Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 549

It\'s not difficult for a person to do something good. The difficult thing is to do good things all his life and not do bad things, which has always been beneficial to the masses... Now the Wuhou and yamen servants in every lane of Chang\'an City stare at the elders and supervise them to do well.

How could the elders stand being targeted by the government, so they closed their doors for fear of being in trouble again.

Old people can not go out, but their children and grandchildren can\'t go out, can they? Moreover, the government always has to go out to buy daily necessities such as oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

In short, if we can\'t catch the mistakes of the elderly, we will catch their families. It is called that the elderly should educate the people, and the family should set an example.

At the end of the day, these elders in Chang\'an City have been complaining endlessly.

Among the elderly, there are naturally smart people.

Being targeted by the government, people with a little brain also want to get it. It must have something to do with the women\'s toilet. I didn\'t give those officials face before. I think this is someone else\'s revenge.

These old people suddenly had different opinions. Some people began to regret that whether to repair the women\'s toilet had nothing to do with them.

What morality and ethics, compared with their own troubles, does not seem to matter.

These old people, smart people, such as Uncle Lu, immediately went out to the county government. They solemnly reported to ludjing that one side of the road toilet in their lane should be changed into a women\'s toilet.

"Lu Ming\'s residence, I have a story to tell you. Huxian Bo\'s house is kind-hearted. I really admire him for building road toilets around Chang\'an city. However, there are only men\'s toilets, but there are no women\'s toilets. I think it\'s wrong. It\'s just the saying that people have three emergencies, regardless of men and women. This woman has no place to use the toilet. I think it\'s very wrong. Huxian Bo has two road toilets. They are only for men to use It\'s a waste to use it. It\'s better to change the road toilet in Qinren square to male left and female right. What do the Ming government think? "

Uncle Lu said these words against his heart, and his heart was dripping blood.

Lu Dejing took it easy and shook his head: "no, there are many opponents on this matter. Some even threatened to push down the road toilet if they get out of the women\'s toilet. If so, it\'s not wrong to live up to Huxian uncle\'s wishes."

Father Lu almost choked on Lu Dejing\'s words. Among the elders, he was the first to say these words.

But now he wants to talk to himself, chew it up and let him have a red face.

"Don\'t worry about Lu Ming\'s house. When I go back, I won\'t let anyone destroy the road toilet. I dare not say anything about the road toilet in Qinren square, but whoever dares to move the road toilet in Qinren square will fight with him!"

Lu Dejing was quite satisfied with Lao Zhang Lu\'s knowledge and interest.

"Ha ha, since Mr. Lu said so, the county naturally has no reason not to agree. So, the county is selfish and asks craftsmen to change the road toilet. Today, the road toilet of qinrenfang will be opened. However, the county says that there is something good or bad about the road toilet of qinrenfang. The county needs to find Mr. Lu to be accountable."

"Yes, yes, Lu Ming\'s residence can rest assured. Old man\'s words still play a role in Qinren square." up to now, uncle Lu has completely let go.

He can\'t stand being watched by a group of officials anytime and anywhere. If he makes a mistake, he will be severely punished. His children and grandchildren also complained about this. Naturally, he couldn\'t help but bow his head.

Moreover, there is no reason for this. If Wannian county government or government officials deliberately bully him, he would dare to go to the censor\'s desk with a dove stick.

But others ask you to set an example and do good things. How can you tell?

Tell the censor that he doesn\'t want to do good, let alone educate the people? Isn\'t this self defeating? So uncle Lu bowed his head and admitted defeat.

Quan Chang\'an, the first road toilet for women in the whole Tang Dynasty, appeared in Qinren square after father Lu bowed his head.

Looking at the craftsmen smearing out the words "men\'s toilet" on the right road toilet and writing the word "women\'s toilet", uncle Lu was so unhappy.

But he not only couldn\'t show it, but also had to rack his brains for the sake of the officials.

Master Lu bowed his hand to Lu Dejing who came to watch: "in Lu Ming\'s house, many people are illiterate. I\'m afraid it\'s inappropriate to just write about the men\'s and women\'s toilets. If you go wrong, will it not humiliate women\'s reputation? I think it\'s better for craftsmen to draw portraits of men and women next to the doors of men\'s and women\'s toilets, so as not to make mistakes."

Lu Dejing nodded again and again: "Master Lu\'s words are very kind. That\'s what mature people say. Come on, immediately ask the craftsman to draw portraits on both sides of the road toilet according to master Lu\'s words to distinguish!"

When he finished, he thought about it, and then reached out to attract the Marquis of Qinren square, and said, "you Marquis shop, pay attention to this road toilet recently, and don\'t let those vagrants disturb women\'s toilet. But if there are spies, all of them will be arrested by the county government, and the county will try it in person at that time. It will not be easy!"

"Promise!" the Marquis naturally agreed.

After craftsmen on both sides of the road toilet drew large portraits of men and women, and then pushed open the closed door of the women\'s toilet, the first women\'s toilet in the Tang Dynasty was officially opened.

Many neighborhoods of Qinren square have already gathered outside the road toilet. Many little women and aunts point out to the road toilet, but no one dares to be the first to eat crabs.

Even if they had wanted to go in for a long time, no one was interested in entering the women\'s toilet under the eyes of so many people.

What uncle Lu wanted to see was just such an effect. He couldn\'t help sneering: "what if the women\'s toilet is open? People can stare at it every day to see which daughter-in-law and little lady can pull the lower skin into the toilet."

When he was proud of himself, he saw a middle-aged woman with big arms and round waist, who, regardless of the eyes of the people around him, snorted coldly, twisted her fat waist and went into the women\'s toilet.

Uncle Lu saw his eyelids jump, but he could only sigh silently in his heart. The dove stick in his hand couldn\'t help holding it tight for a few minutes.

The aunt is in Qinren square, but she is famous for being tough. No one dares to quarrel with her. Even an old man like Uncle Lu will not have nothing to provoke her.

With this mother-in-law and aunt taking the lead, there will naturally be follow-up. After another, several mothers and aunts walked into the women\'s toilet, which made uncle Lu very sad. He kept thinking about the collapse of rites and music and the collapse of rites and music

No matter how oppressed and depressed uncle Lu was, the first road toilet used by women in Chang\'an city was finally opened.

With his precedent, other senior citizens were not stupid either. They ran to the county government one after another and asked to change the road toilet in their workshop from the women\'s toilet. At this time, those stubborn elders can only swallow their anger and lose their power.

The emergence of women\'s toilets was naturally unstoppable. Soon, in 106 square of Chang\'an City, all road toilets were divided into men and women.

When the first women\'s toilet in qinrenfang was put into use, empress Chang sun, who had lived for seven or eight days in Bofu, Huxian County, where Li forgot to worry, finally got bored. After receiving the news, she immediately led a group of ladies back to Chang\'an City