Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 558

The next day, in Chang Dynasty, Li Qieyou consciously got up early in the morning, changed his clothes in Kaiguo County, and went out to line up in the imperial city.

As soon as Cheng Yaojin saw him, he was happy: "Wow, hahaha, boy, you are very conscious today. How do you know you are going to be impeached and sent to the door to be scolded?"

Li forgets to worry. He is happy and lowers his voice: "Uncle Cheng, please see a good play today."

"Hum, I know you can\'t afford to lose money. It seems that you have a plan in mind? But I\'m curious. How can you argue? The group of dung picking farmers you made with those bastards really hurt dozens of people. I\'ve asked the Department of the government to inquire about it. Many people have broken their hands and feet. Be careful, you boy. There are many today The censor is ready to impeach you. "

For Cheng Yaojin\'s words of concern, Li forgets to worry, just laughs and doesn\'t answer. But Li forgets worry, but his heart is very warm. The old hooligan still cares about himself. He owes his mahjong money, so he can get rid of it.

When Li forgets to worry about attending the Chang Dynasty, Cheng Yaojin not only cares about him, but also Yu Shinan, Dai Zhou, Kong Yingda and others naturally want to ask. His two disciples Ma Zhou and Yan Liben are naturally worried about their teachers.

However, Li forgot to worry about the people\'s questions, but he kept smiling and didn\'t answer them. He just said that today he could prove his innocence and reassure them.

When the people were chatting and waiting for the meeting to begin, Hou Junji walked over with big strides. When he saw Li forgetful, he couldn\'t help smiling: "Huxian uncle, haven\'t seen it for many days. I heard that you recruited many farmers to go into Chang\'an city to pick up dung. As a result, they all walked? Tut, it\'s really careless."

In Hou Junji\'s sarcastic words, Li forgot to worry, but didn\'t even lift his eyelids: "thank you for the concern of Duke Lu. Those Tian she Lang are really ignorant and can\'t understand the danger of the people. They know people\'s faces but not their hearts. It\'s difficult to draw bones by drawing tigers and skins. Duke Lu, are you right?"

"Hum, Huxian Boguo is very clever. I hope you can do the same later." Li forgetful\'s words made Hou Junji\'s face stiff. He snorted coldly and left with a word. He didn\'t intend to spend more time with Li forgetful.

In his broad sleeves, Li forgot to worry and put up two middle fingers towards Hou Junji\'s back. This hypocrite despises him!

When the time of Chang Dynasty arrived, all the officials lined up and went to the palace to salute in turn. Li Er went up the imperial steps and sat on the throne. He raised his eyes and frowned when he saw Li forgetting his worries among the officials.

Li Er naturally knew about the bizarre "car and horse walking case" that occurred in Chang\'an city yesterday. Of course, he won\'t believe that these are "driving and riding for no reason". Only a fool will believe that there will be such a coincidence.

Fifty dung trucks entered the city, and all "walking horses" injured people in half an hour. This is simply a naked humiliation of everyone\'s IQ.

However, such a ridiculous trick has become an unsolvable problem because of the intrigue among courtiers and officials.

Those imperial historians who came from a noble family regarded this as a weapon to impeach Li forget worry, regardless of whether it was absurd or not.

In this regard, Li Er is also helpless.

Li Er also thought hard for Li forgetting his worries for a long time, but he still had no clue of breaking the game.

Now the witness and material evidence are conclusive. After today\'s court meeting, I\'m afraid Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing, two county magistrates of Chang\'an and Wannian County, can only sentence the coachman\'s staff 80 and compensate the injured copper money in accordance with the law of the Tang Dynasty.

After being impeached by the imperial censor, Li Er could not protect him in front of all officials. He could only reprimand and punish him.

Li forgot to worry about losing face and fined some copper money, which is not important. What\'s important is that the Shantang issue raised by Li forget you to empress Chang sun may be stillborn.

In fact, Li Er was also very angry. According to the report of the Baiqi division, it was most likely done by a rich man named Luo Hui in Chang\'an city. Hearing the news, Li Er almost thought it was Baiqi\'s nonsense. How dare a lowly man who takes excrement as his industry to do such a thing?

