Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 532

Whenever the evening drum of Chang\'an City rings, the huge city will slowly fall into a deep sleep and be extremely silent.

At the time of Hai, that is, after 9 o\'clock in later generations, other places in Chang\'an City have long fallen into silence except pingkang square and Chongren square.

The imperial censor\'s tower was already empty, and there was no movement except the watchman on the night watch.

In the imperial censor\'s prison, only a few dimly lit lanterns swayed in the night wind, shaking out a little dim light.

The closed prison door of the Taiwan prison opened with a squeak. The sound was not loud, but it spread far in the night sky. It seemed that he was frightened by the movement of opening the door, and it took a long time for a whispering voice to come out of the dark prison.

"Huxian uncle, you must come back before Yin Shi, or you will be dead if someone finds out and lets you out." this is the voice of the prison head.

"Don\'t worry, it won\'t take much time. I promise I\'ll be back before noon. You remember to open the door for me then." Li forgetful voice came.

"Yes, yes, huxianbo, come here. The next step can only take you near the Jingfeng gate. Can you really get out of the imperial city? The gate of the imperial city will not be opened without special circumstances."

"Don\'t worry, you don\'t have to worry about these."

The two figures carefully avoided the shadow of the lantern light and sneaked out along the corner of the censor\'s platform.

He carefully avoided the soldiers on patrol. When he came near the jingfengmen, Li forgot to worry and sent the prison away.

At this time, in a dark alley near jingfengmen, there was already a carriage waiting here. The angry wind lamp hanging on the carriage read the word "Wei".

This is not the carriage of Wei Zheng\'s family, but the carriage of Xuan Ling, the public house of the state of Wei. Wei refers to his title.

Li forgot to worry and hid in the dark. He picked up a small stone and threw it on the carriage with a soft sound.

Several heads immediately appeared in the carriage. It was Fang Yiai, Wei Shuyu and Du he.

"Shit! Ziyou, dare you procrastinate a little more?" now Fang Yiai and others have learned Li forgetful\'s mantra, one word at a time.

Li forgot to worry and quickly got into the carriage: "bullshit, I can\'t wait until this time to sneak out? Go, go, I must come back before Yinshi, or I\'ll hurt the prison head."

"I see. There\'s still plenty of time. What are you afraid of?"

"You won\'t be found using your adult\'s carriage?" Li forgetful asked.

Fang Yiai smiled proudly and said, "don\'t worry, my father is responsible for guarding the imperial city today. He won\'t use a carriage. What\'s more, I gave him yellow essence in the tea. My father has long fallen asleep in the public house and won\'t wake up before Mao."

In order to prevent emergencies, the leaders of Zhongshu Province, Shangshu province and menxia province usually take turns to stay on duty in the public cemetery in the imperial city to prevent emergencies at night.

When Fang Yiai finished, he ran to drive the carriage himself. For the sake of secrecy, he didn\'t bring the driver out at all tonight.

The carriage started slowly and soon came to jingfengmen.

The door keeper lvshuai naturally recognized Fang Xuanling\'s carriage and hurriedly came forward to salute: "I\'ve seen Mr. Fang, but I have something to go out of the city?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. My adult finally fell asleep. Don\'t wake him up. Today is the seventh day of Lord Tuoba. My adult is busy with business in the daytime. I only have time to worship at this time. Open the door quickly. Don\'t waste time. I have to come back later."

Fang Yiai lowered his voice and pretended to say to the brigade handsome.

Naturally, his remarks did not arouse any doubt. The brigade commander bowed to the carriage and asked the soldiers to open the side door.

Although the imperial city and square doors can not be opened at night, it is obvious that at the level of Fang Xuanling, they are not among them. He sometimes handles official business late, and often goes out of the imperial city and back to his house at midnight.

As for Jin Wu\'s guards who patrol the streets in Chang\'an City, they won\'t come to check the carriage of the Duke of Wei. Isn\'t it that they have nothing to do when they are full?

Fang Yiai drove out of the imperial city and headed for the Daozheng square in the east of the city. Tuoba Zhengyang\'s residence was in the Daozheng square.

Tuoba Zhengyang is a doctor of Sinology of zhengwupin. Naturally, he is not qualified to open the main gate of the mansion on the street. Fang Yiai did the same, opened the door of Daozheng square and stopped the carriage near Tuoba house.

Seeing that the carriage arrived, several people came out of the nearby dark corner. Naturally, it was Chumo and his dandies.

There\'s a lot of excitement tonight. How can these dandies be willing to miss the chance to see a good play? Naturally, they all gather here.

"Ziyou, here we are. What\'s next?"

"Are you sure that all the officials in old man Tuoba\'s house are there today?" Li forgets to worry asked.

Fang Yiai nodded: "it\'s natural. Early tomorrow morning, after the evening drum rings, they will be buried. Even if those guys are pretending, they have to gather at old man Tuoba\'s house tonight to watch his departure."

"That\'s good. Just follow our previous plan. You go in to worship old man Tuoba. When the candles go out in the lobby, you just act according to the plan."

The two brothers of Du he and Du Gou looked at each other and still had some doubts: "Ziyou, just as you said, you can revive the old man Tuoba? How can this sound unreliable? You can still wait for witchcraft?"

"Hey, hey, don\'t worry about it. In short, it won\'t be wrong." Li forget you didn\'t explain, and smiled mysteriously.

When Fang Yiai and Wei Shuyu looked at each other, they could only shake their heads, jump out of the carriage, tidy up their clothes and make sure they had everything, and then the dandies went to Tuoba Zhengyang\'s residence.

Because of the funeral, the main gate of Tuoba house has been opened day and night these days, so that guests who come to worship can enter.

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s mourning hall is located in the main room of the house. The filial sons and grandchildren in the mourning hall are dressed in white and burning paper money. The dozen old ministers who carried Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin back to Chang\'an City were also in the lobby, chatting quietly to pass the time.

In addition to these old ministers, some friends and students of Tuoba Zhengyang are also in the lobby.

Even though it was late at night, Tuoba\'s house was still very lively.

Li forgot to worry and hid aside. Seeing Fang Yiai and others entering Tuoba mansion, he gently whistled twice. However, he saw two people coming out of the alley not far away. It was a sequence named Xu Liu in Niu Wu\'s mansion.

Both of them were dressed in black with a short bow on their back.

"Niu Wu and Xu Liu, remember what I said before? When Fang Yiai and them worship, you will shoot stones with bows and arrows and extinguish all the candles in the lobby. Is that all right?"

Niu Wu nodded: "don\'t worry, Lang, it\'s a piece of cake."

Xu Liu didn\'t speak, just nodded. He and Niu Wu came to the Daozheng square before the evening drum sounded today and have been lurking until now.

"Be careful not to be found. You don\'t have to worry about it after you finish it. Just find a place to sleep by yourself. Wait until dawn, and then go back to Kaihua square."

"I see." Niu Wu and Xu Liu nodded.

They took a few steps back, ran up and turned over the courtyard wall of Tuoba mansion. Then their figure disappeared into the darkness