Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 536

People in Chang\'an city feel that there are too many news worthy of "gossip" recently, which is a little dizzying.

A moment ago, people were still talking about Huxian Bo\'s plan to build a women\'s toilet, which forced the old courtiers to death. At the next moment, when the wind turned, he became a brave and despicable Japanese man in Huxian, personally cutting three Japanese envoys to save the kidnapped little lady.

People in Chang\'an city feel a little confused. The painting style changes too fast.

And the more powerful "news" came.

Dr. Guozi Tuoba Zhengyang\'s first seven resurrected and identified the murderer, which immediately detonated Chang\'an city.

Compared with those things in huxianbo, the people are more interested in the resurrection of the dead.

Many good people even made a special trip to the Taoism workshop to inquire about it. As soon as the servants of Tuoba mansion leave the mansion, they will be surrounded by people to ask what happened last night.

Most of these servants were eyewitnesses last night. When asked, they all described the situation of Tuoba\'s rebirth in a vivid and eloquent way. Everyone was amazed.

Naturally, the matter quickly spread to Li Er\'s ears, making him furious.

In the Chang Dynasty of Tai Chi hall today, Li Er angrily scolded the group of old ministers for more than ten minutes in front of all officials. His anger was reflected in his words.

"Wei Qing, daozong, Yushitai and the Ministry of punishment will jointly try the case. We must find out the cause of Dr. Tuoba\'s death!"

"Promise!" Wei Zheng got up together with Li daozong, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment.

This time, no one pleaded for the group of old ministers and murdered their colleagues. Even the old friends of the old ministers felt their backs cold.

These old ministers may not die. After all, there are a large number of them. Li Er can\'t order the killing of so many old ministers at one go. That\'s a bad reputation.

In addition, in the law of the Tang Dynasty, there are provisions on the reduction or exemption of punishment for Xun GUI officials, including eight discussions, application, reduction, redemption and Dang.

Among them, Dang refers to an official\'s crime, which can be offset by his official goods.

If there is no accident, these old ministers should be punished to compensate the families of the dead, then deprive the official products, become common people and drive out of the court. After all, these old ministers are too old to convict a traitor. I\'m afraid they will die before they are halfway there.

After Li Er lost his temper, Wei Zheng stood up again: "Your Majesty, Huxian Bo is still detained in Yushitai prison. Do you want to release him?"

Now that it is basically certain that the death of the old man Tuoba Zhengyang has nothing to do with Li forgetting worry, in Wei Zheng\'s view, Li forgetting worry should naturally be released.

Li Er nodded. It was a helpless expedient to imprison Li forgetful at the censor\'s desk. Since Tuoba Zhengyang\'s death has nothing to do with him, of course we should let him go home.

But before Li Er spoke, he saw dozens of officials standing out in the hall, hula, kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty, this is not true! Even if huxianbo has nothing to do with Tuoba\'s death, it is a fact that he tried to build a women\'s toilet and reverse ethics. Moreover, the ministers have to impeach huxianbo, collude with merchants in Chang\'an City and humiliate us!"

"Yes, your majesty, the Huxian uncle not only didn\'t repent, but intensified. Now he actually colluded with those businessmen and humiliated our officials! It\'s really lawless. I also ask your majesty to issue a royal decree to severely punish those businessmen and Huxian uncle!"

Impeaching Li forgetful again?

The words of these officials made Li Er unclear. Why did Li forget to worry, collude with merchants and bully officials? What is this?

"Gentlemen, why do you say this? How dare merchants bully you?"

Industrial and commercial miscellaneous colors are not in the mainstream in Datang. Even if they have wealth again, they are in a humble position.

Merchants dare to bully all officials of the court? Li Er himself did not believe this. Not only did he not believe it, but also all the officials in the hall did not believe it.

"Your Majesty, what you said is true! Merchants in the eastern and western cities, including those Hu merchants, heard that our government went to buy goods, but they all refused to sell them. Your majesty, isn\'t this deliberately humiliating us?"

"Your Majesty, those despicable merchants dare to humiliate us like this. It\'s really a matter of disobedience! Please issue a royal decree to catch all these rebellious merchants and put them in prison as an example!"

"Those merchants still put up notices at the door of the shop and refused to deal with us. Your majesty, this wind can\'t open. What do these merchants want to do? They are threatening the court!"

"Your Majesty, even in the place of fireworks such as pingkang square, they dare to refuse us! How dare they? Your majesty, please decide for your officials!"

These ministers\' complaints made Li Er and Fang Xuanling and others stunned, and then some forbearance was more than good.

It was all the ministers and guardians who attacked Li QIAOYOU most fiercely during this period.

In the eyes of Li Er and Fang Xuanling, this is Li forgetful\'s revenge.

After all, since you scolded Li forget you so much, it\'s normal for Li forget you to fight back.

The law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that if you buy fake and inferior goods, you can return them within three days.

When returning the goods, a notary must inspect the goods and confirm that there are quality problems before returning the goods. If businesses do not return goods, they can report to the government, and the government will mediate the return of goods, and punish businesses by "flogging 40", which is much more stringent than the protection of consumers\' rights and interests in later generations.

But the merchant refused to sell the goods to the official, and Li Er didn\'t think there was anything wrong. The law of the Tang Dynasty does not stipulate that merchants must sell goods to officials.

In fact, Li Er and Fang Xuanling misunderstood Li forget you. Li forget you didn\'t know anything about this matter.

Many merchants in the eastern and western cities of Chang\'an City refused to sell goods to these officials. In fact, Li forgetful was escorted into Chang\'an by the prison car of the censor\'s station that day.

On that day, shopkeeper Ren of Ren Ji\'s saddle bridle shop stopped in front of the prison car and kowtowed after recognizing Li forgetful. As a small merchant, he naturally had nothing to do with Li\'s experience.

However, shopkeeper Ren is also a man of friendship. He determined that Li forgetful has a kindness to his family, so he thought about what he should do for "eunuch".

After thinking about it, shopkeeper Ren simply posted a notice in front of his saddle bridle shop. It is clear that any customer who once abused and humiliated huxianbo refused to deal with it.

His notice naturally attracted countless onlookers from the eastern and western cities, with mixed praise and criticism.

The practice of shopkeeper Ren actually didn\'t work. There are many saddle bridle shops in Chang\'an city. If you don\'t do other people\'s business, others will do it.

But what he did reminded the beauty boss.

Soon, SF express carriage company posted the same announcement.

Shunfeng carriage shop is different from Renji saddle bridle shop. Nowadays, merchants in the East and west of Chang\'an City need to transport goods. Which one doesn\'t need the four-wheel carriage of Shunfeng express?

What\'s more, Li Er said that all the freight business in Chang\'an city was handed over to SF freight. In addition, with the support of empress Chang sun as the backstage, this four-wheel carriage line has an absolute monopoly and great influence in Chang\'an city.

Without waiting for those merchants to consider whether they should follow suit, the enemy of the largest grain merchant in Chang\'an city also posted the same notice to advance and retreat together with Shunfeng carriage company.

Then, in Chang\'an City, all the Hu merchants, the Sogdians, also posted this notice. Even those Hu wine shops refused to humiliate the officials of Huxian Bo.

Next, pingkang square, the brothels in the painting building, unexpectedly put up notices