Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 539

The words of the two sisters stunned Li.

What do you mean by that? Actually shut Li Er out? When did these two girls become so brave?

Li Er\'s face showed an uneasy look, and all the officials were in an uproar.

The little lady in Li forget worry\'s house is so brave that even the saints dare to stop him. Is this a bear heart leopard\'s courage?

Li forgot to worry and coughed softly. When he was about to speak, he saw that Perrin and Aphrodite saluted him again: "Lang Jun, you can\'t go back to your house today."


This is the opposite, my God! I can\'t go back to my own home. What do these women want? Li Qieyou was completely confused.

Cheng Yaojin was so impatient that he came forward and stared at Tongling: "you two little ladies, make it clear to me! Why can\'t your majesty and I enter the house today?"

Pelan was not afraid of his ferocious appearance. He spit out his tongue at him playfully: "I\'ve seen Duke Lu. It\'s inconvenient for any man to enter the house today."

"Why is this?" Li Er finally couldn\'t help asking.

"Your Highness, today\'s house is full of ladies\' gatherings. The underwear shop will release new underwear today before inviting her Highness the queen and all distinguished people. Moreover, the house is now full of women\'s relatives. They often play by the water and dress cool. It\'s really inconvenient for men to enter."

Peilan\'s answer made Li Er and a group of officials speechless, and she couldn\'t say anything more about entering Li forgetful\'s residence.

Even if Li Er is no longer a beast, he may go to be dignified and run in to see other ladies.

Dressed in cool clothes and playing in the water, it is obvious that there are scenes of spring everywhere in Li forget worry\'s residence. Naturally, no man can enter.

Don\'t mention others. Now, if any man dares to enter the gate of Li forgetful\'s residence, Li Er can directly incite him and send him to the palace as an internal eunuch.

Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling and others looked at each other. Who dares to enter the door of Li\'s house.

Li Qieyou wants more... Release new underwear? Is it a underwear press conference? Victoria Secret Show?

His saliva was almost flowing out. He wished he could rush back to the house now. This is the "man\'s dream show" that he only saw on TV and never saw on the spot in later generations.

Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help asking, "where\'s the model from?"

Aphrodite clapped his hands excitedly: "you really know the word, Mr. lang. yes, it\'s a model. Sister Changqing said it several times, but I don\'t remember it. Hee hee. Those models were invited by sister Changqing from pingkang square and Hu people\'s wine shop."

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. If so, the beautiful boss can really play.

But what was the purpose of her bringing the empress Chang sun, the wives and little ladies of all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty to her house? So far, Li forgets worry and is still confused.

Li Erqing coughed and turned to look at all the officials: "gentlemen, since all the husbands are gathering at Li forgetful\'s house today, it\'s better for us to have fun together in Dingzhou village. What do you think when the husbands are back to Chang\'an City after the gathering?"

Naturally, what he meant was that the empress changsun played in Li forgetful\'s residence, while they played in Dingzhou village in case of any changes.

Today, Li Er always felt strange everywhere.

Even if you come to Li forget worry\'s residence to participate in any "underwear press conference", you won\'t even say hello. Not to mention not only his wife and concubines in the harem, but also the wives of all noble officials, which is unreasonable.

Li Er\'s words, Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling and others naturally nodded.

But she saw that pelan bowed again and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m afraid the Queen\'s highness and ladies won\'t go back to Chang\'an city today."

"Hmm? What do you mean? Why?" Li Er Leng asked hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, your highness and ladies feel that Chang\'an city is very dirty, so they plan to stay in our house for some time. They don\'t plan to go back until Chang\'an city is clean."

Pelan\'s words immediately made Li Er and all the officials become quiet.

What\'s the meaning of this? Dislike the dirty city of Chang\'an?

Whether it\'s the empress Chang sun, concubine Yang or the ladies of various houses, the place where they live is spotless, isn\'t it?

Why do you dislike the filthy city of Chang\'an?

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui suddenly reacted and couldn\'t help but turn around and glare at Li forgetful.

There were no fools among the hundred officials present, including Li Er. After everyone figured out the meaning of these words, they all turned their heads and glared at Li forget their worries. That look should be able to kill. Li forgets worry. At this time, I\'m afraid his body is already full of holes.

"Uncle, uncle, gentlemen, what do you think of me like this? My nephew didn\'t do anything. It has nothing to do with my nephew." Li forgets worry. He is so flustered by the eyes of the people that he waves his hands again and again to get rid of himself.

Cheng Yaojin snorted coldly and slapped him on the shoulder: "hum, it has nothing to do with you? Tell me, your highness, what do they mean by the filthy city of Chang\'an?"

"Little nephew, I don\'t know." Li forgets worry naturally, but he can only pretend to be a fool at this time.

"It\'s not you bastard. You\'re whimsical. What road toilet do you want to build? How can so many things happen? Hum, what\'s so dirty in Chang\'an City, that\'s to say, those yellow and white things?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "Hey, uncle Cheng, it\'s not my fault. I\'m also kind. Besides, the streets of Chang\'an are full of yellow and white things, which is really indecent. What\'s wrong with my willingness to build a road toilet out of my own pocket?"

His words left Cheng Yaojin speechless. Indeed, it is the same. The sanitation of Chang\'an city without public toilets is really not good.

Those dark corners are full of all kinds of dirt, and flies flock in summer. Even the drainage ditches on both sides of the street are not much better. Cities in this era have such a "taste".

"Come on, don\'t talk about it again. Ziyou, let me ask you, how long will it take to build those road toilets?" Li Er waved to Cheng Yaojin impatiently and asked Li to forget his worries.

"Uncle, as long as I have enough money, I can recruit thousands of craftsmen and start 300 road toilets at the same time. This road toilet is very simple to build. It can be completed in three days at most."

Li Qieyou had a plan in mind for a long time. He also consulted the Ministry of work and the craftsman who would be the supervisor about how to build it. He knew it well and immediately answered.

Li Er nodded helplessly: "OK, that\'s it. Now you go back to Chang\'an City and start recruiting craftsmen to build road toilets. Mirage mud and bricks are easy to handle. Duan Qing, is there no problem?"

The wife of Duan Lun, the Minister of the Ministry of work, is also in the Li house. Naturally, he did not hesitate to list out: "no problem. Today, the minister arranged the Ministry of work to prepare the mirage mud bricks and tiles needed by Huxian Bo."

"That\'s good. The feng shui of Dingzhou village is good, clean and elegant. Let your ladies and my queen cultivate here for a few days. After the road toilet is built in three days, your lords and I will pick them up."

Li Er\'s words, the ministers naturally nodded one after another. Since his wife is fine, it\'s not a big problem to stay in Li\'s house for two or three days.

As for the construction of road toilets by Li forgetful, they are not opposed to it. Of course, this is also a good thing.

When everyone smiled and nodded, Peilan shook her head: "Your Majesty, I\'m afraid your Highness the queen and your ladies will not return to Chang\'an City in three days..."