He naturally thought that there must be others behind Luo Hui.

Li Er was so angry that he ordered the Baiqi company to arrest Luo Hui into the Baiqi company\'s prison and interrogate him severely. He asked who was colluding with him and actually did such a ridiculous thing.

However, like Li forget worry, the Baiqi division is a little late. Now there is no trace of this Luohui in Chang\'an city.

Li Er also scolded Mituo for this for a long time, and finally had no choice but to give up.

At the beginning of the court meeting, several imperial censors stood out and bowed to Li Er: "I inform your majesty that your ministers will impeach Huxian Bo Li and forget your worries!"

"Oh? What\'s the matter?" Li Er had to pretend to cooperate. He was very bored.

"Yesterday, huxianbo connived at his subordinates to \'ride without reason\' in Chang\'an City and hurt more than 50 people in a row, which caused people in Chang\'an city to be in danger. The nature is extremely bad. Please punish huxianbo severely and order huxianbo to compensate the injured people!"

Li Er naturally had nothing to say about the censor\'s words. He could only look at Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, do you want to refute these words of the censor?"

Li forgot to worry and stood out: "Your Majesty, I\'m really wronged. This matter has nothing to do with me. These royal princes are really wronged."

Seeing that Li forgetful worry had pushed the matter clean, the imperial governors couldn\'t help worrying about their dignity and inferiority. Pointing to Li forgetful worry, they angrily scolded: "Huxian uncle, don\'t talk nonsense! The witness and material evidence are conclusive, and you dare to deny it in front of your majesty?"

Li forgot to worry about them, as if looking at a group of idiots again: "I don\'t know what you impeach me?"

"Impeach you to indulge your subordinates and walk without reason!"

Li forgot to worry, spread out his hands and looked at Li Er: "isn\'t this something? Please see clearly that nothing happened to the carriage in the minister\'s house yesterday. What the royal princes said really confused the minister."

"You, how dare you speak in front of your majesty! Dare you say that the carriages that injured 50 people in Chang\'an city yesterday were not your Huxian uncle?" a young imperial censor was also worried and pointed to Li forgetful and angry.

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders. "It\'s really not mine, guys. I\'m afraid you\'ve found the wrong person?"

"You... You! Huxianbo, dare you say that those dung trucks didn\'t go to your road toilet to pick up dung?"

"That\'s right."

"Hum, just admit it..."

Li Qieyou smiled and waved his hand: "wait, are you mistaken? Those dung carts went to the road toilet I repaired to pick up dung. Yes, but those dung carts and rickshaw drivers were not recruited by me, let alone my subordinates. Don\'t talk nonsense, everyone!"

His words stunned the imperial governors. He opened his mouth and didn\'t know what to say. He simply turned his head and knelt down to Li Er.

"Your Majesty, the carriages that hurt people belong to Huxian uncle, which is well known in Chang\'an city. It\'s disgusting that Huxian uncle can shirk all the blame now! Please make a clear decision!"

Li Er also felt a little headache. He couldn\'t help looking at Li QIAOYOU: "Ziyou, tell me what\'s going on."

"Yes, your majesty, those dung carts go to minister\'s road toilet to pick up dung. Yes, but the dung carts and the coachman have absolutely nothing to do with Minister." Li forgets worry and laughs very easily.

"Oh? Then these royal princes misunderstood you? Who do those carriages belong to?"

Li forgets sorrow and smiles more and more happily. That\'s what he\'s waiting for. Li Er is really a good supporter!

"Tell your majesty that those carriages and Coachmans were built and recruited by Cheng Chumo, Cheng Chuliang, Cheng Chubi, Yuchi Baolin, Yuchi Baoqi, Du he, Du Gou, Fang Jun, Wei Shuyu, Chai Lingwu and Niu Zhengping, and have nothing to do with the ministers."

As soon as Li Qieyou said this, the hall became quiet.

The officials of the aristocratic family, including Hou Junji, and the censors who impeached Li forgetful, began to curse their mothers in their hearts.

Shameless, it\'s so shameless! Since you can throw the pot on these dandies.

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others also looked at each other. They didn\'t know what medicine Li forgot to worry about in the gourd