Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 544

At the Tai Chi hall, the first official finally stood up and impeached these old masters. Suddenly, like a signal gun, nearly 100 court officials stood out and impeached together.

They also understood that the women\'s toilets in Chang\'an City would not be able to get up unless they brought down these old masters. If the women\'s toilet is not finished, his wife will not go back to Chang\'an city.

In this way, how to choose is very simple.

What the inferiority of men and women, the reversal of ethics, the lack of respect in the boudoir and the lack of ethics are nonsense!

Is it a gift that the streets are full of yellow and white things?

Is it ethical for a big girl and a little daughter-in-law to hide around like a thief?

In order to drive this group of old masters out of the court, the officials also tried their best to impeach them for a variety of reasons.

Speaking of, although the official quality of these old masters is not low, most of them have no real power. They are all noble official positions. If they are corrupt and pervert the law, it\'s really not. Even if Li Er asked Baiqi to check them, he didn\'t find any handle.

However, it is difficult for all officials. In order to pick up Qiao\'s daughter-in-law, they racked their brains and began to find problems for the old teachers.

There are typos in official documents, improper words and deeds, and damage in Imperial uniforms... These are pediatrics. Even the old man\'s dog urinates everywhere on the road has become the reason for impeachment.

This is almost a farcical impeachment. Li Er doesn\'t even think it\'s over. Instead, he sits on the throne and smiles and watches the people perform.

But these old masters are completely ignorant!

On weekdays, they impeach others from the height of absolute morality. Never have they been treated like this.

One by one, his face turned white with anger, he couldn\'t see any blood, and his body trembled like Parkinson\'s disease.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is really wronged! Are these people crazy? Humiliate the old minister so much?"

"Your Majesty, if you are so humiliated by the ministers, how can you stand on the court? Please bones!"

"Since your majesty doesn\'t need an old minister, he should go home! Please go back to your hometown!"

A group of old professors were too lazy to say anything more. They naturally saw Li Er\'s attitude clearly. So they knelt down, trembled and took off their official hats.

Naturally, they don\'t want to resign, but what can they do if they are pushed down by the walls of the officials above the hall?

If you don\'t know how to be funny, just like the old ministers who were taken out of prison before, it\'s better to live than to die.

Li Er hypocritically stood up from the throne, walked down the imperial steps and helped the old masters up: "all the princes are my ministers. How can they leave like this? Don\'t say such words again."

But he said that the official hats that were put on the floor should not be seen. What\'s more, I didn\'t pick it up and bring it back to these old professors.

Li Er\'s move cooled the hearts of these old masters. Originally, they were just asking for resignation. Now they can only go one way to the dark.

Frustrated, the old masters asked to resign again, and their attitude and tone were much more determined.

Li Er still refused, and the old master invited the skeleton again.

In this way, the monarch and the minister have done enough of the "ritual process". The two sides are so courteous and harmonious, which is also the due procedure.

To put it bluntly, it\'s a polite move. Don\'t take it seriously. If Li Er asks them to stay, the old masters will take it seriously and continue to put on their official hats again, their age will really live in vain.

Li Er pretended to be sorry and sighed.

"Alas, since the minds of the princes have been determined, I can\'t force people to be difficult. Although I feel distressed, I can only follow the minds of the princes." Li Er pretended to wipe off nonexistent tears: "I give each of the princes 100000 yuan to settle down in his hometown and reward Quanlu to comfort the princes for their years of hard work."

Li Er\'s reward for the whole salary refers to the "retirement salary" of this group of old teachers after their retirement. They don\'t reduce it by half and take the full salary.

After Tang officials resigned, Lumi was only half of what he was in office.

Bai Juyi wrote a poem like this, "the crown is full and hung in July. Half a salary and half a car are hung first... Paotong tells the salt and rice are exhausted... His wife is unhappy and his nephew is bored... The disposal of low yield is first. First sell the ten Mu garden in Nanfang, and then sell the five hectares of land in the eastern capital..."

It means that after retirement, only half of Lumi has a miserable life and wants to start selling fields for a living.

Li Er\'s words made a group of old masters kneel down again. After thanking him again and again, he reluctantly quit the Tai Chi hall with old tears.

After the group of old masters left, Wen and Wu in the Manchu Dynasty were relieved, looked at each other and smiled. They didn\'t mention it.

Li Er was even more satisfied and sat back on the throne. As long as the previous events had not happened, he changed the topic and began to discuss state affairs.

On the court hall, Li Er has long been unhappy with these dozens of old ministers. One by one is stubborn and conservative, which often has constraints on the government. Li Er was annoyed with them for a long time by moving out of his ancestral rites.

However, due to these old ministers, they had a great impact on the court and scholars. Although Li Er was unhappy with them, he could only bear it.

I didn\'t expect that because Li forgets to worry on a whim, he wanted to build a road toilet and caused a lot of trouble in the court. This group of old ministers and professors, because of a small women\'s toilet, those who go to Taiwan prison go to Taiwan prison, and those who retire, make the hall a lot cleaner.

When the group of old masters were brought down, all officials were waiting for Li to forget his worries and replace the words on the road toilet.

The left and right toilets built by Li forgetful worry are clearly men\'s and women\'s toilets. Not only those old masters can see this, but also all officials know it.

Now there are no constraints. As long as Li forgets to worry and orders people to brush the word "women\'s toilet" again, everyone can be happy.

But to everyone\'s surprise, after a whole day, there was no movement in the 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city. And Li forgets to worry about this Huxian uncle, even as if he didn\'t do it this time, wandering around Chang\'an city with dandies for fun.

What does that mean?

All officials are a little confused. Huxian uncle doesn\'t hurry up and set up the women\'s toilet. What\'s the delay? Don\'t you know they\'re waiting to pick up their wives?

Some impatient officials directly found Li forgetful and asked about it face to face.

"When you see Huxian Bo, I dare to ask Huxian Bo, when do you plan to change and open the road toilets in Chang\'an City? The princes are looking forward to it."

Li forgot to worry and showed an inexplicable expression: "what women\'s toilets? Where are the women\'s toilets? I built all the 300 road toilets, but they are men\'s toilets. Don\'t talk nonsense! I have lived in Taiwan prison for some time because I want to build women\'s toilets. Now I am deeply aware of my mistakes and will never build women\'s toilets!"

His answer immediately stunned the official.

Why is this Huxian uncle arrogant? You are so proud and charming. Can we play happily together in the future?

Li forgets worry naturally on purpose. Since he wanted to use the nun\'s toilet at the beginning, he was impeached by the ministers. Now the situation is reversed. If he doesn\'t make a good deal of these court officials, he will be sorry for the opportunity created by the beautiful boss for him!