Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 550

The matter of the road toilet was finally settled, and Li forget worry grew a breath in his heart. He really didn\'t expect that such a common thing in future generations could cause so much trouble in Datang.

Let Li forget to worry and choose again. I\'m afraid he won\'t consider repairing any road toilets. Dirty is dirty. It\'s been like this for thousands of years anyway.

But now that things have been done, there is nothing to regret.

After the opening of the road toilet, Li forgets to worry about another very important thing, that is, recruiting excrement removal personnel.

This excrement picking is not pleasant to say. It\'s dirty, smelly and tired. But in Datang, it\'s a "gold collar" career.

Chumo and other dandies are surprised to hear that Li forgetful worries wants to organize people to pick up and sell dung. They look like they have seen a ghost.

"Ziyou, are you crazy? It\'s not enough to repair the road toilet. You still want to do it as a business?"

"Yes, Ziyou, aren\'t you afraid that others say you are the count of selling dung? This name is too ugly."

"Ziyou, don\'t worry about those road toilets. Naturally, there are excrement collectors in Chang\'an city. You are the founder of the country. Why do you have to do this evil business?"

"Are you crazy? Ziyou, are you still short of money? Which of the four wheeled carriage shop and the wine making workshop is not making money every day? Are you going to do this?"

The dandies have spoken to persuade Li to forget his worries, and they all think he is crazy.

Li forgets worry but has long planned. When he first discussed the matter with his beautiful boss, he already had a plan.

"Hey, brothers, isn\'t it too cheap for those who pick up dung? I gave them 300 road toilets for nothing. Besides, I\'m not asking my brother to pick up dung by himself. I\'m going to recruit 300 people from Hu county to pick up dung in Chang\'an City and sell it around every day. As for the income from picking up dung, I\'m not going to put it in my pocket, but want to use it in my pocket Chang\'an City and Hu County help orphaned women and children. "

Fang Yiai didn\'t understand: "the saint also took out 20% of the lottery proceeds to protect the interest of all the people? Where do you use your boy to do many things?"

Nowadays, the lottery tickets issued every ten days in Chang\'an city are getting higher and higher, and Dai Zhou, the Minister of civil affairs, has long been happy.

According to the current trend, the lottery revenue this year will not be less than 250000 Guan, of which 20% is 50000 Guan copper coins.

Li forgot to worry about this and just said, "that little money is just a drop in the bucket. Brothers, do you know how much the locust plague has affected the people in Hu county this year? And how many people in Chang\'an city are short of food and clothing? Not to mention the lottery income, even if the annual income of this road toilet is used to relieve widowed women and children, it may not be enough."

Cheng Chumo and Fang Yiai are speechless. Although they are dandies, they are not the selfish second generation. We also understand the sufferings of the people.

A large amount of copper money is needed for caring for the young, providing for the aged, shaking up the poor, fighting poverty and alleviating diseases.

However, the annual income generated by these 300 road toilets does not know how many families can be saved.

"Ziyou, you don\'t have to deal with it yourself? Why don\'t you let your enemy or someone else do it? Chumo thinks about it and persuades him.

Li forgets worry and stares at Chumo like an idiot: "Brother Chumo, are you stupid? I\'m going to take your brothers with me to do this. Think about how famous we would be if we set up a charity hall and could spend hundreds of thousands of copper coins every year to help the orphans and widows? Who would dislike the reputation of excrement removal? If you\'re not interested, I\'ll be fine I\'ll find someone else. "

Chumo was stunned by his words and opened his mouth: "Ziyou, what are you talking about? More than ten thousand passes? Just pick up the dung?"

A group of dandies also swallowed their saliva: "a hundred thousand Guan? You\'re not kidding? Can this excrement removal make so much money?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "otherwise, what do you think I\'m doing with so much effort? I\'ve calculated that the income is only high but not low."

At the beginning, the Shaojian of the Shaojian mansion told Li Er that he wanted to sell the official cattle and horse dung, and his annual income was expected to reach 200000 yuan. Li Er rejected the business because of his bad reputation, but its value was real.

With a million people in Chang\'an City, these road toilets naturally accumulate a lot of feces every day. Li forgets worry estimates that a road toilet that sells feces every day can earn about twice.

The 300 road toilets are 600 Guan, and this is only a day\'s income, which is about 200000 yuan a year. Leaving aside the expenditure on recruiting fecal removal personnel, there is no problem in earning more than 100000 Guan a year from road toilets.

After Li forgot to worry about the benefits to the dandies, he brightened the dandies\' eyes: "Ziyou, it\'s a good thing! It must be done!"

Fang Yiai slapped his chest shamelessly: "isn\'t it just excrement removal to make money? I don\'t think the money stinks! It\'s delicious for the people!"

A group of dandies put up a pile of middle fingers for Fang Yiai to show their "praise" for his shameless spirit.

The dandies thought that it would be good for these road toilets to earn tens of thousands of yuan a year by picking up dung, but they didn\'t expect that they contained so much profit.

Li forgets to worry and is willing to take out all the proceeds to open a charity hall and do good deeds to care for the children, provide for the elderly, cheer up the poor, overcome the poor and alleviate the disease in Chang\'an city.

This is a great event. How can we keep them unmoved?

How much fame and benefits can it bring to people to do good deeds every year?

Dandies don\'t care about money. As for official positions, as long as their parents are still in the court, they can\'t turn them. They can hang up a virtual position at most.

But fame is something that everyone loves.

It took a lot of effort to bring down those old courtiers before. Isn\'t it because these old courtiers are famous?

But when this good hall works, these dandies can\'t be worshipped as living bodhisattvas by the people of Chang\'an City?

If more than ten thousand copper coins are scattered, what reputation do you have?

It\'s no trouble to encounter such a thing again. The people of Chang\'an city can drown those old ministers with one mouthful of saliva.

Chai Lingwu poured cold water on the crowd: "Ziyou, I\'m afraid it\'s not right. It\'s good to take out such a large sum of money to help the orphans and widows. I\'m afraid I\'ll be impeached by someone who wants to buy people\'s hearts. It\'s not good."

Li forgot to worry and glanced at him with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"Of course, we can\'t just rely on us. Since the land for building the road toilet is provided by the saints, the good hall should be dominated by the royal family. I\'ll invite her highness to be the head of the good hall. We\'ll follow her highness and hang a name in the good hall. In this way, who has anything to say? Can you impeach her highness and invite people to buy people\'s hearts? Her highness and the saints naturally provide for all the people Feng, we can also have a good reputation and do things with one stone. "

The dandies were stunned and then smiled: "wonderful, it\'s wonderful! You\'re really smart, ha ha, it\'s settled! We must participate in it."

When the people were happy, the old housekeeper Li Heng came in and said, "Lang Jun, shopkeeper Ren of the saddle bridle shop asked for an audience."

"Oh? What\'s wrong with him? Please ask him to go to the main room."

"Lang Jun, shopkeeper Ren also brought a guest to ask for an audience..."