Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 548

With the help of his sons, uncle Lu went out of Wannian county and was very angry and ready to go back to Qinren square.

Just a few steps away, he was stopped by the Yamen of Wannian county.

"Stop! Who told you to keep to the left? Don\'t you understand the rules? You have to rely on fifty for walking carelessly! As an old man, how can you not abide by the laws?"

The Yamen servant\'s words made uncle Lu\'s blood pressure rise: "this is the street in the square, not the street outside! Why lean to the right?"

In Chang\'an City, there are endless cars, horses and caravans. It\'s the iron law to go to the right, but those who violate the retrograde direction will be punished with 50 sticks. But that refers to the rules set in order to avoid congestion on rosefinch street.

Now the Yamen service actually asks him to walk on the right in the streets of Lifang. How can we make uncle Lu not angry, and how can we not feel that the Yamen service has nothing to look for and deliberately pricks?

"Hey hey, uncle Lu, we\'ll talk to you when we respect you as an old man. What\'s the law of the Tang Dynasty that says, you don\'t have to keep to the right in the inner square?"

"You..." Uncle Lu pointed to the passers-by on the road with his dove stick: "so many people didn\'t walk to the right. Why didn\'t you stop them?"

The Yamen turned his eyes: "they are not old people. As an old man, holding a dove stick, you naturally want to set an example and educate the people. How can you be like these people?"

The words of the Yamen service say that father Lu has lost his temper. The identity of the old man and the dove stick in his hand are what he values most. The old man does have the obligation to help the government educate the people.

He could only be silent. He walked to the right side of the road with the help of his son and walked slowly to his house.

When I arrived at the gate of my residence, I found another group of people gathered around me. When I saw that uncle Lu was back, they quickly dodged the road.

"What\'s this fuss about?" Uncle Lu was angry and asked in a bad tone.

Blocked in front of his house were several Marquis of qinrenfang. When they saw old man Lu, the Marquis did not lack etiquette. After saluting him, they replied: "old man Lu, this mule and horse in your house defecates in the street and pollutes..."

"And the dog in your house pees in the corner and gives out filth..."

Just now, he spat and went out to Wannian county. Finally, he was fined consistent copper money, which has made uncle Lu feel very depressed. Now when he heard that even his own mules, horses and dogs would be caught and punished by Marquis Wu, he suddenly broke out.

"What do you want? Aren\'t all the dogs, mules and horses in Chang\'an? Are you blind? Why are you pestering the old family?"

The princes were not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Master Lu, how can others compare with you? You are an old man. Hold a dove stick to educate the people and set an example for the people..."

Before he finished, uncle Lu just felt dizzy and his body couldn\'t help shaking twice. If it hadn\'t been for the help of several sons, I\'m afraid I would have fallen to the ground.

Master Lu stood up reluctantly and said, "I admit punishment! Go back to the house. No one is allowed to go out of the house again today!"

His sons hurriedly helped their father back to the house and slammed the door tightly.

This movement has attracted the discussion of the surrounding neighbors. No one knows what the Wuhou in today\'s Square and the Yamen service in Wannian county have done. The fart big thing also grabbed uncle Lu on the line.

They don\'t know that things like Uncle Lu are being staged in all the workshops in Chang\'an city today.

As long as those old people go out of their own house, they are watched to death by Marquis Wu and yamen. If there is a slightest mistake, someone will come forward to stop them. It\'s either to punish copper or to beat the board, which makes these elders angry, but they can\'t attack.

Not to mention spitting or the house dog peeing outside, even walking on the road and ignoring the pit beside the road, marquis Wu immediately came forward, pointed to the pit and asked the elder to fill it up.

"Old man, the officials have long had strict orders not to go through pits in the streets and alleys to get earth. The streets of qufang city must be repaired. How can you turn a blind eye to these pits? What if you fall? Flatten these pits quickly."

"Nonsense, how can I let the old man do it?"

"Why not? You are an old man holding a dove stick and should educate the people! Why are you unfair when you see these pits?"

These words blocked the elders speechless and could only bow their heads obediently. In less than half a day, he likes to walk around with a dove stick in his hand. None of the pointing elders are found. They all retract into their residence for fear that they will be troubled by the princes and yamen servants again.

In fact, this is the "bad idea" given by Li forget worry to all officials.

Aren\'t those old people willing to stand on the moral high ground and criticize others? Then mold them into "moral saints".

Not only can I not make the slightest mistake in traveling, but I have to repair it immediately when I see injustice. I have to pour out all my money to help when I am lonely, comfort the child when she is crying, and help the woman when she is hard to travel

In short, in Li\'s words, it is necessary for these elders to achieve the highest moral cultivation and perfect quality. Become a person who knows and does perfect and perfect.

Chumo smacks his tongue after hearing Li\'s words: "my mother, if anyone can do this, I\'ll cut off his head and kick him as a ball! This mother is a saint alive!"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "since these elders keep saying what rules, let them become the most disciplined people in Datang. Hey hey, this is also their virtue as elders."

For such a "moral saint", Li forgets worry and will not sympathize at all.

Just like Tolstoy, he found a woman who was older and cheaper. After ending his virginity, he scolded in his diary and cursed the woman: "who is the root of our debauchery and indulgence, isn\'t it a woman?"

This way of attributing all the mistakes to others is the most despised thing by Li forgetful.

These old people can go to the road toilet conveniently, but they can\'t see women use it. It\'s also shameless to impose some bullshit "ethics" on others.

After listening to Li\'s words, all the officials were confused.

This Huxian uncle is so insidious!

It\'s not like beating or scolding, but it can drive people crazy. All officials thought to themselves that if this happened to their own heads, life would be better than death.

For this Huxian uncle, everyone is secretly vigilant. If he is unnecessary in the future, he must not offend. It\'s too cruel!

It\'s really sinister to kill with such a soft knife. However, none of the officials objected. Perhaps this is the only way to deal with these old people who do not advance in oil and salt.

Therefore, with the concerted cooperation of all officials, a vigorous "God making movement" was launched in each lane of Chang\'an City