Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 538

When Li forgot to worry was brought into the Tai Chi palace from the Yushitai prison, the officials above the hall already knew what had happened. At this time, there was a lot of discussion. I didn\'t understand my wife and daughter. It meant a few things to run to Dingzhou village in silence.

"Boy, why did you turn your aunt to Dingzhou village? You have made it clear to me!" Cheng Yaojin was angry. As soon as he saw Li forgetful entering the hall, he came forward and grabbed him and asked.

Li forgets worry to be asked by him this words directly, what and what?

He has been staying in Taiwan prison these days, except that he slipped out of Taiwan prison last night to "play tricks".

What nonsense does Cheng Yaojin say? What do you mean I kidnapped his wife?

"Uncle Cheng, what are you talking about? My nephew has been locked up in the imperial censor\'s prison in recent days. Uncle Cheng, you made a mistake?" Li forgets to worry about his innocence. He really doesn\'t know what the old rascal is talking about.

Cheng Yaojin stared: "Your Highness, concubine Yang, the concubines in the palace, and the wives and young ladies of Baiguan Xun GUI, all went out of Chang\'an City and went to your Dingzhou village this morning. You told me you didn\'t know? Believe me or not?"


Li forgot to worry and looked at the surrounding officials in doubt, but saw that everyone nodded and agreed with Cheng Yaojin\'s words. He turned his head rigidly and looked at Li Er on the throne, but he saw that Li Er also stared at him angrily.

He died prematurely. Unexpectedly, Li Er\'s daughter-in-law ran away with all the daughters-in-law of hundreds of officials and noble officials in the hall?

Why did you go to Dingzhou village?

Li forgot to worry suddenly hit a soul stirring, hemp egg. He almost forgot that the beautiful boss said he wanted to avenge himself.

This, probably, maybe, should, maybe is the Revenge of the beautiful boss

Li forgot to worry and Shua, and the cold sweat on his back came down.

If the beauty boss doesn\'t make a move, it\'s a big move. I don\'t know what method she used, but she was able to let all the empress Chang sun and the lady and little lady of Baiguan Xun GUI run to Dingzhou village.

Moreover, the confidentiality work was done so well that not only all officials did not know, but even Li Er did not know. In other words, even the Baiqi company has been hidden from the drum. The secret work of the beauty boss is simply.

However, although Li forgot to worry about it, 99% of it was made by the beautiful boss, but he didn\'t dare to admit it. Not only can\'t admit it, but also have to bite to death. It has nothing to do with him.

Otherwise, Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others will have to tear him up?

This group of old men with wives can\'t afford to provoke

Li forgets to worry and quickly gets rid of himself: "Your Majesty, my lords, I have been locked up in Taiwan prison these days. I really don\'t know what\'s going on in Chang\'an city. It\'s impossible for me to take my highness the queen and the ladies of my lords to Dingzhou village. If your majesty doesn\'t believe it, you can ask Duke Wei."

Li Er\'s eyes turned to Wei Zheng when he saw the inquiry. Wei Zheng had no choice but to nod his head, indicating that Li forgets his worries and has never been out of Taiwan prison.

Wei Zheng naturally didn\'t know that Li forgot to worry about sneaking out last night.

Although he doubted that his son and others had somehow run to Tuoba Zhengyang\'s residence to worship last night, now he had no time to take into account the matter.

Quietly, there was also his wife who went out of the city with the empress changsun. How can Wei Zheng, the sheep nose, not worry.

Li Er got Wei Zheng\'s reply, but he still looked at Li forgetting his worries with suspicious eyes. After all, their wives went to Dingzhou village. If it had nothing to do with Li forgetting sorrow, he wouldn\'t believe anything.

Not only did he not believe it, including Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling and others, but none of them believed it.

Seeing that Li Er and others still didn\'t believe it, Li forgetful worry was worried. He simply swore: "if I Li forgetful worry did it, I will hit five thunders every day. I won\'t die! Pus on the top of my head and sores on the soles of my feet!"

The Tang people were quite awed and humble about the oath. Seeing that Li forgets worry and dares to make such an oath, he has to believe it.

Li forgot to worry secretly took a breath in his heart. He didn\'t do it. At most, he just guessed that it was the beautiful boss, and he never broke his oath.

"Ziyou, do you know why my Guanyin maid went to your Dingzhou village?" Li Er asked.

Li\'s head shook like a rattle: "I don\'t know. Maybe I feel suffocated in Chang\'an City and go to relax?"

He didn\'t lie about this. He guessed that the beautiful boss was avenging him, but he really didn\'t know what empress changsun did when they went to Dingzhou village.

When things got so far, Li Er naturally didn\'t want to hold any more court meetings. It\'s more important to find out what his wife did first.

After hastily announcing the end of the dynasty, Li Er was ready to personally go to Dingzhou village to see the empress Chang sun. What did they want.

On the main hall, nearly half of the hundred officials, Xun GUI, did not disperse. They planned to follow Li Eryi to go to nadingzhou village.

Li Qieyou naturally wants to slip away. No matter what the beautiful boss wants to do, he\'d better not participate in it at this time. But he wanted to run, but Li Er was not willing to let him go.

"Ziyou, lead the way. I will go to Dingzhou village with you."

In this regard, Li forget worry can only smile and touch his nose. He followed Li Er and others out of the Tai Chi palace. The brigade rushed out of Chang\'an City on horseback and went towards Huxian county.

When they arrived at Dingzhou village, they found out that empress Chang sun and the ladies of all officials came here and went directly to Li forgetful\'s manor.

"Zhiniang thief, boy, how dare you say it has nothing to do with you? Tell me, your highness, what did they do in your residence?" Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t help scolding Li forgetful.

"Uncle Cheng, I really don\'t know. No matter what the queen wants them to do, it has nothing to do with my nephew. My nephew died wrongfully and was locked up in Taiwan prison before. I really know nothing about it."

Li Er waved impatiently: "OK, what\'s the use of saying these now? Just ask?"

They hurried their horses through Dingzhou village and came to the gate of Li forgetful\'s manor house. However, the gate of the house was closed and no one could be seen in front of the door.

Li Er glanced at Li forgetting to worry. That means you\'re not going to let the house open soon?

Li forgot to worry, but hurried his horse forward and shouted, "open the door, I\'m back! Open the door quickly!"

He shouted several times before the closed door opened slowly.

After the door opened a crack, two heads came out of the crack. It was Aphrodite and Perrin.

"Lang Jun, are you back?"

"Lang Jun, did the sage let you go back to your house?"

As soon as the two sisters had finished speaking, they immediately noticed the large group of people behind Li forgetful worry. When they saw Li Er riding on the horse, they couldn\'t help but spit out their tongue playfully.

"Perrin, Aphrodite, what are you doing when you close the door in broad daylight? Let someone open the door to welcome your majesty into the house."

Aphrodite and Perrin just saluted Li Erxing with a ten thousand blessing: "I\'ve seen your majesty, your majesty is safe, but it\'s inconvenient for your majesty to enter the house today..."