Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 554

Datang has clear legal provisions on traffic accidents.

The law of the Tang Dynasty clearly stipulates that "among the streets and people in the city, those who walk without reason will be flogged 50, so those who kill will be reduced to the first class."

Fighting and killing is intentional homicide. The maximum penalty is death penalty. If it is reduced by one class, it means that the traitors are three thousand miles away. This is the highest level of exile, one of the five punishments of the Tang Dynasty. Generally, there are additional punishments. Three years of "residence work" is three years of labor with shackles.

In other words, if there is a traffic accident in Datang, the driver of the vehicle will be flogged 50 times. If someone is killed, he will flow three thousand miles and work in chains for three years. The punishment can be described as quite serious.

Seeing that the dung truck he was driving actually hit a man and hit the other party\'s head and blood, Liu 11\'s whole body trembled and couldn\'t speak.

He didn\'t know how he ran into the old woman. When the dung truck turned, he was very careful

Another companion on the dung cart was also scared to cold hands and feet, but he was a little calm. He jumped out of the carriage and helped the old woman.

"Grandma, how are you? Is there anything wrong? Grandma, I\'m sorry. We didn\'t mean to see you."

This movement naturally attracted the surrounding crowd.

It\'s not that people want to watch the excitement, but in Datang. If passers-by turn a blind eye to what\'s happening around them, it\'s also "illegal".

The law of the Tang Dynasty clearly stipulates that "if the human resources can help but do not help, the staff is 80."

There are many similar laws, such as "if you see a fire, you should not sue, you should not save, and you should reduce the crime of fire." "if you are accused by robbers and murderers in your neighbors but do not save, you will have a hundred sticks; if you smell but do not save, you will be reduced by one. If you can\'t save, you will sue nearby immediately. If you don\'t sue, you will also be regarded as not helping."

In the face of fire, crime and other situations, passers-by in the neighborhood have the obligation to help in time, otherwise it is illegal.

The law of the Tang Dynasty punishes those indifferent people who could have helped in a critical moment but ignored them.

So seeing that the dung truck knocked down the old woman, passers-by immediately gathered around and asked if they needed help.

The old woman\'s head was bleeding and looked badly hurt. She pulled the shaft and shouted, "come on, hit someone! The bloody coachman hit someone! Help!"

Liu Xi and his companions were so frightened that they didn\'t know what to do.

However, passers-by quickly found the nearby Marquis Wu and escorted Liu Xi and his companions to the county government for disposal, while the old woman was also sent to the nearby medical office for treatment.

Liu Xi and his companions had a bad start and were locked up in the prison of Chang\'an County, waiting for Cui Luo\'s trial.

However, after Liu Xi was put into prison by the Yamen service with a sad face, he was stunned to find that there were several companions recruited to pick up dung in the prison.

After asking, I learned that after entering Chang\'an city today, the farmers in these households and counties encountered something similar to Liu Xi.

Either the dung cart hit the old man or the child woman. In short, it was like seeing a ghost. Everything had an accident.

The dandies who got the news hurried to Wannian and Chang\'an counties. When they inquired about the news, they couldn\'t help getting angry.

Fifty dung trucks, 25 pairs! None of them ran. They all spread things.

When such a thing happens, even if they are stupid, they know that someone did it on purpose.

The dandies angrily find Cui Luo to reason with Lu Dejing. This is simply to deliberately frame these excrement removal farmers. They should be sentenced to falsely accuse them of anti sitting!

In this regard, Cui Luo and Lu Dejing also have a helpless face.

Those who were hit by dung cars, if not intentional, Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing don\'t believe it. Where is such a coincidence that all fifty dung trucks had a car accident and injured people?

But those injured are real. They can only say that the other party is the real one, and those people can do it for themselves.

The people who were hit by the dung truck, whose heads were broken and bleeding, were already light, and even broke their bones directly. It was very sad.

The wounded were killed by these dung trucks. And there were a lot of witnesses, and it was true.

As for the need to distinguish whether the dung truck hit these people or whether they deliberately hit the dung truck, in the era of no traffic cameras, it would be difficult for Cui Luo and Lu Dejing. It\'s also difficult for the gods to decide.

In this way, even if Cui Luo and Lu Dejing knew that it was deliberately done, they did not dare to let go of the farmers in the households and counties. Otherwise, if they are impeached for dereliction of duty, it will be unclear.

After such a fuss, it became empty talk to go into Chang\'an city to pick up dung. Even the 50 dung trucks were temporarily detained by Chang\'an and Wannian counties and could not be returned until the case was heard.

The dandies lost their temper, but it didn\'t help. Then they rode to Dingzhou village and made up their minds with Li forget you.

Now among the dandies, Li forgets to worry is the youngest, but he has become the backbone of the dandies.

After listening to the dandies, Li forgets worry. A word pops up in his mind for the first time. He can\'t help blurting out: "this is touching porcelain!"

Fang Yiai was puzzled: "what touch porcelain? Ziyou, what are you talking about?"

Li forgot to worry and scratched his head. He didn\'t know how to explain to the dandies. This "touch porcelain" theory was "invented" by the declining children of the Eight Banners in the late Qing Dynasty.

These people lack the source of livelihood and skills, so they came up with crooked ideas. On weekdays, they walk in downtown streets with a "precious" porcelain in their hands.

Seizing the opportunity, he deliberately let the driving carriage accidentally "touch" him, and the porcelain in his hand fell to the ground and smashed. They can "just talk" to the owner of the carriage and ask for compensation according to the price of precious porcelain. In fact, the essence is extortion.

Li forgets worry too lazy to explain to the dandies what touch porcelain is, and asks, "brothers, who do you think did this?"

"Zhiniang thief, let me know who\'s behind the scenes, and I\'ll crush his eggs!" Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin are angry, but they don\'t know who will do so.

Chai Lingwu and Wei Shuyu looked at each other and blurted out, "Luo Hui!"

Li Qieyou nodded again and again. After hearing this, he thought of Luo Hui for the first time. Except for this Luohui, it doesn\'t mean anything to anyone else.

But Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t think that a man of lower class excrement picking origin had the courage to oppose him and the dandies so blatantly. He really ate the bear heart and leopard courage.

Chumo roared: "it\'s him? Why didn\'t you say it earlier? I\'ll beat this bastard now!"

He turned and wanted to go, but Chai Lingwu held him.

"Brother Chumo, I was afraid of your impulse before, so I didn\'t tell you to listen to you. Think about it, what\'s the use of beating naluo? Do you have any evidence that he instructed these things? It\'s easy to catch naluo, but it\'s easy to tell people."

Li Qieyou also nodded: "Yes, it\'s probably that Nara will instigate this. Ha ha, I underestimated this Luo meeting. I didn\'t expect that this person could be so crazy for the benefit of 200000 yuan a year. But brother Chumo, you\'re going to beat up Nara meeting. I\'m afraid it\'s really useless. This kind of inferior person will bite you back at that time, but the censor accuses you of malice."

"He dares! I\'ll kill him!" Chumo scolds, but he doesn\'t hurry away. Chumo looks reckless, but he\'s not stupid. He turns to Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, what do you say about this?"