Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 552

Li\'s words stunned Luo Hui. It seemed that he didn\'t understand the meaning of Li\'s words. After a long time, he replied, "naturally, Huxian uncle should agree to go down and help you take care of those road toilets, that\'s all."

"Then what?" Li forgets worry\'s face is almost black: "you don\'t intend to take away my 300 road toilets just like this?"

This Luo Hui really treats him as a fool? Actually want to take away 200000 yuan a year?

In fact, it is not impossible to hand over these road toilets to "professionals" such as Luo Hui. Anyway, the purpose of Li Qieyou and the dandies is not to pick up dung, but to make money from the industry and then open a good hall.

As for whether to recruit manpower from Huxian county or leave it to Luo Hui, there is little difference. If Luo knew how to be funny, the man who came to the door could save him a lot of trouble with the dandies.

But what Luo Hui said just now made Li forget his worries. This Luo Hui thinks of him as an idiot who doesn\'t understand anything?

Even the dandies on one side couldn\'t help laughing at this.

Chumo smiled and looked up and down: "Wow, ha ha ha, you straight mother thief, you have a good abacus!"

Luo Hui really thought so. When he thought about it, Li forgets how to understand the interests of the industry of excrement removal, and he should not look at this stinking business. He thought that Li forgot to worry about building road toilets, but it was just a whim. He would certainly dislike these road toilets as dirty and lazy to take care of them again.

With his three inch eloquence, it is easy to cajole the handling power of these 300 road toilets from the young County uncle.

But now, as soon as he heard what Li forgot about and Chumo said, he immediately understood his feelings. The Huxian uncle knew the benefits.

"Hehe, I didn\'t make it clear when I went down, which made Huxian Bo and your little grandpa misunderstand. What I meant by going down was the income from excrement removal. Huxian Bo and Xiaxia took half. Huxian Bo didn\'t have to worry about anything. Those dirty jobs were tiring, so I took all the money when I went down. I sent the income to Huxian Bo\'s house on time every month. So, Huxian Bo thought it was ok?"

After Luo Hui said this, Chumo grabbed Luo Hui\'s collar before Li forgets to say anything: "Zhiniang thief, you think very well? You actually want to take half of the income. Do you have such a big appetite? I can answer you for Huxian uncle. You can take care of the road toilets, but you will get 10% of the income, and the other 90% will be sent to Huxian uncle\'s house. What? Do you do it or not?"

Chumo\'s words made Luo Hui look very ugly.

Where does he want the income of 20000 yuan a year? Now he just sits at home and does nothing. There are tens of thousands of yuan a year. Naturally, he doesn\'t look at the income of only 20000 yuan.

"Well... My father-in-law makes it difficult for others. It\'s also hard money to remove excrement. It\'s smelly and tired. My father-in-law is kind-hearted. How can I bear to let those who work hard suffer? There are too few members."

Chumo spat at him: "bah, you straight mother thief, you have a big appetite! Twenty thousand people last a year. Who can\'t please? In a word, do you or don\'t you?"

Luo Hui\'s face became more and more ugly: "little Grandpa, it\'s difficult to follow orders..."

He still wants to continue to complain, but Chumo tells Li to leave: "if you don\'t do it, don\'t be wordy. Go away! Niu Yong, Niu Wu, throw the goods out for your husband!"

Li forgets to worry about Chumo\'s decision without raising his eyelids, and acquiesces to his words.

Niu Wu and Niu Yong naturally understood. They came forward with a smile and patted Luo Hui on the shoulder: "let\'s go. Don\'t annoy little Grandpa. There\'s no good fruit to eat."

Luo Hui didn\'t dare to say anything more. His face turned red. He had to get up obediently, salute Li forgetful and the crowd, and then turned and left.

But before he left, he was still very unwilling. He turned to Li forgetful and said, "huxianbo, it\'s really sincere to go down and want to share his worries for huxianbo. Otherwise, the 300 road toilets are unattended and dirty. I\'m afraid huxianbo\'s face will not look good at that time. Please think twice."

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t even raise his eyebrows. He was too lazy to say more with Luo.

He also saw that Luo Hui\'s appetite was not small, and he couldn\'t meet 20000 passes a year, which surprised him.

Although he read the history books that Chang\'an enriches the people and has a huge family wealth, he didn\'t expect that this product only depends on excrement removal, and he can\'t even see the income of 20000 yuan a year.

After Luo Hui was driven away, shopkeeper Ren was very embarrassed. He stood up again and bowed to Li QIAOYOU: "Huxian uncle, it\'s a Meng Lang today. He was forced by Luo Hui, so he had no choice but to bring him to his house and ask Huxian uncle to forgive him."

"Oh? Will he be overbearing? Isn\'t he a excrement picker?" Fang Yiai asked curiously as the shopkeeper said so.

Shopkeeper Ren smiled bitterly and told Luo Hui\'s story in detail. He heard Li forgetful and the dandies shaking their heads.

"Zhiniang thief, I knew he had just beaten him out of anger. A dung picker dared to bully the market like this! Do you really think Chang\'an city is his?" Chumo is very angry. He hits several cases with his fist, which makes the tea cup crash.

"Chumo is just a local overlord who doesn\'t become a climate. What\'s so angry?" Li forgets to worry and laughs: "Originally, I wanted to save some trouble and directly hand over these road toilets to Luo Hui. Since he has such a big heart, that\'s OK. We can recruit people from Huxian by ourselves. It doesn\'t take much trouble to recruit 300 people at 200 Wen a day, or 20000 a year."

The dandies nodded one after another. It was nothing to them.

On the other hand, shopkeeper Ren carefully said, "Huxian uncle, I\'m afraid naluo won\'t give up..."

"What\'s wrong with him? What does he want to do? Just be honest. If he has any other ideas, I\'ll let him go to Jinwu Wei to loosen his bones!" Chumo stares.

Seeing this, shopkeeper Ren naturally didn\'t dare to say anything more. He apologized again and again with Li forgetful before leaving.

Li forgetful worry and others naturally didn\'t pay attention to Luo Hui. They also discussed how to operate the Fanshan hall. Li forgetful worry rode out of the door, went to Dongshi to find the beautiful boss, and went to the Lizheng hall with her to meet the empress Chang sun.

Empress Chang sun appreciated what they had proposed, and Hao agreed without hesitation.

Before, she cooperated with her beautiful boss to make a big storm of "wife\'s family". Originally, she just wanted to breathe for women all over the world. Unexpectedly, this road toilet still contains such huge benefits.

Li is willing to set up a charity hall to care for the young, provide for the elderly, cheer up the poor, help the poor and relieve the disease. Why does she disagree.

Empress Chang sun looked at Li forgetful and indulged her to the extreme: "Ziyou, you child, really... What do you want the palace to say about you? Take it easy. You dare to do good things. Who has any criticism? The palace will argue with them!"

Empress Chang sun naturally understands why Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss want to attract her. Of course, she is worried about being impeached and inviting people to buy.

With the support of empress Chang sun, Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss are certainly at ease.

The name of the good hall was also decided by the empress Chang sun, which is called "forgetting sorrow good hall". On the one hand, it means to let the lonely and needy forget their sorrow. On the other hand, it also means to affirm and reward Li forgetting sorrow\'s kindness.

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly about naming Shantang after his own name, but he could only thank empress Chang sun for her kindness again and again.

The dandies began to recruit dung pickers in Huxian County, ready to work hard, but unexpectedly, trouble came again