Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 540

Pelan\'s words once again made Li Er and all the officials stupid.

What do you mean by that? Won\'t you go back to Chang\'an City after the road toilet is repaired?

Li Qieyou looked at the most distinguished princes and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, looked at each other, and almost couldn\'t help laughing. In his mind, he began to echo a lyrics: "fall in love with a person who doesn\'t go home, wait for a door that doesn\'t open, fickle eyes and closed lips, why bother to force and ask..."

"Your Highness, I\'m afraid your Highness the queen and your ladies will not return to Chang\'an City in three days. You said that there are many inconveniences in living in Chang\'an City, and you don\'t intend to go back for the time being," Peilan continued.

Inconvenient life? Are you kidding?

Not to mention empress Chang sun and her concubines in the Imperial Palace, who doesn\'t have clothes to stretch out their hands and open their mouths to eat, even these ladies of high rank and honour? Where do we start with the inconvenience of life?

Li Er and the officials were puzzled, but Li forgot to worry.

Nima... The beauty boss won\'t fool the eldest grandson queen and all the ladies. What "feminist movement" is going to be launched to build a women\'s toilet in Chang\'an City?

The more Li forgets about it, the more certain he is. This is how it should be. Otherwise, it doesn\'t make sense for the reaction of empress Chang sun and others.

After guessing the truth, Li forgot to worry and dared not speak for fear of causing trouble.

He wanted to build a women\'s toilet at the beginning, but it was only the habit of later generations. He didn\'t think so much at all.

You know, there will be so many things. He Li forgets his worries and won\'t ask for trouble. After all, he is not an unswerving feminist supporter. He even has the idea of three wives and four concubines. How can he offend so many people in order to build a women\'s toilet?

But in any case, in the view of Baiguan and Li Er, the person who first proposed to build a women\'s toilet was Li Lianyou.

Once everyone knows his wife\'s real purpose, I\'m afraid he has no good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, Li forgets his worries and quietly moves out a few steps away from Cheng Yaojin and Li Er, so as not to get angry.

If the beauty boss can really persuade the empress Chang sun to engage in a "toilet revolution" with the wives of hundreds of officials in Chang\'an City, Li forgets worry and really has to give her a thumbs up. It\'s really powerful.

This reminds him of the Bollywood film "toilet hero" he has seen in later generations. The plot is just the same.

"Toilet hero" is simply an older rural Bachelor in India who falls in love with a well-educated woman. The woman who married to the countryside found that there was no toilet at home on the night of marriage... She divorced the hero in order to build a toilet at home

Religious beliefs, backward ideas, conservative customs, sexism... Are all presented in the film.

Now, Li forget worry wants to build a women\'s toilet in Datang, and the resistance is no less than that in the Indian countryside in the film. If Li Er hadn\'t valued him now, I\'m afraid it wouldn\'t be a matter of going to Taiwan prison for a few days.

After Li forgets to worry about the thoughts of the beautiful boss, he obediently closes his mouth and says nothing.

"Little lady, make it clear, what is the inconvenience of life in Chang\'an?" Cheng Yaojin stared again.

Peilan smiled with a smile: "Duke Lu, I don\'t know what this means. That\'s how noble people let slaves talk."

Li Er couldn\'t help staring at her: "in that case, please ask the queen to come out and talk to me."

"Your Majesty, your Highness has ordered that no man will be seen today, and she will pray for women all over the world. Now, all the people in the house, even those scripts and servants, have been driven to the village for a temporary stay. Except your highness and all the ladies, the palace maids and maidservants around you, your highness doesn\'t even bring the palace attendants. Your majesty can\'t help it if you want to see your highness."

Pelan\'s words almost made Li Er\'s nose crooked.

If it\'s somewhere else, who dares to stop him?

But now the Bofu of Huxian county has become a forbidden area. All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, including Li Er, can only look at each other and sigh at the door.

It doesn\'t matter if there is only his own daughter-in-law in the house, but now the ladies of Chang\'an city gather here and frankly say that men are not allowed to enter. This makes Li Er and others a useless place for heroes.

"You, you go and call me the maid next to the queen!" Li Er said. When the queen doesn\'t see him, Li Er is angry, but if the maid of honor dares to say no again, Li Er is really going to cut people with a knife.

This time, Peilan didn\'t refuse. After giving Li Erhang a ten thousand blessing gift, she ran back to the house with her skirt.

The gate slammed shut again after the two entered.

Li Er couldn\'t help but glare at Li forgetful worry, which scared Li forgetful worry to shrink his neck.

The man who is wronged by his wife has a very bad temper. Li forgets worry and is not going to be Li Er\'s vent.

Before long, the door of Huxian Bofu opened a crack again, and a little maid in waiting got out of it.

Li forgot to worry. He was happy. Acquaintances.

The visitor is the little maid whom Li forget you met twice.

"I have seen your majesty, and your majesty is holy." the little maid in waiting skillfully gave Li Erxing a ten thousand blessing gift.

"Get up, I ask you, why doesn\'t the queen want to go back to the palace?"

"Your Highness Hui, the empress and the noble people are so kind that they can\'t see the suffering of the women in Chang\'an city. So they plan to pray for the women all over the world in Huxian Bofu, so they don\'t plan to go back to Chang\'an City for the time being." the little maid didn\'t dare to lift her head and replied in a low voice.

Li Er was confused by her words, so what did his wife and these ladies want to do?

For one moment, he disliked the filthy city of Chang\'an, and for another, he said that life was inconvenient, so he had to pray for women all over the world... Li Er was completely confused.

Du Ruhui, who was on one side, figured out the meaning, hurried to Li er\'er\'s ear and whispered, "Your Majesty, women\'s toilet..."

By this reminder, Li Er suddenly realized.

Feeling for his wife, he led a group of ladies to leave without saying goodbye and hid in Dingzhou village. It turned out that he wanted to suggest that a women\'s toilet should be built in Chang\'an city.

This is something Li Er never thought of.

After understanding the reason, Li Er couldn\'t help turning around to find Li forgetful. It\'s all the trouble caused by this bastard!

Li forgot to worry and tried to shrink his body behind the crowd, avoiding Li Er\'s sight. Now he is really convinced by the beauty boss. In order to build a women\'s toilet, he can make such a big hand. He can\'t refuse.

"Come on, let the forbidden army surround the Bofu house in Huxian county to protect the Queen\'s safety. No male fly is allowed to go in!" Li Er shouted. After that, he was too lazy to continue his nonsense, turned and left.

Naturally, the group of officials had no choice but to shake their heads and follow Li Er to turn and leave.

His wife wanted to make trouble with Her Highness the queen. The purpose was to force the emperor and his officials to agree to build a women\'s toilet in Chang\'an city. This made all officials speechless.

There was also an old courtier in the court. He couldn\'t help spitting thick phlegm in the direction of Li forgetful worry. Then he brushed his sleeve and left angrily.

For these angry officials, Li forget worry can only touch his nose, but he didn\'t see it.

Anyway, in order to repair the women\'s toilet, he has even been in Taiwan prison. Now, empress Chang sun leads a group of ladies to "revolt". Let\'s see how Li Er and all officials end