Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 545

Huxian Bo Li forgot his worries and did not intend to change the opening of the women\'s toilet. The news immediately spread to all officials in Chang\'an city.

The officials who thought they had brought down those old ministers and made everyone happy were completely ignorant.

Why not play cards according to the routine?

Is there trust between people?

More people immediately realized that huxianbo was "retaliating" against them. When others were impeached for building women\'s toilets, everyone stood by and even fell into a well.

Now the situation has reversed, and it has become a hundred officials asking Li to forget his worries and change the women\'s toilet. Naturally, he will be heckled by huxianbo.

After leaving the Yamen this day, Li Er invited Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Chang sun Wuji into the palace to spend time with him playing mahjong.

Now the empress Chang sun and all the country\'s princes and ladies are living comfortably in Bofu, Huxian County, and have no intention of coming back. Li Er and his group of old men have plenty of time to play mahjong.

This mahjong has been popular in Chang\'an city since it was made by Li forgetful. Not only did Li Er and Baiguan xungui like it, but even in the marketplace and gambling houses, it quickly became popular.

The sound of rubbing hemp, nearly a thousand years ahead of schedule, resounded through the land of China.

"Fifty thousand, your majesty, Ziyou is now teasing all officials. I\'m afraid it will cause no small trouble." Fang Xuanling threw a card at random.

Li Er hurriedly shouted, "touch! Nine. It doesn\'t hurt, Mr. Fang. I think the boy also has complaints in his heart. Let him vent his anger."

Chang sun Wuji looked at Li Er and reached for the nine pieces: "Hu! It\'s all the same. Your majesty, it\'s good to sincerely benefit four copper coins. It\'s also good to let Huxian uncle toss around according to the minister\'s opinion. Although we have been in the Tang Dynasty for only ten years, we have inherited too many officials from the former Sui Dynasty, which makes us feel depressed. Now your majesty is in his prime of life, and it\'s time to make great efforts to govern. How can you let these officials trip Your Majesty\'s hands and feet? Huxian uncle built a road toilet, which was impossible It\'s just a small matter. If your majesty wants to reform the old disadvantages, it will be even more troublesome. "

His words made Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui nod again and again.

"Your Majesty, in fact, I can\'t blame Huxian uncle for this. Even if the old ministers who strongly opposed it in the court are gone, there are many people who have opinions about the women\'s toilet because of their incitement. I can hear that many elderly people holding dove sticks in the market are shouting that if they want to build the women\'s toilet, they will push the road toilet." Du Ruhui also smiled.

Fang Xuanling nodded: "these people are more troublesome than those old ministers in the court. They are all old people. They can\'t beat or scold. If they really lead people to push down the road toilet, he really has no choice. Even in Wannian and Chang\'an counties, I\'m afraid there\'s nothing they can do."

The elders mentioned by them are worthy of being over 60 years old and respected among the people. The state will give them a king\'s staff, also known as a dove staff.

The old man who gets the dove stick can not only get Lumi according to the seven grade official position, but also enjoy the privilege of walking in the special gallop path of the emperor and entering and leaving the government. Even if he commits a crime, he will be given a lighter punishment.

It is said in the ten slips of the king\'s staff that when he received the king\'s staff in his senior years, there were doves on it so that the people could see it, which was more than a festival; those who dared to swear and beat recklessly were more than disobedient.

In other words, the elder who holds a dove stick, like an envoy, will be severely punished if he dares to abuse and beat them.

These old people are well-known among the people. In addition to the dove staff given by the government, they are also respected. These old people also have the obligation to help the government educate the people and promote filial piety.

In addition to the old ministers in the court who oppose the construction of women\'s toilets, the most fierce opposition among the people is these old people.

Chang sun Wuji also said with a smile: "I think Huxian uncle must know about this, so he has been standing still. He wants to do the trick of driving wolves and swallowing tigers. Ha ha, I\'m very curious about the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. What will happen to the elders in these workshops."

Li Er smiled and threw a few chips to changsun Wuji: "the auxiliary machine is right. I want to see what flowers Ziyou can toss. Ha ha. Come on, continue. The ladies in the government are not here. Today, our kings and ministers light lights and fight fiercely. No one is allowed to go."

When the four kings and ministers were leisurely rubbing hemp in the legislative palace, the officials really couldn\'t sit still.

Many familiar officials invited them to discuss how to solve the problem. The angry official simply shouted, "in my opinion, don\'t wait for the Huxian uncle to do it. I\'ll find someone to change the road toilet myself. Isn\'t it over? The Huxian uncle made it clear that he wanted to embarrass me!"

"What you said is reasonable. Anyway, the road toilet has been built. Instead of asking huxianbo, I\'d better wait for myself to change the road toilet. I don\'t believe it. Can huxianbo turn against us?"

"Can! That\'s it! We\'ll go to the craftsman immediately and do it right away. If we come to a raw rice and cook a mature meal, we can\'t wait for the Huxian uncle."

"Shan, go together, ha ha. Tomorrow, all the 300 road toilets will be changed. Let\'s see what else the Huxian uncle can do."

All officials think this method is feasible.

As the saying goes, it\'s better to ask others than yourself. Instead of sitting and worrying, it\'s better to do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing. It\'s just to find some craftsmen to change the name of the door of those road toilets. It\'s not troublesome.

They said they would do it. Then they ordered someone to find a craftsman. Carrying a paint bucket and brush, they went to the nearest road toilet.

These road toilets in Chang\'an city are all in a unified style, divided into left and right, separated by thick brick walls.

All officials know that these are the two road toilets for men and women. However, at this time, the road toilets on the left and right sides are painted with red paint and written with the word "men\'s toilet".

"Go, I\'ll smear out the words at the door of the right road toilet and change them into women\'s toilet." the officials instructed the craftsmen to work and prepare to modify the signs of the road toilet.

The craftsman promised. When he began to work, he saw a group of people pouring out of the square, led by several elders holding dove sticks.

"Stop! What are you going to do?"

All officials looked at each other and couldn\'t understand what these elders were shouting. However, even the officials with four or five grades in the court hall are very polite to the elders holding the dove stick.

"I\'ve seen several elders. Let\'s ask the craftsman to alter the words on the road toilet and change the right road toilet into a women\'s toilet. What do you think of the elders?"

"Ridiculous! It\'s ridiculous! You are all court officials. How can you do such an absurd thing? How can this woman use the toilet outside? Is there any ethics?"

"Yes, huxianbo was wrong when he wanted to build a women\'s toilet. Fortunately, huxianbo repented under the guidance of the sage. Now all the road toilets built are men\'s toilets, which is in line with the ethics of heaven and earth Yin and Yang. It is the so-called man outside and woman inside. How can this woman use the toilet outside her home?"

The words of the elders made all the officials look at each other.

Why did you fight down a group of old masters in the court hall, and so many old people have the same attitude?

The officials suddenly had a clear understanding and paralysis in their hearts. It seems that they were deceived and were shot by Huxian uncle