Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 535

Under the threat of the dandies, Li forgot to worry and had no choice but to explain everything.

The smoke emitted by the coffin is naturally the effect of dry ice meeting water.

The production of dry ice is introduced in the science textbook of grade 4 of primary school. Vinegar reacts with baking soda to produce carbon dioxide. Fill the bottle with carbon dioxide, and then put it into the refrigerator to cool it. Datang doesn\'t have a refrigerator, but there are ice cubes produced by saltpeter ice making. If you put them into it to cool, you can get dry ice.

When dry ice meets water, the solid becomes a gas, which sublimates rapidly, the surrounding air temperature decreases, and the water vapor in the air condenses into countless small water points, resulting in fog.

In fact, these are just very simple physical and chemical common sense.

As for the talk of Tuoba Zhengyang\'s resurrection, Li forgets to worry, but he won\'t say it. It\'s only an ancestral method to prevaricate. It can\'t be spread out, and the dandies can only give it up.

The reason why Li forgets to worry is naturally because he can\'t say, can\'t say.

The way he used was just to install Daozu Xiansheng in front of the Tai Chi hall, with a mobile phone and a Bluetooth speaker.

Originally, because there was no electricity, the Bluetooth speaker had become waste, so it had been hidden in the statue of Daozu and enshrined by Li Er in the Tai Chi palace.

Later, Li forgot to worry about making a hand-operated generator. Naturally, he refused to continue to throw the speaker in the statue for nothing.

He had already found an opportunity to secretly take the Bluetooth mini speaker from the statue in the Tai Chi palace. I took it back to my house and recharged it. I didn\'t use it less on weekdays. I hid in the room with my beautiful boss and listened to music.

In order to keep the secret, Li Qieyou specially asked the craftsman to make a small wooden box that could not be opened and put the Bluetooth speaker into it. Then he handed it to Cheng Chumo and asked him to place it next to the coffin of Tuoba Zhengyang during the chaos.

He played tricks with his mobile phone outside Tuoba\'s house and created a good play.

Of course, he can\'t tell these details to the dandies. Not only can\'t explain the mobile phone and Bluetooth speaker, but also dare not let it spread. Otherwise, if Li Er knows, he will have to pick his skin.

The small wooden box containing the Bluetooth speaker was also secretly brought back by the dandies and returned to Li forgetful.

God didn\'t know it, a group of dandies cooperated with Li forgetful and created a good play of Tuoba Zhengyang\'s "Resurrection".

The dandies were in Taiwan prison, drinking and celebrating until dawn. A bunch of people were too lazy to go back to the house. They slept in Li forgetful\'s cell.

At this time, the morning drum of Chang\'an City has sounded, the gates of fangmen and Gongmen have been opened, and Nuo\'s city began to recover from the darkness.

The Imperial City rosefinch gate, the forbidden army guarding the gate, and the officials preparing to go to the court could not help but stare.

A few days ago, Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin was carried over, which has opened people\'s eyes. Why did they come again today?

Huxian Bo Li forgot his worries. Due to the death of Tuoba Zhengyang, he was ordered by the sage to take down the stage prison. Aren\'t these people satisfied? Why did the coffin carrying Tuoba Zhengyang come to the rosefinch gate again?

To the surprise of the gatekeeper and the officials, the group of old ministers who carried the coffin a few days ago were all in a state of mourning, with untidy clothes and hair bun. Some old ministers even had nosebleed and bruises on their faces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you want to do?" the brigade commander guarding the rosefinch gate did not dare to neglect. He quickly called the forbidden army and stopped a group of people. He did not dare to put these people into the imperial city.

"We\'re going to report to the censor\'s platform!" Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son, dressed in filial piety clothes, helped the coffin to his knees: "my Lord, I was murdered and killed by these old thieves. We\'re going to report these old thieves to the censor\'s platform! Please take Tong Bing for me."

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s direct son is also an official in the middle of the dynasty. Although the official product is not obvious, he is only the Dongshi Department Cheng of zhengbapin.

But outside the rosefinch gate, many court officials knew him. They were all startled by his words.

A familiar official immediately asked, "what nonsense are you talking about, big man? Didn\'t your family commit suicide in grief and anger because the Huxian uncle wanted to build a women\'s toilet? How did they become Duke Liu and murder your family? Where did you start?"

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son was waiting for someone to ask. He immediately stood up, pointed to the dozen old ministers, raised the volume and said angrily: "I dare you to learn that my Lord was the first seven days last night. He came back and said it himself. Last night, dozens of people witnessed it. Moreover, these old thieves climbed and bit each other in panic and admitted that they had murdered my Lord."

His words immediately caused an uproar among all the officials around him. And all the people who witnessed the matter in Tuoba Gong last night also spoke and testified one after another.

The group of old ministers, each bowed their heads and made no excuses, obviously acquiesced to the accusation of Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son.

This makes all officials talk about it one after another.

"What? Did Lord Tuoba come back?"

"Last night was the first seven of Tuoba Gong. It was the time for his soul to come back. It turned out that Tuoba Gong was killed by someone. No wonder he would come back to identify the murderer under grief and anger."

"Duke Liu, they killed Duke Tuoba? How dare they?"

"Isn\'t that Huxian uncle wronged? He is still locked up in Taiwan prison by saints."

"Isn\'t it? Before, Liu Gong and others kept saying that Tuoba Gong was determined to die, forcing the sage to issue an edict and remove Huxian Bo from the prison. Now there\'s a lot of excitement. Just wait and see. The sage will be angry."

"Bah, these old thieves dare to confuse black and white like this! They are not human!"

Seeing this, the brigade commander of the rosefinch gate dared not delay, so he quickly ordered someone to Tongbing at the censor\'s desk.

Wei Zheng was also startled when he heard about it. This kind of thing, let alone the establishment of the state for more than ten years, has never been heard of, even in the former Sui Dynasty.

It\'s amazing that more than a dozen old ministers murdered their colleagues. Unexpectedly, one of the dead came back to life and shouted injustice to identify the murderer, which really made Wei Zheng unable to believe what he heard.

Wei Zheng hurried to the rosefinch gate with a group of censors and petty officials, and asked Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son: "Tuoba Xin, you said your family was reborn last night, but it\'s true?"

"Duke Wei, it\'s true. Dozens of people saw it last night. By the way, Duke Wei, your eldest brother came to the house to worship his late father last night, and he saw it with his own eyes. If Duke Wei doesn\'t believe it, he can call your eldest brother and know it when he asks."

Wei Zheng was stunned when he heard that his son Wei Shuyu was also at the scene.

He didn\'t think his son would be so kind to worship Tuoba Zhengyang.

After all, Wei Shuyu and Li Qieyou are now in a hot fight and feel the same brother. These days, Wei Shuyu and a group of dandies have been in prison in Taiwan, accompanying Li Lianyou to prison.

Why did the boy run to worship for no reason, causing Li forget to worry about Tuoba Zhengyang who was in prison?

Wei Zheng subconsciously felt that there was something strange about it.

But looking at those silent and panicked old ministers, I\'m afraid Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son\'s identification is true. I\'m afraid Tuoba Zhengyang was really killed by these old ministers.

"Come on, take all these people out of prison, carefully examine them, and find out the truth of Tuoba\'s death!"

Wei Zheng said hello, and immediately someone from the censor\'s desk came forward, took all the old ministers and escorted them to the Taiwan prison