence of good people?" Li forgetful pointed to the hand-operated generator and looked at Li Er and the officials.

"But!" Li Er nodded, and now he was extremely curious: "how can this thing distinguish good from evil? How can I detect lies?"

"It\'s very simple. As long as you hold these two pieces of copper with both hands and shake the handle, the liar will naturally be beaten by electricity."

Li Er nodded: "OK, let them try and see if the lightning can distinguish good from evil."

Li forgot to worry and said, "my nephew asked these farmers to confront these injured people one by one. The true and false good and evil are known as soon as you measure them."

Liu Xi immediately stood up from the ground and bowed to Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, I\'d like to come first and confront the old woman!"

"OK, then start with you. You hold these two pieces of copper and say what happened that day. You can\'t lie, or you will be punished by lightning!" Li forgetful said, inserting the two pieces of copper into Liu Xi\'s hand, and then motioned Niu Wu to start shaking the handle.

Neither Li Er nor the officials blinked, staring at Liu Xi.

But Liu Xi didn\'t do anything. He told the story of yesterday with a piece of copper in his hand.

"Uncle, please see, the lightning didn\'t punish the farmer, which shows that what he said is true and didn\'t lie." Li forgets worry and says with a smile.

Hou Junji suddenly stood up: "wait, let someone shake the handle? Can you?"

Naturally, he didn\'t believe in any artifact. He felt that Li forgetful worry must have moved his hands and feet in it, so he asked himself to shake the handle on the wooden box himself.

Of course, Li Qieyou didn\'t object. He motioned Niu Wu to get out of his position and handed the handle to Hou Junji.

"Duke Lu, my baby is very easy to operate. After they start talking, shake the handle. This baby artifact can tell whether the man is lying or not."

Hou Junji nodded expressionless, carefully looked at the wooden box again, determined that there was no mechanism, and then stretched out his hand to take over the handle.

He was not at ease, so he asked Liu Xi to hold the copper piece in his hand, repeat his words just now, and shake the handle at the same time. Seeing that there was still no response, he stopped.

Li Qieyou motioned Liu 11 to step aside and the old woman he knocked down to come forward.

The old woman\'s head was wrapped in thick gauze and looked very miserable.

But at this time, there was a bit of timidity and trembling. But in front of the county government hall, two Ming government officials and a group of officials, she didn\'t dare to say anything more. She could only tremble and take over the two copper pieces and hold them carefully in her hand.

"When I went out yesterday, I was knocked down by the carriage... Ah!" the old woman began to speak, but suddenly, as if she had been greatly stimulated, she howled and threw away the copper piece in her hand.

She reacted so violently that Hou Junji, who was still shaking the handle, was stunned