Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 541

His residence can\'t be entered, and Li forget worry naturally can only follow Li Er and others back to Chang\'an city.

Fortunately, he bought the house of kaihuafang before, so he wouldn\'t be homeless. Otherwise, he might have to run back to Taiwan prison and live in it for a few more days.

However, as soon as he returned to Chang\'an City, Li forgot to worry. Before he could go back to his house to bathe and change clothes, he was recruited into the palace again by the Chamberlain in the palace.

As soon as he entered the Lizheng hall, Li forgot to worry and saw Li Er with a smelly face staring at himself. In the hall, several big men, such as Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and eldest sun Wuji, were also there. Everyone looked at him with a bad face.

Li forgets worry naturally and knows it clearly. Without hesitation, he began to cry for injustice.

"Uncle, gentlemen, I\'m wronged! I really don\'t know why the queen and the ladies of the princes want to go to my residence. I\'m really wronged. I\'ve been obediently taken to the Taiwan prison of the imperial censor these days, but I haven\'t gone anywhere. If uncle and gentlemen don\'t believe it, they can confront Cheng Chumo, Fang Jun, Du he and Du Gou and ask them, Do you know about this? Besides, have you ever been to the palace to see the queen these days? My uncle will know when he asks Mituo. "

Li forgets to worry about these unjust words, but let Li Er\'s face ease a little.

Li Er naturally knew that Li forgot to worry about these days and had not seen the queen. He really didn\'t believe that Li forget worry could have such a great ability to turn away all the ladies in Chang\'an city.

But anyway, it was Li who proposed to build a women\'s toilet, so Li Er naturally wanted to settle with him.

"Hum, don\'t talk nonsense! It\'s your bastard who started it. Tell yourself how it ends now!" Li Er threw the problem to Li forgetful.

Li forgot to worry, grabbed his head, looked at Li Er and the leaders, and said carefully, "uncle, gentlemen, in my opinion, it\'s better to repair the women\'s toilet. It\'s not a big thing. My nephew promised that 300 road toilets will be completed in three days, no, two days, and everyone will be happy?"

"Bullshit! It\'s so easy for you to say?" Li Er\'s saliva almost sprayed on Li forgetful\'s face. "What\'s the matter before you look at it? If you really want to repair it, you don\'t know how much trouble will be caused. Why don\'t you try to invite my Guanyin maid back to the palace? Do you believe I really let you live in Taiwan prison?"

"Well... I can\'t help it. How can I influence the Queen\'s thoughts? Uncle, don\'t you want to kill my nephew?" Li forgets to worry. He is really helpless.

Now empress Chang sun leads the ladies of Chang\'an city to leave. If Li Er and all the officials don\'t compromise, he has no choice.

Seeing this, Fang Xuanling could only stand up and make a round of it: "Your Majesty, what Ziyou said is also reasonable. Since the queen has opened the Jade mouth, if the women\'s toilet still can\'t be repaired, where will her face go? According to the minister, the women\'s toilet should still be repaired. Since the road toilet needs to be repaired, it\'s unreasonable not to repair the women\'s road toilet. Presumably, the Queen\'s highness thinks so."

Li Er naturally listened to Fang Xuanling\'s persuasion, but shook his head in embarrassment: "Mr. Fang, how could this be so simple? You know how many old masters in the court have been suppressed by me because of the impeachment. If I don\'t care, I nod and agree to the boy to build a women\'s toilet, I\'m afraid someone will look for life and death. It\'s even harder to end up like that."

Li Qieyou also knows that what Li Er said is true, but he has figured out the plan of the beauty boss. Naturally, he is not in a hurry.

"Hey, uncle, in fact, it\'s hard to say, but it\'s easy to say."

"What do you want, boy? Tell me if you have any ghost ideas."

"Uncle, in ancient times, Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms held the emperor to order the princes. Hey hey, we can also have a narrow lady to order the princes..." Li forgot to worry, lowered his voice and said the plan he thought of.

