Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 560

Li Er personally drove Chang\'an County. In order not to disturb the people, he and his courtiers changed their civilian clothes and went on a tour. Even so, when Li Er led a group of civil and military officials into Chang\'an County, Cui was startled.

Knowing that Li Er was going to personally interrogate yesterday\'s "car and horse case", Cui naturally immediately arranged the Yamen to pass on the farmers to the court.

Lu Dejing, the magistrate of Wannian County, was also recruited to Chang\'an County. By the way, he escorted a group of farmers detained in Wannian county to Chang\'an County for interrogation.

As for the "injured" who were hit by the carriage, naturally, there were also yamen soldiers to spread the news, bringing all the people to Chang\'an County, ready to confront the farmers face-to-face with gongs and drums.

Many of the injured people were carried up to the county government hall by the door panel. They were wrapped with bandages and bleeding spots. They looked miserable.

Seeing this, Li Er frowned. These people are so good at themselves. I\'m afraid Li forgets to worry. They want to confront each other face to face and force these people to change their words. It\'s not easy.

Those who can injure themselves to such an extent are obviously determined people. How can they change their words easily? As long as they insist that the farmers hit them with their carriages, it is impossible to turn over the case.

Hou Junji also smiled contemptuously. He wanted to dissuade Li Er from coming to Chang\'an County, but he didn\'t want to create complications, but he didn\'t think Li forgetful and a group of dandies could overturn the case.

Li forgetful worry and the dandies guessed that it was right that all the 50 dung trucks entering the city hit people. Naturally, Hou Junji ordered Luo Hui to do it.

The reason why so blatantly "touch porcelain" is to give Li forgetful a clear signal - don\'t want to go into Chang\'an city to pick up dung and make money!

Since Hou Junji lost his gambling house in the last episode gambling fight, he hated Li forget his worries to the bone.

He was so greedy that he lost the money tree of the gambling house, which was as painful as killing him.

When he learned from Luo Hui that the 300 road toilets built by Li QIAOYOU in Chang\'an city could bring no less than 200000 yuan a year, Hou Junji\'s eyes turned red at that time.

Luo Hui did not dare to oppose Li QIAOYOU, the founder of the country. Hou Junji dared!

Under the stimulation of great interests, Hou Junji ordered Luo Hui to stop the people recruited by Li forgetful worry from entering the city to pick up dung, and must rob this fat meat.

The two planned this absurd "car and horse case" to embarrass Li forgetful.

Hou Junji even calculated the reaction of the aristocratic family. He was sure that the aristocratic family would not miss this good opportunity to impeach Li forgetful.

As long as the aristocratic family mobilizes people to impeach Li forget worry, it can make this absurd "riding case" an iron case.

Li forgets you can\'t organize people to go into the city to pick up dung, so Luo Hui can take the 300 road toilets as his own, and even don\'t have to share half of the income to Li forgetyou.

Hou Junji doesn\'t believe it. At that time, Li forgets worry and can pull down his face. He will argue with Luo Hui for the ownership of jinkela for those filthy things.

What\'s more, the road toilet is unattended, the fecal water overflows and pollutes the environment. Hou Junji has to find someone to impeach Li forgetful. Naro will run to pick up the dung, but he still does good things without leaving a name. How can he be blamed?

This is Hou Junji\'s wishful thinking.

He didn\'t expect that Li forgetful worry would throw the farmers who went to the city to pick up dung into the name of the dandies. The impeachment launched by the aristocratic family gave up halfway, which made Hou Junji regret.

But Hou Junji doesn\'t matter. Even if Li forgets to worry, the most important thing now is to prevent those farmers from going to the city to pick up dung. As long as they are nailed to death, Hou Junji will not believe that there are still people who dare to enter Chang\'an city to pick up dung in the future!

These self mutilated wounded were carefully selected by Luo Hui from his own men. Those old women and children are the family members of the dung pickers under Luo Hui.

Luo Hui promised them a lot of money, and promised that after it was done, these dung pickers didn\'t have to pay him any more money. The income from their dung pickers in each lane of Chang\'an city belonged to themselves.

As the saying goes, birds die for food and people die for money.

These excrement pickers have their families. They won\'t be moved when they hear such conditions. Originally, they are inferior and despised by others, and they don\'t pay much attention to their own body.

Therefore, these people, young and old, do not leave room for themselves when they "touch porcelain", and those who can break their legs will never break their hands, making themselves miserable.

At this time, when they arrived at the county government hall, these people cried one by one and asked the Ming government to make decisions for themselves. We must deal with the farmers who hurt them and give them justice.

On the farmers\' side, each kneeling on the ground, all glared at these people, and their eyes almost burst out anger.

Liu Xi thought he was driving the carriage when he accidentally met the old woman. But since he was caught in the prison of Chang\'an County, he understood everything.

Where he was careless, someone deliberately framed them.

Even if Liu Xi was stupid, he would not believe that he and so many companions accidentally bumped people, which is smaller than their chance of winning two hundred taels of gold in the lottery.

"Mingfu, we are really wronged! These people obviously deliberately hit our carriage. Please make the decision for us!"

"You Mingfu, we are all honest farmers in Huxian county. We went to Chang\'an city to pick up dung, but we encountered such a disaster! How can there be 50 dung trucks that hit people? It\'s wrong!"

Liu Xi banged his head on the ground: "please return me to justice!"

When the farmers called for injustice, the injured naturally clamored again.

"Nonsense, how many people in Chang\'an City have seen you walking and bumping us like this? How dare you Tian Shirang argue! Ming House, my legs have been broken, and the medical workers say it can\'t be cured. These Tian Shirang dare to talk blood. Please Ming House make decisions for us!"

"God damn it! My old woman is so old that you dare to accuse my old woman with empty teeth. Aren\'t you afraid of being hit by thunder?"

The bustle in Chang\'an County Yamen is similar to that in the market, and both sides are shouting grievances. Cui Luo was so angry that he picked up the startling wood and patted it hard that he finally shut the people\'s mouth.

"Those who disturb the court again, stick 20!"

After Cui became angry, neither the farmers nor the injured dared to speak again.

Lu Dejing looked at Li Er who was sitting on the sidelines and watching the trial: "Your Majesty... Oh, Li Gong, how do you think this case will be tried? Do you need to summon a witness?"

Li Er was noncommittal: "you see what you do."

Hou Junji opened his mouth: "Li Gong, the two sides hold their own opinions. It\'s obvious that someone is lying. There are both human and material evidence. These Coachmans can\'t argue, so it\'s better to execute them. Under Sanmu, I don\'t believe they don\'t tell the truth."

Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing naturally hurt Hou Junji\'s words.

In front of Huxian uncle and a bunch of dandies, they can\'t open this mouth by punishing these farmers.

Li forgot to worry, but with a smile, he also stood up: "Uncle, gentlemen, Duke Lu is right. Some people on both sides must lie, but under torture, they may not be forced into a trick, and I don\'t think it\'s advisable. It\'s easy to tell whether what they say is true or false. I have an artifact to detect whether someone is lying. Since they both stick to their own words, why don\'t they try my artifact and have a lie detector? What do you think?"

Artifact? Polygraph?

Li Er and everyone felt a little confused. What does this mean?