Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 547

The morning drum in Chang\'an City, whether it is windy or rainy, will always ring on time to wake up the people in their sleep.

Father Lu, who lives in Qinren square, got up and changed clothes under the service of the maid and servant in the house. Instead of rushing to breakfast, he picked up his precious dove stick and went out of his house with the help of the servant.

The dove staff given by the government is the flesh of father Lu\'s heart. Even his eldest brother can\'t touch it.

As an elder of Qinren square, father Lu is used to walking around the square after getting up every day, saying hello to the neighbors and receiving compliments from everyone.

The door has not been opened yet, but there are already early neighbors out busy. When I saw Uncle Lu, I would bow politely.

As the oldest elder in qinrenfang, uncle Lu is also used to it. He greeted everyone with a smile, and then continued to patrol around the workshop.

Walking to the road toilet built by Bo Xiujian in fangzhonghu County, uncle Lu looked at the two road toilets on the left and right. The words "men\'s toilet" were also written on them. He nodded with satisfaction.

Although this road toilet is still only open on the left, uncle Lu doesn\'t care so much. Those officials are delusional about changing the road toilet on the right into a women\'s toilet, then they must not!

If the government forced to change, uncle Lu would rather push down the women\'s toilet than compromise.

Anyway, as an old man, he doesn\'t worry about what the government can do to him. Don\'t mention that the magistrate of Wannian county is only six grades. Even those senior officials in Fei robes are not as polite when they see him?

With the help of the servants, father Lu went to the road toilet for convenience.

Uncle Lu must admit that the road toilet built by Bo in Huxian county is a good thing.

Since the road toilet was built, the square has been much cleaner. In the past, there were no filthy things in the corners and alleys.

Originally, some people were too lazy to take a few more steps to the road toilet and wanted to solve it everywhere as before. However, after these people were caught by the Wuhou in the workshop or the Yamen in Wannian County, they were heavily blamed for 60 battles.

After a few times, the situation of defecating everywhere in the workshop was gone.

After having the road toilet, many people in the workshop are unwilling to use the toilet in their own house. After all, you have to find someone to pick up the feces after using your own toilet. It\'s really troublesome. It\'s far less convenient to go to the road toilet in two steps.

Master Lu went out of the road toilet with ease and was ready to go back to the house with the help of the servant. He habitually cleared his throat, and then spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

This phlegm just fell to the ground. Two Marquis of Wuhou shop in qinrenfang didn\'t know where to drill out.

"Stop! Master Lu, why do you spit this filthy thing everywhere?"

Uncle Lu was stunned when he heard the speech. He thought I would spit. How did it become something dirty?

"Two Marquises, you are wrong? I just spit."

The two princes nodded: "since you admit it, it has long been stipulated in the law of the Tang Dynasty that those who wear the wall and produce dirt will have a staff of 60. Isn\'t this phlegm dirty? Abbot Lu, you are an old man. According to the law, the punishment can be halved, but you also need a staff of 30. You old arms and legs can\'t bear it. In that case, you can punish copper, five kilograms of copper to offset the crime and pay for it."

The regulations mentioned by Marquis Wu refer to the punishment of 60 staff for littering in the street. The penalty of five kilograms of copper is always copper money.

How can uncle Lu be willing to do this? And he thinks he\'s just spitting. How can he turn into littering?

Then he argued with the two princes: "nonsense, old man just spat. How can it be filthy?"

Marquis Wu grinned and grinned: "why not? It\'s naturally filthy! Master Lu, we respect you as an old man, so we\'re so polite. If you\'re stubborn, we\'ll go to Wannian County Yamen to talk!"

"Hum! Just go! I don\'t believe Lu Ming\'s residence can still sit and watch you act so recklessly!" said uncle Lu angrily.

Several people had a dispute, which naturally attracted the onlookers in the neighborhood. They talked about it one after another, but they didn\'t dare to say anything more. After all, they are not as old as Uncle Lu. They still have much awe of marquis Wu.

The dispute really went to Wannian county government. In the neighbourhood of those onlookers, someone immediately ran to Uncle Lu\'s house to report.

This frightened several sons of Uncle Lu\'s family and hurried to the County Yamen with the neighborhood.

Qinrenfang and xuanyangfang, where Wannian county is located, are separated by a street. When several sons of Uncle Lu come, Lu Dejing, the county magistrate of Wannian County, has already been promoted to the court to start the trial.

As an old man, father Lu didn\'t have to pay homage when he saw the officials, so he stood carelessly in the lobby and arched his hand at Lu Dejing.

"Lu Ming\'s house, I want you to make decisions for me. These two princes in the Wuhou shop make trouble. They either say that Lao Fu spit, or they break through the wall and pollute. They should beat Lao Fu with thirty sticks or punish him with five kilograms of copper! Please also ask Lu Ming\'s house to make decisions for Lao Fu and reprimand these two princes who make trouble."

After he finished, Lu Dejing laughed after the gaozuo case.

"Master Lu, you\'re wrong. Since you admit that you spit on the ground, it naturally belongs to filth. What\'s wrong with these two princes? If they turn a blind eye, the Lord can\'t help but sin with them, and they will be punished."

"What? What\'s this? I\'ve been spitting all my life. I\'ve never heard of it. It\'s filthy? Lu Ming\'s house, you can\'t be so partial to the marquis." old man Lu was worried when he heard this.

Lu Dejing sneered: "if Uncle Lu thinks that the county is partial to the Marquis, he can go to the censor\'s station to report the county. However, the penalty of copper or staff 30 is unavoidable. Uncle Lu, choose it yourself."

"You...!" Uncle Lu was so angry that he couldn\'t speak. Since he became an old man, how has he ever been so angry?

Before he could continue to get angry, he heard someone shouting under the hall: "recognize the punishment, we recognize the punishment, we recognize the punishment of five kilograms of copper."

It was the sons of father Lu who spoke. They hurried to hear the news. When they heard Lu Dejing\'s words, they dared not hesitate and immediately confessed the punishment.

Uncle Lu has more than 70 people. Thirty strokes can directly kill the old man. How can they refuse to accept the punishment.

It\'s always painful to take out the copper money, but it won\'t hurt the muscles and bones.

Father Lu\'s son immediately took out the consistent copper money from the money bag and paid the penalty copper, which was the end of the matter. Several people carefully helped uncle Lu out of the county government. Uncle Lu glared at the county government gate and habitually wanted to spit.

But his son hurriedly stopped him: "Dad, don\'t dare spit any more, always copper money!"

Master Lu reacted and quickly swallowed the sputum back. He stamped his foot angrily: "go back to the house!"

Just as the sun rose, he lost his copper money for no reason. Uncle Lu felt that he hit a villain without looking at the Yellow calendar today.

But he didn\'t expect that this unlucky thing was not over