Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 559

If Li forgets his worries, even Li Er is speechless.

It\'s really difficult for the boy to throw the pot so neatly.

Li Er coughed, "Ziyou, are you sure that those carriages and farmers belong to Chumo and others?"

"Yes, your majesty. If your majesty doesn\'t believe them, you can call Chumo and them into the hall and you\'ll know as soon as you ask." Li forgets worry carelessly: "they are in my house in Kaihua square today. Your majesty can call them into the Tai Chi hall for inquiry."

Li Er nodded. Mituo immediately made a gesture to the waiter on the side, and immediately the waiter ran outside the hall.

Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t help laughing, which made all the officials in the hall look sideways.

Li Er coughed: "know the festival, don\'t fool around at the court meeting!"

"Yes, yes, your majesty, I just couldn\'t hold back for a moment. Forgive me." Cheng Yaojin waved his hand to Li Er, but he didn\'t mean to be sorry at all. Li Er rolled his eyes.

Several big men, such as Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, also reacted, one by one. Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and Hou Junji felt the dog beeping in their hearts.

Today, the aristocratic family is holding back their thoughts and wants to take advantage of yesterday\'s case of "taking cars and horses for no reason" to beat Li forgetful face. Although it can\'t do anything to him, it\'s good to export the evil spirit in his heart.

But Li forgot to worry, but with a word, he left himself out.

It\'s very painful... It\'s unwise for the royal family to continue impeachment and offend Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Chaishao.

But if you don\'t want impeachment, it\'s even more impossible. I can\'t tell Li Er that I\'m sorry. We impeach the wrong person. Shall we not impeach?

Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t help laughing because he thought of this. He laughed at the family\'s being eaten today.

No one expected that Li Lianyou would be so "shameless".

Everyone in Chang\'an city knows that the carriage that went to the city yesterday to pick up dung belongs to his family, but others just don\'t admit it. What can you do?

Before long, a group of dandies, led by the waiters, entered the Tai Chi hall and met Li Er.

The imperial governors who impeached Li forgot their worries. At this time, they were bored to the extreme, but they could only hold their nose and ask the dandies: "general Cheng Lang, dare you ask, yesterday in Chang\'an City, the carriages and horses killed people, but they all belong to you?"

Chumo nodded carelessly: "yes, that\'s right!"

The censors\' faces became more and more ugly. Cheng Chu tacitly agreed to this matter, making their impeachment today a farce.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Lang\'s carriage and others\' took the carriage \'in Chang\'an city. The ministers felt that your majesty should reprimand them and don\'t disturb the people any more." the censors could only speak carefully and play to Li Er as tactfully as possible.

Li Er naturally knew why they changed their words and didn\'t bother to say more. When he was about to say a few words of painless reprimand to the dandies, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty, before that, all the royal princes impeached their ministers for the same crime, but asked your majesty to severely punish them and order them to compensate the injured people. Why did you just reprimand them when you came to Chumo and others? What\'s the reason? I asked your majesty to severely punish Chumo and others as an example!"

Li forgets to worry about the great righteousness, and Ling ran says these words, just as he is the upright imperial censor. He wants to die with Chumo these evil forces!

His words made the censors who had impeached him even darker, but they could not refute it. They had to simply shut up, pretend to be ostriches, and let Li forget you slap them in the face.

Chumo and others looked wronged and bowed to Li Er: "Your Majesty, if you don\'t exercise strict control over your subordinates and hit dozens of people in Chang\'an City, you are willing to accept your Majesty\'s punishment. However, you are not satisfied with this. The so-called injured people who hit the carriage are deliberately doing it. If you punish your subordinates for this, you are not satisfied! Please give your majesty an order to order Chang\'an and Wannian counties to interrogate the injured people and return them to your majesty Way! "

When the dandies complain, the imperial censors don\'t know how to answer them.

If this is what Li forget you said, they will naturally jump out and scold Li forget you for talking nonsense in righteous words, and take out a large number of human and material evidence to prove that Li forget you\'s carriage hurt the people.

But these words were said by the dandies, which made the censors don\'t know what to do. They secretly turned around and looked at the aristocratic family leaders such as Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, but when they saw each other shaking their heads slowly, they knew that the matter could only be stopped.

Li Er didn\'t expect that Li forgot to worry about throwing the pot and could still throw such an effect.

Before that, like Fang Xuanling and others, he had drilled a bull\'s horn. He only considered that Li forgetful worry was impeached and it was difficult to get away. However, he did not expect that Li forgetful worry and the dandies had made a big move, which turned the goal of impeachment into a group of dandies.

Naturally, the aristocratic family is unwilling to offend so many hall leaders for such a small matter, which gives Li forget worry a chance to turn them around.

As long as there is no obstruction from the officials, the demands of the dandies can naturally be accepted by Li Er. As long as we are willing to investigate, there is no reason why we can\'t find out the truth.

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou look at each other and are not ready to do it again. Today is a bargain. Li forgets his worries.

The aristocratic family didn\'t want to participate in this matter again, but Hou Junji\'s face was ugly. Now, he can\'t help watching the excitement.

Before Li Er spoke, Hou Junji stood up: "Your Majesty, I think it\'s wrong for Chumo to say that! It\'s true that all the 50 wounded were injured by a carriage, as evidenced by dozens of passers-by. How pitiful and innocent are these wounded? It\'s just that the government doesn\'t comfort the wounded. How can people interrogate them? It\'s really damaging your Majesty\'s reputation of loving the people like a son. I think it\'s absolutely not allowed!"

Hou Junji personally ended up in trouble. Li forget worry and the dandies were not surprised at all, but looked at each other and smiled.

It was natural for Li to have made such a choice for Hou Jun\'s meeting. If he didn\'t stand up, his previous operation would have become a blind man lighting a lamp in vain.

As long as the so-called "injured" are tried at the first instance, naturally things are clear.

At that time, the "wounded" falsely accused the sit back, and the farmers were acquitted. How could he stop Hou Junji, Li forgetful and the dandies from organizing people to go to the city to pick up dung?

That\'s a profit of 200000 yuan a year! Li Lianyou doesn\'t believe it. Hou Junji, known as greedy in history, can\'t help it.

The fact was just as he expected. The aristocratic family retreated because of the forces behind the dandies, but Hou Junji rushed in.

Chumo Chumo smiled: "tell your majesty, since Duke Lu said so, I want to ask your majesty to drive Chang\'an County and let the \'injured\' confront the farmers such as the minister face to face, ask about the case and return the minister\'s innocence."

"Nonsense! Your majesty can\'t..." Hou Junji just wanted to stop it, but he saw Li Er Chao waving his hand.

Li Er stood up from the throne: "Junji is right. There are many injured people in this matter, which should not be taken lightly. Since Chumo and others feel wronged, it is necessary to inquire about the case. In that case, it\'s better to confront them according to what Chumo said. Let\'s see if it\'s\' walking without reason \'or someone is trapped. Come on, take Chang\'an County! I\'m going to ask the case myself today!"

"Promise! Drive Chang\'an County!" before Hou Junji dissuades him, Mituo has shouted at a high voice