Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 537

When Li forgets to worry about how to "play tricks", the East and West cities in Chang\'an City and pingkang square quietly launched a silent protest.

Needless to say, Qiu Yuanliang, Qiu Kun\'s father and son, and Li forgetful, the Huxian uncle, are now in the same breath.

Many honourable officials in Chang\'an have regarded their enemies as Li\'s "legitimate family".

He owns 10% of the carriage company and supplies all the raw materials for the wine making workshop. Qiu Kun also runs the business of beverage vending machines. No matter from which aspect, the enemy is also integrated with Huxian Bofu, which is inseparable from the relationship.

It is an inevitable choice for the enemy to advance and retreat with Shunfeng carriage.

As for the Sogdians, these Hu merchants will stand up at this time, naturally because of the meaning of Zoroastrianism Sabao and Milliman.

Since Li forgot to worry and created the "Sun flame" in full view of the public, Chang\'an Zoroastrianism has become more and more prominent among Zoroastrians.

Originally, Milliman had a peep at Li forgetful\'s secret method of "solar flame", but he didn\'t take action for the time being due to the influence of dandies.

But before miliman moved his mind, Li forgot to worry and became the grand duke several times, becoming the founding County of the Tang Dynasty, a huge empire and a prominent position.

Milliman naturally extinguished that caution.

Instead of coercion and inducement, Milliman certainly chose to have a good relationship with Li forgetful.

It is a good choice to mobilize the shops of the Sogdians, follow Shunfeng carriage company and enemies to boycott those officials and sell them to Li forgetful.

In case Zoroastrianism still needs to light the "Sun flame" in the future, ask Li to forget his worries, and everyone will also have a share of incense.

As for the brothels in pingkang square, they are more simple.

For one thing, those prostitutes were fascinated by Li\'s talent and were willing to wave flags and shout for him.

All the poems handed down by Li Qieyou are classics. Who can sing these prostitutes in pingkang square?

Liu Yong in the Northern Song Dynasty was poor and poor. Only by filling in good words, he attracted countless prostitutes to introduce themselves to pillows. What\'s more, Li forgets worry, a talented, rich and more handsome young man.

Who doesn\'t love the jade faced young man who is sixteen years old?

As for those fat officials, who will like them? At most, for the sake of Kaiyuan Tongbao and gold ingots, I was forced to receive these guests.

There is a conflict between the two. The prostitutes in pingkangfang don\'t have to think about who they will support.

Moreover, although these prostitutes have fallen into the world of mortals, they are also women.

In order to build a women\'s toilet in Chang\'an City, Li forgetful worry was impeached by these old teachers and Taoist guards and put into Taiwan prison. Although these prostitutes can\'t do anything, they can also express their attitude by refusing to receive guests.

With the precedents of Shunfeng carriage company, enemies, Sogdians and pingkangfang, tens of thousands of merchants in other East and West cities simply put up notices one after another, refusing to deal with officials who slander and abuse Li forgetful.

Even if some merchants do not want to offend those officials, or scoff at what Li forgets to worry about, they can only follow the trend in the face of such a situation that tens of thousands of people are pushed by the wall, so as not to be regarded as "different" by tens of thousands of merchants in the East and West cities at that time.

As a result, the officials who opposed Li\'s abuse most intensely were unlucky. They were not only refused to go to pingkang square, but also refused to buy some cloth, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.

Forcing the servants of these officials to go out to buy goods, they can only hide their names for fear that people will know the identity of their owners.

This made these officials extremely humiliated, but there was no good way to take these merchants. Therefore, we can only sue the imperial court today to impeach Li forgetful and humiliate them.

Li Er couldn\'t help shaking his head when he understood the whole story. These officials were really disappointing. This kind of thing is incredibly interesting. I don\'t know what it means to take it to the Tai Chi hall to impeach Li forgetful.

Cheng Yaojin and other big men laughed directly above the hall. They thought these officials were too funny. Originally, the people couldn\'t help laughing. Seeing Cheng Yaojin laughing like this, they couldn\'t help but burst into laughter.

It\'s a shame for all officials to take such a shameful thing to the hall!

At this time, the officials who cried before were also laughed at by their colleagues. They wanted to open a gap in the Tai Chi hall and let them go in and hide.

Of course, Li Er will not punish Li Lianyou or the merchants because of the impeachment of these officials.

What else can we explain for merchants to treat them like this, except that they are incompetent and unpopular.

"Well, Aiqing, please do something about it yourself. Don\'t take it to the court again. Wei Qing, since the death of Tuoba Gong has nothing to do with Li forgetting sorrow, let him go." Li Er was too lazy to continue to entangle with these people and ordered Wei Zheng directly.

Wei Zheng naturally took orders. Although he did not agree with Li niangyou\'s construction of a women\'s toilet, he did not think it was absurd to detain Li niangyou in Taiwan prison for this reason.

Those officials who impeached Li forgot to worry did not dare to say anything. They could only bow their heads and return to the hundreds of officials and become ostriches.

Even if this matter was exposed, when Li Erzheng was going to discuss the government with the ministers, he saw that Mituo hurriedly turned in from behind the Tai Chi hall and whispered in Li Er\'s ear.

"Everyone, your Highness the queen and concubine Yang, led all the concubines out of the palace and said they were going to live in Dingzhou village, Huxian County for a while."

Li Er frowned when he heard the speech. His wives all left the palace at this time, and they didn\'t even inform him, which surprised Li Er very much.

"What\'s the matter? Why don\'t I know about it?"

"I don\'t know about you. This morning, when the drum sounded and the Palace door opened, Her Highness the queen took her concubines out of the palace in a carriage. I didn\'t dare to ask more."

Li Er was very unhappy about this, but it was hard to say anything at this time.

But he bet that he must have something to do with the boy Li forget worry. All his wives went to Dingzhou village. In any case, I have to ask Li forget you about it.

He turned to Mituo and said, "go to the censor\'s desk and take the bastard Li forgetful to the political hall. I\'ll settle with him after I go down!"

Mito promised, but he didn\'t move.

Li Erqi said, "why don\'t you go? What else?"

Mituo looked at the officials in the hall in embarrassment, hesitated, and whispered: "go back to everyone, the Baiqi Division will report. Today, it\'s not only the Queen\'s highness and the concubines of the harem, but also... And..."

"What else? Don\'t hesitate to make it clear to me."

"Yes, yes, and the ladies and little ladies in the government house." Mito quickly bowed his head and replied.

Li Er was stunned by his words. What does that mean?

Seeing that Li Er didn\'t understand, Mituo quickly explained: "everyone, these officials with more than four or five grades in Chang\'an City, as well as the wives and little ladies in your house, after the city gate was opened today, they also took their carriages in their own house, joined the royal highness of the queen, went out of the city together and went to Dingzhou village."

Li Er understood Mito\'s words and the whole person was Sparta.

What\'s this for?

Chang\'an city ladies party? Or do the ladies leave their homes together?

Why hasn\'t there been any news before?

My daughter-in-law and the ladies in Chang\'an city went out of the city at this time. There must be ghosts!

Li Er didn\'t care that he was going up. He suddenly patted the armrest of the throne and stood up. He said angrily, "go, Li forgets to worry. Bring me that bastard. I want to know what he wants to do?"