Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 551

Li Heng\'s words made Li forget his worries. It\'s understandable that shopkeeper Ren asked to see him, but he also brought a guest, which seems to be against the rules.

Although Li Qieyou doesn\'t value his identity, he doesn\'t have any prejudice and discrimination against merchants. However, in the view of the Tang people, it is extremely generous for merchants like shopkeeper Ren to enter his house and visit him, the Huxian uncle.

Without saying hello, it is illegal to bring another strange guest to visit.

Li forgot to worry and thought that the shopkeeper should not be a person who didn\'t know what to do, so he nodded: "take them to the main room. I\'ll come in a minute."

Chumo and others smiled: "Ziyou, you\'re just too talkative. It\'s been a lifetime since these merchants could enter your house. It\'s not a good thing that you still indulge him."

"Shopkeeper Ren, last time I went to Taiwan prison, he did a lot of work. It\'s kind of a favor. Please sit down and I\'ll see what\'s going on." Li forgets to worry and laughs. He gets up and walks to the front hall of the courtyard.

"Wait for me, I\'ll go with you. I\'ll send them away early so that I can go to the palace to find the queen and implement it. Hey, hey. Brothers will point to your good hall for the rest of their lives." Chumo laughs and follows up. Now in his opinion, nothing is more important than this good hall.

"Let\'s go together." the dandies all coaxed and laughed and surrounded Li forget you to the lobby.

Li forgets to worry that he still stays in Chang\'an city. Before returning to Zhoucun, he just wants to finish the good hall. He naturally understood the idea that the dandies were anxious. These dandies eat, drink and have fun on weekdays. It\'s not interesting to run a good hall.

When the crowd arrived in the lobby, the guests had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Li forgetful and a group of dandies coming out, he quickly got up respectfully to salute.

Strange guest: "I went down to see the transfer County uncle. I took the liberty to visit and disturbed him."

"Hello, uncle Huxian, this is my good friend. I asked to see Uncle Huxian today and asked me to introduce him. His surname is Luo Minghui, and he is also a rich businessman in Chang\'an city." shopkeeper Ren said that, but his body bowed to the end, and his face was also ashamed, which made Li forget worry a little strange.

Li forgot to worry that the name Luo Hui seemed familiar, but he couldn\'t remember where he had heard it.

"You two don\'t need to be polite. Sit down. Why do you ask to see me today?"

Shopkeeper Ren knelt on the floor and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know how to speak. Instead, Naro Hui arched his hand at Li QIAOYOU: "Huxian Bo, I\'d like to ask the shopkeeper to introduce me today. There\'s a business I want to discuss with Huxian Bo."

"Oh? What business? Tell me."

Luo Hui\'s attitude was respectful. He gave Li forgetful a gift before he said: "Huxian uncle spent a lot of money to build 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city. I admire him very much. However, this road toilet also needs someone to take care of it. Otherwise, over a long period of time, those dirty things will overflow and be not beautiful, which will live up to Huxian uncle\'s painstaking efforts. There are many people under my command who are good at this and can bear hardships. Therefore, I take the liberty to ask Huxian uncle to give the 300 road toilets to someone Take care of it. "

Let him take care of the road toilet? Li forgot to worry, and then suddenly remembered who it would be.

In Chang\'an City, the man named Luo Hui made a living by picking up dung and became rich.

It is recorded in the history books that "Luo Hui, a rich man in Chang\'an, takes excrement removal as his industry, which is called" chicken shop "in the middle. It is said that if he returns, he can get income from excrement removal. The society will associate with his industry and have a huge family wealth."

By picking up excrement, he not only has a huge fortune, but also can be paid by Secretary Shi. Luo Hui is also a talent.

After Li forgets to worry about the 300 road toilets put into use, the wealth contained in them can\'t be seen by others, but Luo Hui, who was born to pick excrement, knows it.

In fact, Luo Hui had the same idea of building a road toilet in Chang\'an City, but he couldn\'t do it at all. The road toilet is easy to repair, but the land is not easy. Every inch of land in Chang\'an city is worth an inch of money. Li forgets to worry can repair it because Li Er waved his big hand and the government provided land free of charge.

And where would he be so capable?

Although he has a lot of money, his status can\'t even compare with that of businessmen. Naturally, he can only think about it.

After the completion of 300 road toilets in Chang\'an City, Luo Hui was very enthusiastic about it. The benefits contained in it were too great.

Luo Hui, who can accumulate wealth by picking up excrement, is naturally unique.

Chang\'an city of Nuo university has a population of one million, including hundreds of people who do excrement removal. Originally, there were many fights in order to grab territory.

This Luo Hui is very capable and skillful.

Through various means, such as soliciting and suppressing, bribing yamen servants and Marquis Wu, he actually let him gather all the people who pick up dung in Chang\'an under his own command, forming a big force.

Nowadays, those who remove dung in Chang\'an City have to pay varying amounts of copper money to Luo Hui according to their assigned area every day.

As a result, he now only needs to sit in the government and has a large amount of copper money every day. Moreover, because he has gathered hundreds of people, these excrement collectors are strong and listen to him, which has greatly expanded Luo Hui\'s ambition.

However, as the heart of the Tang Dynasty, Chang\'an city is full of dignitaries.

Whether it\'s Princess Wang sun, a hundred officials, a powerful family, eunuchs, military guards and dandies, people born like Luo Hui can\'t provoke them.

But those ordinary merchants in Chang\'an City have become the object of their humiliation. And charged high fees to those merchants on the grounds of excrement removal.

Merchants naturally did not want to pay such wronged money. As a result, Luo Hui would not allow anyone to go to those merchants\' houses and shops to pick up dung.

No one picks up the dung water. These people in Luohui don\'t allow those who pick up dung outside Chang\'an to enter the city. Finally, those merchants had no choice but to bow their heads and admit defeat. Obediently send a large amount of copper money and beg Luo Hui and others to pick up the dung.

Therefore, ordinary merchants in Chang\'an city are polite to him and dare not offend him easily.

Luo Hui is jealous of Li forgetful\'s 300 road toilets, but he suffers from no way to catch up with Li forgetful, the founder of the county.

Later, he didn\'t know where he heard it. He said that manager Ren of Ren Ji saddle bridle shop had a friendship with Huxian uncle. So Luo Hui brought a gift to visit shopkeeper Ren and wanted to ask shopkeeper Ren to introduce him. He had a business and wanted to talk to Huxian Bo.

Shopkeeper Ren naturally refused, but he was forced by Luo Hui and had to be soft.

The shopkeeper in office wants to come. When he comes to Li forgetful worry, it\'s just a dish and can\'t cause any trouble.

He didn\'t believe that Luo would be a lowly and lowly man who could fool around in front of Li forgetful, the founder of the county.

However, shopkeeper Ren is still very guilty about taking Luo Hui into Huxian Bofu without permission.

When Luo Hui said this, he couldn\'t help standing up and bowing to Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, it\'s my fault to go down. In fact, I don\'t know Luo Hui very well..."

Before he finished, Li forgot to worry and waved to him with a smile: "it doesn\'t matter, shopkeeper Ren, I know your character very well. There\'s no need to say more."

He turned and looked at Luo Hui, smiling: "how are you going to cooperate with me? Tell me."