Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 553

The dandies have now devoted 100% of their enthusiasm to the good hall.

Even when he went to Huxian county to recruit fecal removal personnel, the dandy patted his chest and wrapped it up.

In the past few days, Li forgot his worries and ran back to his manor, while the dandies were busy with their blood.

Recruit people, build dung carts, buy horses, contact counties and counties in Chang\'an City, and sell jinkela

When dandies come forward, the surrounding counties and counties naturally want to give face. Not only are the farmers\' Yamen in the counties and counties responsible for the acquisition and resale to various villages, but also the prices are given in good faith.

In fact, farmers in these counties are also eager to provide enough gold and garbage every day. In the era of no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, jinkela is an important material related to the yield per mu.

Jinkela can not be used for fertilization immediately, but needs centralized composting and fermentation, otherwise it will burn the roots of crops.

There are special composting sites in all States and counties. The fermented jinkela will be sold to various villages as fertilizer.

After solving the sales problem, the dandies are even more energetic.

It is even easier to recruit fecal removal personnel in Huxian county.

Originally, Li Qieyou wanted to pay 200 Wen a day, but he was stopped by the dandies. It\'s not that I\'m reluctant to give up the money, but that it\'s too much.

The average monthly income of the people in Chang\'an is only about the same. But if you give 200 Wen a day, it will be six Guan copper coins in a month. Even if excrement removal is hard, it\'s too much.

Therefore, the salary for the final recruitment of excrement removal personnel was set at 100 Wen per day. Even so, it was the income of three copper coins per month, which was comparable to the monthly salary of five grade Dynasty officials.

The dandies asked Yang Zuo to let the Yamen go to each village and give a notice. I\'ve heard that the monthly salary of 100 Wen per day and three passes has even moved many yamen servants. I wish I could just take off my clothes and sign up by myself.

This news shocked more than 100 villages and towns in Huxian county. On the day of registration, thousands of people rushed to the Huxian county government office to register.

Had it not been for Yang Zui\'s early preparation, when the Yamen service notified him, he asked to recruit only healthy middle-aged men who could drive carriages, and those in difficulty at home would be preferred, otherwise more people would come to sign up.

After several days of busy work, I finally arranged things almost.

The first batch of nearly 100 manure removal farmers are also arranged to drive the manure truck into Chang\'an city to remove the manure. But the 100 farmers drove a dung truck into Chang\'an city to pick up the dung the first day, and there was an accident

Li forgot to worry about this day. He woke up naturally after sleeping. He had nothing to do. He simply called Niu Wu. They rowed a small boat and spent their time fishing leisurely in the lake of their residence.

As soon as I caught a lively red carp, I heard someone shouting at him on the bank.

"Ziyou, something\'s wrong. Don\'t go fishing again. Come back quickly!"

"You boy! We\'re all dying of anxiety. You\'re still in the mood to fish. Come back quickly. Something\'s wrong!"

It was the dandies who jumped and shouted on the shore.

Li forgot to worry for no reason. What happened to this good man?

Seeing that the dandies were worried, he didn\'t dare to delay. He threw the red carp back into the lake and asked Niu Wu to row to the shore quickly.

When the boat came to the shore, Chumo jumped up: "Ziyou, you\'re still in the mood for fishing. Something\'s wrong! Come with us and go to Chang\'an city!"

Li Qieyou didn\'t stand firm on the boat. He jumped into the boat so violently that the boat shook left and right on the spot. If Niu Wu hadn\'t helped him with his eyes and hands, he wouldn\'t have fallen into the lake.

"Brother Chumo, what are you worried about? The sky can\'t fall down. You should make it clear what\'s the matter first." Li forgets worry and gives Chumo a bad look.

Chumo looked angry. Before he could speak, a group of dandies gathered around and talked to him about what happened today. Li forgot to worry about it, so he found out what happened and made the dandies so angry.

Today is the first day for farmers recruited from Huxian county to pick up dung in Chang\'an city.

Early in the morning, more than 100 farmers drove 40 or 50 dung trucks into Chang\'an city.

These dung carts were rebuilt on the basis of four-wheel carriages by the dandies. Each dung truck is equipped with two farmers. They should not only pick up the dung, but also clean the road toilets, and then drive the dung truck to the States, counties and counties around Chang\'an city to sell it to the farmers.

Things are not complicated, and farmers naturally don\'t think it\'s a hard job. Compared with the fact that a drop of sweat falls into eight petals when facing the Loess and back to the sky on the ground, it is really an easy job.

Excrement removal is smelly and tired, but compared with the income of three monthly salaries, farmers do not dislike it at all, but enjoy it.

These farmers are envied by many people because they can be selected to pick up dung in Chang\'an city. Even those who could not be said to be their daughter-in-law because of poverty at home took the initiative to come to the door to talk about marriage after being selected to help Huxian Bo pick up the dung.

This makes the simple farmers in Huxian County unable to close their mouths.

Today, we have to drive into Chang\'an city to start work, which made many farmers lose sleep last night. Although Huxian county is close to Chang\'an City, many farmers are very nervous when they enter Chang\'an for the first time.

Forty or fifty dung trucks lined up for public inspection. After driving into Chang\'an City from Mingde gate in turn, they scattered around according to the areas assigned to them by the dandies, ready to go to the road toilets in various lanes and streets to pick up dung.

But before the farmers drove the dung truck to the road toilet, there was an accident.

Liu Xi is the eleventh in his family. There are ten brothers and sisters on it, so he is named Liu Xi.

Most ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty are illiterate, and most of them choose names at home. Take your name casually, and even think that the lower the name, the better to feed.

Liu Xi was the youngest in his family, but after the chaos in the late Sui Dynasty, only a lame brother who could not work and four married sisters survived. Both parents have died, leaving Liu Xi with his lame brother to live together. Life is very difficult.

Although the four sisters often subsidize their brother, their own family life is also tight and can\'t help much.

This time, Li forgot his worries and asked the dandies to recruit dung picking farmers in Huxian county. Liu Xi also reported his name with a fluke attitude, but he didn\'t expect to be selected. His family was overjoyed and felt that there was finally hope for a good day.

Today, Liu Xi was excited and nervous when he entered Chang\'an City for the first time. He was so absorbed in driving the dung cart that he didn\'t dare to talk to his companions for fear of distraction and accident.

But the more afraid of accidents, the more accidents.

As soon as the dung cart turned a corner and was ready to drive into the lane, Liu Xi heard a scream from the side of the carriage.

He was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating. He quickly reined in his horse. After stopping the dung truck, he looked for a voice with his companions.

But there was an old woman lying next to the dung cart, with blood on her head. She was holding the shaft of the dung cart with one hand, as if she was afraid that they would run away.

Liu Xi\'s heart clattered and said, this is hitting someone