Li forgot to worry about this. First, he stunned everyone, and then he couldn\'t help applauding.

"Ha ha, Ziyou, this plan is wonderful."

"Your Majesty, this plan is feasible."

Li Er slapped a fan on the back of Li forgetful\'s head: "bastard boy, dare you say it\'s not the queen you pushed? It\'s clear that you planned it long ago? Hum! I\'ll settle accounts with you when the queen returns to the palace! Get out of here. If I can\'t see the 300 road toilets in two days, you really go to Taiwan prison."

Li forgets to worry this time is really going to cry, NIMA, this black pot is really unjust... But it\'s not enough not to carry it. Who makes the beauty boss his woman.

Come on, let\'s go back to the pot man. It\'s no worse than a cook. At least I don\'t wear a green hat

After leaving the palace, Li Qieyou dared not delay his time. He rode back to kaihuafang house, changed his clothes, and went out again and went straight to the work department.

It\'s a lot of work to repair 300 road toilets in two days.

However, Li forgets worry and does not intend to save money. He plans to recruit 3000 craftsmen and ten craftsmen in a road toilet. It will take two days.

In order to build road toilets, he even suspended the business of Shunfeng horse and cart shop for two days. All carriages were used to pull dirt.

In fact, the public toilets in this era are quite simple, and there are no automatic flushing facilities. They are the dry toilets in the north in the past.

Dig a big hole in the ground and transport the excavated soil to the polo field under construction by carriage. It is not a waste at all.

Then use brick and stone cement to build a circle in the earth pit to avoid sewage infiltration into the ground.

After that, two large tiled houses were built on top, covered with wooden boards, separated, and then the walls were painted with lime. A road toilet was repaired.

Duan Lun, the Minister of the Ministry of industry, naturally responds to requests. Anyway, Li forgets to worry about all the money. In addition, his wife is still in the Bofu of Dingzhou village and county. Duan Lun naturally gave the green light all the way and fully cooperated.

The construction of road toilets in Chang\'an city was started in the afternoon by craftsmen, mirage mud, bricks and wood mobilized by the Ministry of work.

Ten craftsmen, even digging pits and repairing houses, are quite efficient.

In two days, 300 brand-new road toilets appeared in every lane and street in Chang\'an city.

But the road toilet was repaired, and trouble followed.

On the second day of Chang Dynasty, dozens of old ministers stood up in anger and knelt down.

Li Er naturally knew what they were going to do, but pretended not to know and asked, "gentlemen, what\'s the so-called thing?"

"Your Majesty, if you don\'t stop huxianbo\'s evil deeds, your Majesty would rather fight with death than tolerate such corrupt ethics!"

Li Er pretended to be surprised and said in a voice, "Oh? Is there such a thing? Li forget worry, is there such a thing?"

Li forgets worry today is preparing to see a good play. Naturally, he got up early in the morning and came to the Chang Dynasty.

When Li Er asked him, he quickly stood up and bowed to Li Er: "Your Majesty, I don\'t know what the duke said. But I admit that I haven\'t done what the duke said."

At once, an old minister stood up and denounced, "how dare you argue! Huxian uncle, I ask you, did you build the road toilet in Chang\'an City?"

"Yes, I did."

"Hum, just admit it! You also built the women\'s toilet? Isn\'t it the collapse of etiquette and music and the reversal of ethics to build a road toilet for women?" seeing Li forgetful admit it, the old minister snorted contemptuously and raised the volume again.

Li forgot to worry and quickly waved his hand: "wait, who said I was in the nun\'s toilet?"

"Don\'t you admit it? I\'m not blind. The road toilets you ordered people to build are both left and right. Isn\'t this the men\'s toilet and women\'s toilet?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled more brightly: "gentlemen, I\'m afraid you\'re wrong. Those two road toilets are men\'s toilets..."