Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 555

Li Qieyou has no experience in how to deal with this kind of porcelain bumping.

Later generations have all kinds of tachographs and traffic cameras to prove innocence, but how to deal with it in Datang is a headache.

If you directly use your own influence and the influence of dandies to forcibly suppress this matter, it is not impossible. But I\'m afraid of being watched by people with intentions and making an issue of it, which will cause more trouble at that time.

Li forgets his worries, but he knows that those aristocratic family leaders have long been waiting to catch his painful feet. How could he give them a handle by himself?

Even Li forgot to worry that after the news came out, the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang might have sent someone to stare at the County Yamen in Chang\'an and Wannian counties.

Although anyone with a clear eye can see that the 50 injured by the dung truck were deliberately done, Li forgets to worry that they have no evidence.

On the contrary, the wounded who were hit by the dung truck with broken heads and blood, broken hands and feet are real, and many passers-by left confessions to prove that these people were indeed hit by the dung truck.

Li forgets to worry also can only sigh, this Luo Hui is really a talent, unexpectedly can make such a thing, but also can incite so many people, willing to work for him.

If this matter is not solved, the 300 road toilets will not produce any income. Even if we continue to build dung trucks and recruit farmers to pick up dung in the city, others can still follow suit and continue to touch porcelain.

Li forgot to worry and thought for a long time. He didn\'t have any good ideas. He could only say hello to the dandies: "brothers, let\'s go back to Chang\'an City and meet Luo Hui to see what this man really wants to do."

The party rode back to Chang\'an city again and went straight to Luohui\'s residence.

Luo Hui had already set up a house in Guangde square near the west market since he made a fortune by picking up excrement. The dandies knew the location of his house after a dozen.

But when Li forgets worry and the dandies come to the door, they pounce on the air.

"I\'ve seen the transferred County uncle, and I\'ve seen you guys. Unfortunately, my husband left Chang\'an city a few days ago to visit friends. I don\'t know when to return home." the housekeeper of Luo Hui respectfully went out to salute the people.

Upon hearing this, Fang Yiai was furious: "nonsense! Dare you deceive me? But I\'m tired of living?"

The housekeeper was startled and quickly knelt down: "what I said is absolutely true. Please watch it carefully and don\'t dare to tell any lies. On the day my husband left Chang\'an, he was seen by the surrounding neighbors and the princes of the square. I didn\'t go down to deceive you."

Chumo was so angry that he whipped his horse on the stake in front of Luohui Residence: "zhiniang thief, you can run fast! I want to see where the farmland slave can run!"

Li forgets to worry originally only 80% assurance that this Luo will do it, but now it is completely certain that this excrement picking guy is behind it. Otherwise, there is no such coincidence. If something happens here, Luo Hui has left Chang\'an city to visit friends. This is obviously to avoid the trouble of dandies and want to continue to hide behind the scenes.

"Brothers, go back to my residence first." Li forgetful worry could only ask the dandies to leave. The meeting really gave him a "surprise".

He didn\'t expect that Luo would be such a small man, which could also cause him a lot of trouble. He underestimated him.

Li forgets to worry, can\'t he be afraid of his revenge with the dandies because he has so much courage?

Thinking of this, Li forgets to worry that it is not so simple, and there must be something strange.

Thinking, he followed the dandies to kaihuafang\'s own residence.

When they entered kaihuafang, they found that the road ahead was blocked before they reached Li forgetful\'s residence. Hundreds of people blocked the streets in front of Li forgetful\'s residence.

Chumo was in a bad mood. He shouted impatiently on his horse: "get out of the way, get out of the way. What are you doing here? This is Huxian Bofu. Should you come?"

He didn\'t shout. Fortunately, after shouting, all the people crowded in front of Li forgetful\'s residence crowded towards them.

"Huxian uncle, your carriage hit my mother-in-law and aunt. Are you so indifferent?"

"What I\'m looking for is Huxian uncle! Please give me a way to live! My eldest brother\'s leg has been broken and I have no livelihood, which makes me wait for a family to live!"

"Everyone, come and have a look! My poor mother was hit by huxianbo\'s carriage. How pathetic!"

"If you don\'t give me a statement today, I won\'t go!"

"Huxian uncle, you are a noble man. Naturally, our people dare not make a mistake, but you can\'t indulge others and humiliate our people like this!"

"My father is sixty or three years old this year, but his arm was broken by your carriage. If you don\'t give me an explanation today, we won\'t go!"

These hundreds of people, carrying the door panels, lay on them those miserable looking wounded. Unexpectedly, they were all the people injured by today\'s "touch porcelain".

Li forgetful worry and the dandies were stunned by the scene.

What\'s going on? Are these people addicted to porcelain? Why did you come to his mansion to besiege him?

But in the face of hundreds of excited people, Li forget worry is also a little flustered. He can\'t imagine that Luo Hui has such a backhand waiting for him.

Seeing that the people were getting more and more excited, Niu Wu and a number of episodes subconsciously took out Zhang Dao from his waist and looked at the people nervously for fear that they would suddenly rush up and threaten the safety of Li forgetful and dandies.

"Go, don\'t fight with them. Go back to the house first!" Li forgetful shouted.

At this time, he didn\'t dare to let Niu Wu do it. If you accidentally kill a few more people, you\'ll have a lot of fun.

After hearing Li\'s orders, Niu Wu and a group of episode guards tried to separate the "angry" crowd and escorted Li and a group of dandies into the gate of the mansion.

After Li forgot to worry about them, the door slammed shut, leaving the people outside to continue to make noise.

Chumo is so angry that he kicks over the flower pot in the courtyard: "zhiniang thief, are these people crazy?"

Fang Yiai was so angry that she almost rushed out to beat people and was stopped by the dandies.

Li forgot to worry but didn\'t speak. His residence was surrounded, which really surprised him again. However, this matter can confirm a guess in his heart that there must be other forces behind Luo Hui.

Otherwise, how dare he, a lowly man of excrement picking origin, oppose his founding uncle and all the dandies like this? Li forgets worry and doesn\'t believe he has such courage.

Not to mention encouraging these people to make trouble in their own residence, and there were no Wuhou of Kaihua square and yamen servants of Wannian county to drive them away.

He didn\'t believe that so many people gathered here, ludjing would not know, and Wuhou shop in Kaihua workshop would not know.

Obviously, it was someone who put pressure on Lu Dejing and the brigade commander of Wuhou shop behind their backs that made them stand idly by and let these people surround his residence.

Li forgets to worry and thinks to himself that in the past six months, these are the Wang family in Taiyuan, the Zheng family in Xingyang, Hou Junji, Duke of Lu, and Zhang Liang, Duke of Changping County.

Any one or even several forces may instigate Luo to do so behind his back.

This is interesting. It seems that these people have suffered losses before and are very unwilling