Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 542

Li\'s words made those old ministers angry and their fingers trembled with anger.

A group of people jumped up and denounced: "nonsense, now you dare to argue! The drawings you gave Wannian and Chang\'an counties were clearly written. The road toilets are divided into left and right, male left and female right. What\'s wrong? Now the 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city are the same as your drawings. How dare you say that no women\'s toilets have been built?"

Li forgot his worries, but was not annoyed. He spread his hands with a smile: "all the public are knowledgeable people. Don\'t you know the words? The words" men\'s toilet "are written on the walls of 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city. They are on the left and right. Why can\'t they be seen by public TV?"

His words confused the old ministers who impeached him.

Li forgot to worry and looked at Cui Luo and Lu Dejing. He said with a smile, "if you don\'t believe it, you can ask the Ming House in Chang\'an and Wannian counties. Cui Ming House and Lu Ming House, am I wrong?"

Cui Luo and Lu Dejing hurried out: "Huxian Bo said very much. There are 300 road toilets in Chang\'an City, and both the left and right are men\'s toilets."

Not only did they say so, but many of the officials present went to see the road toilet and said: "Huxian Bo\'s words are not wrong. I also went to see the new road toilets. Although they have not been officially opened, they write very clearly. The left and right are men\'s toilets."

This was beyond the expectation of the group of old teachers. They didn\'t see the road toilets. Only when the servants in the house told them that the road toilets built by Bo in Huxian county were both left and right, they ran to impeach Li forgetful with indignation.

"Well, how is this possible? Since they are all men\'s toilets, why do you repair the left and right ones?" someone found something wrong and questioned.

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders: "I will!"

His words made the old ministers blush with anger, but he didn\'t know how to refute them.

After all, Li forgot to worry about the money for building the road toilet. As long as the women\'s toilet is not built, it\'s none of their business how others like to repair it.

In fact, all the officials present can see that the road toilets built by Li forgetful are clearly men\'s toilets and women\'s toilets. But others just don\'t admit it, and the word men\'s toilet is clearly written outside the road toilet.

In the Tai Chi hall, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are now firmly opposed to the construction of women\'s toilets. In fact, they are just a group of old professors and Taoist guards. Most of the hundred officials are noncommittal.

You can fix it or not.

But since two days ago, his wife and daughter have quietly followed her highness to Huxian Bofu, and the attitude of not coming back without repairing the women\'s toilet has naturally made these officials tend to forget their worries with Li.

But no one was willing to come forward to find out about it, so they all pretended to be confused.

When Li Er saw that Li forgot to worry and hated the group of old masters, he said with a smile: "well, since it\'s a misunderstanding, don\'t mention it again. Gentlemen, start discussing state affairs."

With a word, he wanted to send the old ministers away, which made the old teachers feel suffocated.

Seeing that there was no one to support them in the hall, the group of old teachers simply played a rogue and did not argue with Li forgetful. They all knelt down to Li Er again.

"Your Majesty, this is clearly Huxian Bo. He built the plank road openly and concealed it. Your majesty can\'t be deceived by him!"

"Your Majesty, this cannot be done! Since ancient times, men are superior to women. This is the way of heaven! How can women go out to the toilet?"

"Your Majesty, if Huxian Bo insists on building a women\'s toilet, the old minister can only express his will with death and complain to the people all over the world about such things that reverse ethics!"

Even the old master pointed his spear at the empress Chang Sun: "I have heard that the empress and her princes and wives are now staying in Huxian Bo\'s house. They are all instigated by Huxian Bo to support Huxian Bo in building women\'s toilets. Your majesty, your highness should be the mother of the world. How can you support Huxian Bo to do such things? This is not a hen in the morning. It is especially bad for ethics."

Li Er frowned when he saw the group of old masters.

Li Qieyou naturally refused to carry the pot and refuted: "Shut up! Your Highness the queen can be humiliated? Your Highness the queen and her husband are in my residence to pray for the people all over the world. How dare you confuse black and white and talk nonsense? Your majesty, your minister wants to impeach these people with ulterior motives. Even the hen sichen has said such words. This compares your Highness the queen to nadaji. Is your majesty a tyrant King Zhou?"

The earliest allusion of hen sichen comes from Daji and King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, which means that once the old hen crows, her family will decline.

Listening to Li forgetful worry, the group of old teachers immediately realized that they had just made a mistake and quickly kowtowed to Li Er.

"Your Majesty, I don\'t mean that. I mean..."

Before he could defend himself, Li Er slapped on the armrest of the throne.

"That\'s enough! The queen is in Bo\'s house in Huxian county and prays for the people all over the world together with the princes and ladies. It has nothing to do with the construction of women\'s toilets! I said, since there are no women\'s toilets in the road toilets built by Bo in Huxian County, this matter will stop and don\'t mention it again!"

Seeing that Li Er was angry, the group of old teachers reluctantly closed their mouths, bowed and saluted, and then returned to the hundred officials.

However, it is clear that these old masters do not intend to give up.

After Chang Chao, Li forgot to worry and thought he had nothing to do with himself. He asked the dandies to play every day, and his life was quite leisurely.

However, those honourable officials in Chang\'an city could not sit still.

One or two days later, when his wife and daughter didn\'t come back, baiguanxun GUI didn\'t feel anything. On the contrary, the business of pingkang square and Hu people\'s wine shop in Chang\'an City has become very hot these days.

Without the constraints of his wife, many officials, Xun GUI, are happy and comfortable. After the government office is scattered every day, they call friends and call friends to drink flower wine. Life is not comfortable.

But like the middle-aged men of later generations, when his wife went on a business trip or went back to his mother\'s house, she must feel very comfortable at first. How to play every day, how to stay up all night, drink and play games online, how to be comfortable and how to come.

Just like the song "my wife is not at home": my wife is not at home tonight, I can Wahaha

But after a few days, no one washed the dirty clothes at home. It was lonely and cold to sleep at night. There was not even a speaker at home, so he began to call his wife anxiously to ask how long you would be back.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of officials in Chang\'an City, but so are they.

After two or three days, I found that the queen and her wife still didn\'t mean to go back to Chang\'an City, which made everyone feel a little flustered.

These officials are distinguished. Naturally, there is no shortage of people to warm the bed in the house, but where can they understand this big family and all kinds of house things?

What do you want to buy, how much money your family\'s industry has lost, which family needs gifts for weddings and funerals, and what mistakes the maidservants and servants have made... When the housekeepers of each family report to their husband, they finally start to have a headache.

Compared with their own troubles, is it still a matter to repair the women\'s toilet?