Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 557

Knowing that Hou Junji is behind the scenes, he can\'t solve the dilemma Li forgetful and dandies are facing now.

Fifty two dung carts were "bumped", 100 farmers in Huxian county were detained by the county government. Those "injured" made trouble with Li forgetful, and Yang Zuo in Huxian county also sent someone to send bad news.

Knowing that all 100 farmers were arrested in Chang\'an and Wannian counties, the families of these farmers immediately panicked and ran to the county government of Hu county to cry. Yang Zui was very embarrassed, but he could only try his best to appease them.

Yang Zuan did not expect that all the hundreds of farmers who went to the city to pick up dung could be arrested in prison. It took him a long time to coax and deceive the crying farmers\' families back.

Fortunately, Lu Dejing and Cui Zhuo can see that this is not something they should touch, so they have been pressed not to deal with it. Those farmers who went to the city to pick up dung were only imprisoned in prison, that is, they were neither interrogated nor punished, but they did not suffer.

But things can\'t drag on like this, otherwise it will really fulfill the wishes of Luo Hui and Hou Junji.

The 300 road toilets are left unattended, which not only can not generate revenue to operate the good hall. And no one picks up the dung. When the filth is full, I\'m afraid the road toilet will not only be unusable, but Li forgets to worry and will have to be scolded.

But the 50 "victims" of the car accident were very difficult to deal with.

Li forgets worry and the dandies think hard, but they haven\'t come up with any good way to solve this matter.

"Zhiniang thief, no, I can\'t take people to find those bastards. I don\'t believe they are all fascinated by Luo Hui. Everyone is not afraid of death! If they are tortured, they don\'t tell the truth!" Cheng Chu couldn\'t think of a way and wanted to get angry.

Fang Yiai glared at him: "brother Chumo, you are so stupid than your younger brother! Now I don\'t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us in Chang\'an city. Don\'t you really fulfill their wish to torture those people?"

"Hey, hey, I bet those aristocratic families will not let Ziyou go. It would be strange if no one impeached Ziyou because of this tomorrow. How, does anyone make this bet with me?" Chai Lingwu smiled.

Wei Shuyu replied angrily, "isn\'t this nonsense? If you want to bet, I bet someone impeachs Ziyou. You can open the mouth as you like?"

"You guys, that\'s enough. At this time, you\'re still in the mood to joke. If you can\'t overthrow these crimes, it\'s really funny." Li forgetful stared at these bastards angrily and wanted to start gambling with him again.

Du he spread his hands: "what can we do? There are many people who have seen this. How can we prove that those people deliberately hit the carriage? Unless we can prove that they lied, it\'s really hard to turn over the case."

Wei Shuyu shook his head: "Don\'t think about it. It\'s impossible to expect them to retract their confessions. Those people are really good at themselves. In order to frame those farmers, they are willing to send their hands and feet to the wheels of the car. I asked someone to go to the county government. The medical workers tested the injuries of those people, not faking, but actually crushing and breaking their hands and feet. Tut Tut, the medical workers said that several people should not be cured and will change Become disabled. "

"Yes, and if they falsely accuse them of anti sitting, they are even more unlikely to change their words. They will be eighty staff, and they will have to pay a lot of copper money. Those people, I think eighty staff, can kill half of them." Fang Yiai said.

"Bah! It\'s clean!" Chumo spat angrily.

Li forget worry is also very speechless. These "touch porcelain" are more dedicated than those who pretend to lie on the ground in future generations. Others really dare to take their own body to die.

Wei Shuyu, Du he, Du Gou and Fang Yiai also made a special trip back to their house to ask their father\'s opinions.

This bizarre "carriage walking" case has been heard by the civil and military in the Manchu Dynasty. Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling naturally know it.

But in the face of their son\'s inquiry, these top think tanks of Datang also smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

The other party is too willing to pay for it. Even people with a clear eye can see that they did it on purpose, but there is no evidence.

They don\'t know what to do unless they are tortured to tell the truth.

But torture is obviously even more impossible. Anyway, there is no reason to torture the "victims". Moreover, women, children and the elderly account for the vast majority of the 50 people. If they are interrogated by torture, it is estimated that most of them will have to be killed alive, and no one can afford the responsibility.

Now in the view of Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others, they can only reconcile with Hou Junji. They are willing to be the middleman for Li forgetful.

After Wei Shuyu and others came back dejected, they relayed their father\'s words again.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head again and again: "no! I won\'t do it if I want to reconcile with the bastard Hou Junji. Moreover, Hou Junji will certainly ask the lion to take half of the income. The money will be used as a good hall. I can\'t take the bastard Hou Junji for nothing."

The dandies naturally understand what Li forgets to worry about. Hou Junji ordered Luo to do so. Obviously, it\'s not just to disgust them. It\'s estimated that the most important thing is interests.

Few people can take out all the 200000 yuan in a year to do good deeds like Li forgetful worry.

"It\'s neither left nor right. What should we do?" Chumo is worried: "no, I\'ll go back to my adult and ask him to argue with Hou Junji!"

"Yes! I\'ll find my Lord together! I don\'t believe it. Hou Junji can give less public face." Wei Chi Baolin also stood up.

Li forgot to worry and quickly stopped them: "I appreciate your kindness. But it\'s not necessary. Why bother uncle Cheng and uncle Yuchi? Besides, if Hou Junji doesn\'t admit that it has something to do with it, what can he do? We guess Luo will have something to do with him, but there\'s no evidence, let alone evidence to prove that Hou Junji is making trouble behind his back."

"What should I do? Can I just watch like this?"

"Let me think again, there will be a way." Li forgot to worry and paced back and forth in the lobby. He was also upset.

Chumo is so angry that he waves to Niu Wu: "brother Niu, bring us some drinks! Zhiniang thief, why don\'t God just thunder and kill these bastards!"

Li forgets to worry but suddenly pauses: "Chumo, what are you talking about?"

"Me? I asked brother Niu to bring drinks." Chumo didn\'t know why.

"No, in the latter sentence, what did you say?"

"I said God didn\'t chop them bastards!"

After Chumo\'s words, Li forgot to worry and hit his palm with his hand: "Wow, ha ha! I have a way!"

"Hmm? Ziyou, what can I do? Come quickly!"

"Come on, what\'s the good plan?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled mysteriously: "ha ha, brothers, don\'t worry. I can\'t tell you clearly in a few words. When I\'m ready, I\'ll show you. Niu Wu, please go back to Dingzhou village and help me get something back from Changqing. Go back quickly and I\'ll wait for you."

His mysterious appearance makes the dandies curious