Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 543

There is nothing wrong with Li\'s conjecture. Inviting the empress changsun and the ladies in Chang\'an to Dingzhou village is the "revenge" means planned by the beautiful boss.

As far as Li forgets worry, it doesn\'t really matter whether to repair the women\'s toilet or not. But in the beauty boss\'s opinion, it\'s absolutely unbearable.

Although she is not a feminist, as a "white bone spirit" of later generations, she naturally can\'t stand this obvious gender discrimination.

For beautiful bosses, the hope is only fairness. But even this requirement, which seems very common to future generations, is as difficult as heaven in Datang.

Li niangyou, who has such a title, was forced into Taiwan prison because he wanted to build a women\'s toilet. What can a beautiful boss, a powerless and weak woman, do?

But the beauty boss does not intend to give up, but is ready to take the upper lady route. Whether the empress changsun or the wives of hundreds of officials are women themselves, they should naturally open their eyes and speak for the women of the Tang Dynasty.

It\'s very easy for a beautiful boss to go in and out of the main hall. Now she often goes to the palace to teach empress Chang sun and Princess Yang Yoga. In addition, she has cooperated with empress Chang sun in several industries, and the two sides get along very well.

The beauty\'s boss met her and was still teasing the eldest grandson queen of her youngest son Li Zhi. She immediately asked the palace maid to bring tea and snacks.

"Chang Qing, why are you free to visit the palace today?"

"How are you, your highness? Do you know that my husband is in prison?" the beauty boss asked directly.

Empress changsun nodded: "the palace knows this. Don\'t worry, Changqing. Erlang won\'t let Ziyou suffer. It\'s good for him to stay in Taiwan prison for a while and avoid the limelight. Besides, Erlang doesn\'t forbid your house to send things. If necessary, the maid can go in and serve Ziyou."

"Your Highness, I\'m not worried about forgetting his hardships, but I feel unwilling. You say forgetting his worries has done something wrong? Don\'t you just want to use the nun\'s toilet? What\'s wrong? Don\'t we women need to use the toilet? Those old men really don\'t know what to do." the beautiful boss complained.

The eldest grandson nodded and sighed: "the palace doesn\'t know this truth. Our women are in a weak position in the world. The palace heard that those common women need convenience when they go out and must hide around to avoid people. It\'s not embarrassing. Even so, they scolded them for their lack of respect and ethics."

"Your Highness, since you know this truth and sympathize with women all over the world, why don\'t you support him to build a women\'s toilet?" the beautiful boss immediately asked.

"How could it be so simple? Although the palace is the queen, every move is stared at by countless eyes in the court. Now, even if Erlang can\'t support Ziyou, how can the palace stand up and disagree with the courtiers?"

The beauty boss couldn\'t help laughing, lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness, you don\'t need to speak directly. I have an idea. Do you think it can be done..."

After the beauty\'s boss said something, empress Chang sun nodded and immediately ordered the maid in charge to invite concubine Yang.

Yang Fei naturally did not object to the plan. After some discussion, they went to prepare.

The concubines in the palace are persuaded by Empress Chang sun and concubine Yang. One of them is the head of the harem, the other is Li Er\'s favorite concubine. In addition to their special status, the harem concubines naturally follow the lead of empress Chang sun and concubine Yang.

And those ladies who are distinguished by their officials have a beautiful boss to persuade them.

Nowadays, the underwear produced by the underwear workshop can be regarded as luxury goods, and almost all the customers are the wives and little ladies of your mansion.

Underwear has become popular in the Tang Dynasty ladies\' circle as soon as it appears. Anyone who doesn\'t wear underwear produced by the underwear workshop is embarrassed to go out and say hello.

The beautiful boss is familiar with the wives and little ladies of various houses. He often goes in and out of various houses and participates in various gatherings of noble women.

With the support of the eldest grandson queen and the lobbying of the beautiful boss, it was easy to get the consent of all the husbands.

They may not pay much attention to seeking happiness for the women of the people\'s family, and they are even less likely to use those road toilets as they are. But being able to do such a "great event" with Her Highness the queen makes these boring ladies very excited.

So they hit it off and kept it a secret from their husband.

These conspiracies took place in the boudoirs of each residence. Even though Baiqi company has great powers, he knows nothing about it.

This group of top ladies and little ladies in the Tang Dynasty were as excited as an outing when they left Chang\'an city. The beauty boss worried that they would be bored in the house, and specially arranged all kinds of entertainment activities.

From mahjong competition to board games, singing and dancing, cruise ship rocking bridge, plus the song and Dance Girls invited from Chang\'an City, juggling and acrobatics

There is no shortage of anything in this Huxian Bofu. They are all women without scruples. Let all the concubines of the harem and xungui people have fun.

The hot spring bath and sauna in the house made the empress changsun and others love to their bones.

The bathroom in Li forgetful\'s residence opened the eyes of empress Chang sun and all the ladies.

The bathroom covered with visible ceramic tiles, the ceramic toilet that can flush automatically... Not only does it have any peculiar smell, but even the smell of incense.

You know, even the top ladies of Datang can\'t say how "high-end" they are in the toilet.

There was an anecdote in history that the princess of Xiangcheng in the Western Jin Dynasty still married her son-in-law Wang dun.

After they got married, Wang Dun was in a hurry and went to the thatched house of the princess\'s house. Seeing a box in the hut, I opened it curiously, containing many dried dates.

Wang Dun thought it was a snack he ate during his courtship, so he ate it all.

At that time, Wang Dun knew that he had made a big joke. Those dried dates were used to block his nostrils when going to the toilet to isolate the odor

This is the case in the Western Jin Dynasty and in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, it can be imagined that the "quasi modern" bathrooms in Li forget worry\'s residence have brought much shock to the empress Chang sun and all the ladies.

Including empress Chang sun, the most distinguished women in the Tang Dynasty were secretly wondering how to renovate the toilet after returning to Chang\'an.

As a result, from Li Er\'s concubines in the harem to the wives and young ladies in various houses, none of them shouted to go back to Chang\'an city. They all relaxed and lived in Li forgetful\'s residence. They just thought it was a holiday.

Empress Chang sun, they had a good time, and all the officials were depressed.

These days, the old masters were surprised to find that their respectful colleagues looked at them with resentment.

Don\'t mention talking to them and being polite. Everyone is like hiding from the God of plague and can\'t avoid them.

This group of old masters, regardless of their age, official qualifications, or their influence in the scholar\'s circle, are the reasons why they are respected on weekdays. Even the dignitaries of the imperial court whose official products are higher than them are polite and respectful to call them "Duke Liu", "Duke Du" and "Duke Xuanyuan".

And they are used to it. They even rely on their old age and don\'t pay attention to other officials.

But these days, those officials met them, let alone salute, not even say hello. What\'s more, they glared at them and even spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground. They turned away with disdain.

What they didn\'t expect was that they were impeached in Changchao today!