Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 556

The farce in front of Li forgetful\'s residence lasted for more than an hour before the Marquis of Kaihua square finally came and dispersed the troublemakers.

After the crowd surrounding his residence dispersed, Li forgot to worry and asked people to open the door of the house, came out, looked at the mess all over the ground, and looked at the princes of Kaihua square standing in front of the house. They couldn\'t help sneering.

"You guys, I have written down what happened today, and it will be rewarded in the future."

Li forgot to worry, and suddenly those Marquis Wu Hula knelt down.

"Huxian uncle calm down, it\'s not our intention to neglect, we... We..." the lvshuai of Wuhou shop couldn\'t speak clearly. He really felt oppressed. Both sides are big men, who he can\'t afford to offend.

Chumo walked out with great strides and didn\'t reason with them at all. He said in a very arrogant voice, "what are you? Say! Who ordered it! I can\'t tell you clearly. I\'ll put this account on your head!"

The princes looked at each other sadly. It was a fight between immortals and mortals.

They hesitated a little. Before they could speak, they saw Cheng Chubi and Cheng Chuliang standing on both sides of their brother: "brother, it seems that the name of the Duke of Lu is not good. Others are not afraid at all."

Wei Chi Baolin and Wei Chi Baoqi stood up: "if you think the Duke of Lu is not enough, add the Duke of Hubei!"

"And my lord Qiao\'s mansion!"

"Our country\'s government and Huxian Bofu advance and retreat together!"

"The Duke of Liang has the same attitude!"

"So is the Duke of Zheng!"

Niu Zhengping limped out: "Hey, we Langya county government can\'t compare with these national governments, but who wants to fight against Huxian Bo government, you can try Langya county government\'s knife fast!"

The words of the dandies finally reminded the Marquis of the forces behind the dandies. They were almost incontinent and their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

They now feel that they and others are just pig Bajie. Looking in the mirror, they are not people inside and outside. I wanted to say who ordered it, but thinking about that power, it was no more difficult to crush them than to crush ants, so I swallowed what I said.

"Huxian uncle, you little gentlemen, it\'s our fault today. Please bring down the crime with Huxian uncle and you little gentlemen." the brigade commander of Wuhou shop opened his mouth for a long time and didn\'t dare to say the name, but just kept kowtowing.

Brigade Marshal\'s words made Chumo and others angry. He rushed over and wanted to beat people, but Li forget you stopped him.

He went to lvshuai, squatted down and looked into lvshuai\'s eyes: "I can guess if you don\'t say it. If there\'s nothing wrong, but Duke Lu ordered you to do so?"

Li\'s words made the brigade commander\'s eyes immediately stare at the boss and look at him in disbelief.

"I didn\'t say anything..." Lu Shuai\'s teeth trembled with fear.

His reaction, Li forgot to worry about where he didn\'t know. He guessed right. Hehe smiled and stood up: "you don\'t have to say, I know."

Lu Shuai didn\'t dare to speak, but just kept kowtowing.

Li forgot to worry, stood up and sneered, "OK, I won\'t embarrass you. But as the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty, you are not slaves of a certain family. Don\'t make mistakes!"

With that, he turned and walked towards his house. The dandies snorted coldly, looked around at the Marquis who had knelt on the ground, then returned to the house and slammed the door tightly.

Leaving those Marquis Wu with a long sigh, he got up silently from the ground and withdrew in dismay.

Inside the gate, Chumo is very strange: "Ziyou, how do you know that Hou Junji is behind this?"

"Guess." Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "after all, Wuhou shop is controlled by the left and right Yi guards. The aristocratic family\'s hand should not stretch that long. Among many generals, Hou Junji and Zhang Liang are the only ones who have a gap with me. Zhang Liang was ordered by the sage to take charge of huaizhou a few days ago. He has taken office in huaizhou. Isn\'t Hou Junji the only one left?"

When he said this, the dandies suddenly realized.

"Zhiniang thief, I said that Luo Hui\'s farmland serf was so bold that he dared to do such a thing. It turned out that he hooked up with Hou Junji!"

"Hey, Ziyou, it seems that the Niu brothers killed ten Hou Junji episodes last time, which made Duke Lu very unhappy. It\'s someone else\'s revenge."

"I\'m afraid of him! Hou Junji can only hide behind his back and play with these Yin rats!"

After figuring out what happened today, the dandies all yelled at Hou Junji.

Li forgot to worry, but lowered his voice and said, "brothers, have you ever thought of a question? How can Luo Hui, a ninth rate fecal man, have a public relationship with Hou Junji?"

His words stunned the dandies. Yes, Luo Hui is such an inferior figure. His identity is different from that of Hou Junji.

How could Hou Junji, such a proud man, collude with Luo Hui?

The dandies didn\'t know why, so they looked at Li forgetful worry one after another: "Ziyou, say it quickly, don\'t sell off!"

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "brothers, you have forgotten what Luo Hui does?"

"Pick up the dung! What\'s the matter?"

"Nothing, little brother. I just remembered a thing that Duke Dai told me at the beginning. He said that the Shaojian of Shaojian mansion had advised the sage to collect and sell horse dung from all the officials and forbidden army barracks in Chang\'an city. Brothers, do you know this?" Li forgot to worry and talked about what Dai Zhou said to him in the legislative palace that day.

The dandies didn\'t understand what he meant. They looked at each other and nodded.

"I\'ve heard of it. It seems that the saints abandoned it because of the fierce opposition of the ministers and the bad reputation."

"What does it matter? Ziyou, why do you say I\'m more confused?"

"Ziyou, don\'t sell off. Make it clear quickly!"

Li forgot to worry about them: "horse dung in the forbidden army! Brother Chumo, brother Baoqi and brother Zhengping, how to dispose of the cow and horse dung in your adult\'s military camp?"

Chumo was stunned: "naturally, they collected it and sold it as public money in the army... Wait, Ziyou, do you mean that the horse dung in Hou Junji\'s Zuowei house was sold to Luo Hui?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "this should be the case. Otherwise, how could lord Lu have anything to do with people like Luo Hui? He secretly ordered him to oppose us?"

He felt afraid that the relationship between Hou Junji and Luo Hui was not just about selling horse dung.

Li forgot to worry about a case of the Song Dynasty that he saw when reading in later generations.

During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, Yang Cunzhong, the commander in front of the hall, was the main general of the army of the Southern Song Dynasty and had a prominent position. Later, he was impeached by the imperial censor and was greedy for more than 100000 "dung money".

But Yang Cunzhong had already installed an "undercover" in the imperial historian and knew the news in advance. So he played the emperor first and said, "there is a certain amount of dung money in the army. Chunguan is somewhere, which is only used by the imperial court."

When the censor was impeached, the emperor naturally didn\'t believe it. The censor "sat down and talked nonsense and was deposed, but kept his family members in mind".

Li forgot to worry about reading at the beginning. He just lamented that the ancients would also play "Infernal Affairs", and laughed at a big general like Yang Cunzhong. He was so greedy that he even had to be greedy for dung money.

But now thinking about hou Junji and Luo Hui, Li forgets to worry. He can\'t help rubbing his chin and thinking. Probably the "dung money" of Zuo Wei\'s house has also been greedy for ink by Hou Junji?

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