Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 546

Faced with the heckles of the elders, the group of officials can only harden their heads to persuade.

"You elders, we are also kind-hearted. You also have wives and daughters in the house. Do you have the heart to watch them embarrassed because of internal anxiety when they go out? It\'s the so-called don\'t do to others what you don\'t want. Why can\'t this woman go out to the toilet?"

In fact, these officials do not necessarily support women going to the toilet outside and regard it as indecent. But now the situation is better than people and they can\'t choose.

Now we can only stand on Li forgetful\'s side to persuade these old people.

However, their words had no effect at all. The elder on the opposite side disdained: "bah, how can my wife and daughter be so unruly? If they dare to go to the bathroom outside, I can\'t beat their legs!"

"In any case, this road toilet can\'t be changed into a women\'s toilet, otherwise don\'t blame me for letting someone push it!"

An official was unhappy and scolded: "nonsense! You are also an old man with a dove stick. How can you be so ignorant? The construction of the women\'s toilet is also a national event. How can you allow you to mess around like this? If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that I will put you in prison!"

It\'s good that he didn\'t say this. As soon as he said it, it was like stabbing a hornet\'s nest. Suddenly, the group of elders jumped and made a noise.

"OK! If you want to catch me, then catch me! I want to see which law someone has violated!"

"That\'s right! The gentleman is so powerful. Then take us away!"

"Today, I want to see who dares to change this road toilet. If you want to change it, you can kill me first, and then you can do it."

The words of the elders have made the officials sit in the wax.

This group of old people with finger dove sticks can\'t move easily. As long as they don\'t commit crimes, even when Li Er sees them, he has to be polite to show his respect for the elderly and his respect for filial piety.

Everyone looked at each other. No one knew what to do. For a while, no one spoke.

The craftsman on one side didn\'t know, so he asked in a low voice, "gentlemen, do you still change this word?"

"Change a fart!" there was anger in his heart. When the craftsman asked, the official was even more angry. He kicked over the paint bucket, turned and left.

Other people are also helpless to shake their heads. When they meet these old people, they really have no way to start. The crowd turned and left, leaving the craftsmen at a loss.

In fact, in addition to deliberately embarrassing those officials, the fundamental reason why Li forget you refused to show up was to deal with these elders.

After he came out of Taiwan prison, he learned that merchants in the eastern and western cities, in order to support himself, actually carried out a "strike" to resist those officials who slandered him, which moved him very much.

No matter what the other party\'s purpose is, Li Qieyou should thank him.

After another visit to Qiu Yuanliang, Ren shopkeeper, Milliman and others, Li forgetful suddenly realized that the biggest resistance to the construction of the women\'s toilet was not only in the court hall, but also the opposition of the people.

Whether it is the enemy or shopkeeper Ren, these merchants actually know the most about all kinds of things in Chang\'an city.

After figuring out the difficulties of these old people, Li forget worry immediately gave up the idea of meeting them.

But he knows how difficult it is to deal with such an old man. He can\'t beat or scold, can\'t get oil and salt, and is stubborn to death.

There are not a few conflicts caused by noise among those aunt and uncle who dance square dance in the future, but even if the police are called to persuade them, they are not afraid and go their own way.

The Tang Dynasty advocates filial piety and respect for the elderly. These elders holding dove sticks are even more difficult to deal with. It\'s a bad thing. If there\'s any civil commotion, it\'s really unbearable.

Li Lianyou didn\'t want to do such a stupid thing, so when the officials asked him about the women\'s toilet, he deliberately pretended to be stupid and wanted to use the officials as a gun driver.

After all the officials met the old man in front of him, they thought about it. There was no other way. They simply stabbed it into the court. All officials played Li Er, hoping to issue a royal decree to transform those road toilets.

Li Er naturally won\'t nod. He won\'t be the "bad guy". Although those old people are powerless, they have great influence in Chang\'an city.

Even if he issued a royal decree to divide the road toilets into men and women, I\'m afraid these elders really dare to push down those women\'s toilets. In this way, it is not beautiful.

Seeing that Li Er didn\'t let go, and there was opposition from the elderly among the people, these officials who were crazy about their wives simply played a rogue. After discussing with each other, they all ran to Kaihua square to surround Li forgetful\'s residence.

Seeing nearly a hundred court officials wearing deep Fei and light Fei official robes blocking their house, the old housekeeper Li Heng was also frightened.

The old man has never seen such a battle. He can only invite all officials into the house and ask Niu Yong and Niu Wu to invite Li forgetful to meet the guests.

The house bought by Li Qieyou is only for temporary settlement, and the area is not large. After twenty or thirty officials crowded into the front yard, there was no place to stay. The others simply stood in the front yard.

At this time, Li forgets worry is drinking cold drinks with the dandies in the back house. He fights landlords and plays mahjong leisurely. When he hears Niu Wu\'s report, he can\'t help laughing.

"Ziyou, can you still laugh? You\'ve made these officials very expensive this time. Be careful to provoke public anger and can\'t stop it." Wei Shuyu advised.

Chai Lingwu also nodded and said, "yes, now the ladies in each house are not here. I heard that many families are in a mess. If you don\'t get out the women\'s toilet again, your highness will lose face and refuse to come back. Be careful that all officials and saints will settle accounts with you."

Chumo and others nodded again and again. They all felt that Li forgetful had gone too far this time.

Li forgot his worries, took out the folding fan from his waist, shook it open with a Shua, shook his head and said, "it doesn\'t hurt. The mountain people have their own tricks! Wow, hahaha, I\'ll meet them later!"

The dandies stopped playing cards and all surrounded Li QIAOYOU to the main room to see what he was doing.

As soon as Li forgot to worry, he was startled to see so many people in the lobby and hurriedly met with all officials.

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be polite. Tell me quickly. What are your plans now? Don\'t want the previous nonsense to fool me!" the impatient official couldn\'t wait to ask before everyone was polite.

Li forgot to worry, but he was not slow. He made a bow for the people before he said: "Gentlemen, I didn\'t fool you. I didn\'t expect that I would do bad things with good intentions. It\'s not that I, Li forgetful, wanted to find something for nothing. It\'s because I saw that Chang\'an city was filthy and intolerable. I wanted to build a road toilet out of my own pocket. But who would have thought that in order to build a road toilet, I was locked up in Taiwan prison by saints. Gentlemen, I\'m also wronged!"

It\'s hard for people to refute his remarks.

It is true that the construction of road toilets was also beneficial to all parties. No one wants to see such a situation.

"Huxian uncle, we also know that we were wrong. If you have any complaints, I\'ll accompany you today. But things must be solved, or the Queen\'s face will be ugly, won\'t it?"

"Yes, yes, Huxian uncle, I\'ll make an apology to you, but you have to find a way! You repaired this road toilet, so you can\'t ignore it?"

"Huxian uncle, if you don\'t give a statement today, you won\'t go!"

"Yes, I won\'t go!"

All officials are really anxious now, some say soft words and some intimidate. In short, it is a purpose to let Li forget his worries and get things done in the road toilet.

In this regard, Li forgot his worries and was happy. He showed eight white teeth and smiled at the people: "gentlemen, I have a plan. I don\'t know if you are interested..."