Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 533

Chumo, a group of dandies, came to worship Tuoba Zhengyang late at night, which attracted everyone\'s eyes in the mourning hall.

Although Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family did not know why these dandies came, they were guests from afar, not to mention a group of legitimate sons of the government, who were dignified and could not help thinking more.

After seeing the ceremony with Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family members, the dandies gave incense to the old man of Tuoba Zhengyang in turn. After the ceremony, the dandies retreated to one side and perfunctorily comforted Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family members.

Just as he was talking, suddenly in the mourning hall, several thin and inaudible sounds broke through the air, and then the candles in the mourning hall went out three times by themselves.

The originally brightly lit mourning hall immediately fell into darkness. Only in the brazier burning paper money, there was a little light of fire.

The sudden change caused an uproar in the mourning hall. Some asked the servants to send fire and candles immediately, and some were frightened and screamed. The mourning hall was in a mess.

There is no doubt that Niu Wu and Xu Liu shot stones with a short bow and extinguished the candles in the mourning hall.

No one noticed that when the candles went out, the dandies who were still together had dispersed under the cover of darkness, and sometimes took things out of their sleeves and threw them around.

With the action of the dandies, a little green ghost fire suddenly jumped out of thin air in the originally dark mourning hall, floating around in the mourning hall, looking extremely gloomy and terrible.

This strange scene immediately surprised all the panicked people in the mourning hall to shut their mouths, one by one, trembling and overwhelmed.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost!" someone had been paralyzed to the floor, pointing to the ghost fire flying in the air.

In fact, let alone the people in the mourning hall were frightened. Even the dandies who acted according to Li forgetful\'s plan were frightened by the scene in front of them.

A layer of white sweat came out of Chubi\'s back. He came to his brother\'s ear and whispered, "big brother, I\'m worried about him. He can\'t really know witchcraft? Is this really going to bring back the soul of old man Tuoba?"

"Shut up!" Chumo stares at him. In fact, his palms are full of sweat.

This ghost fire out of thin air is really beyond everyone\'s ability to understand.

Then, someone suddenly pointed to Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin. His throat seemed to be pinched. He couldn\'t say a complete word for a long time.

"Coffin, coffin, there, there, there is white fog, fog..."

The people who had been scared silly looked up one after another. Under the green ghost fire, the coffin of Tuoba Zhengyang really burst out bursts of white fog and scattered everywhere

At this time, people felt that their backs were cold, and even a fishy smell came out of the mourning hall. It was obvious that someone was scared to incontinence.

When he was frightened, he heard a voice from Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin: "I died miserably!"

This voice is old, it seems a bit like the voice of Tuoba Zhengyang, but it seems very empty.

After the sound in the coffin came out, several people in the mourning hall turned their eyes and fainted directly.

The group of old ministers who carried the coffin to send Tuoba Zhengyang back were even more unbearable. Among more than a dozen people, not a few were scared to faint. Most of the others fell to the floor in fear.

But Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family is calm. After all, they are their own relatives. Even if they become ghosts, they are not particularly afraid. Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son threw himself directly in front of the coffin and knelt down, sobbing.

"Dad, Dad, are you back? My child is unfilial. Dad, if you have any unfinished wishes, please tell my child."

Since the northern and Southern Dynasties, the Chinese believed that the souls of the dead would return home in the first seven. Although no one had really seen it, this was the custom.

Now this scene is naturally regarded by Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family as the soul of Tuoba Zhengyang.

The ethereal voice came again: "Dalang, my son, I died miserably. I was killed in Huxian County, and my son will avenge my father."

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son heard it really this time. The voice was really coming from his father\'s coffin.

Although the voice is not like his father, it should be the voice after death when he and other relatives and friends want to come.

And this sentence from the coffin frightened the group of old ministers.

"Tuo, Tuoba Gong, people and people die like lights out. Let the past pass."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, Lord Tuoba. You, you obviously hanged yourself, which has nothing to do with us."

Those old ministers were in a mess, which made everyone suspicious in the mourning hall. Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son turned his head to look at them, opened his mouth and asked the coffin, "Dad, who killed you? The child will not let him go."

"Dalang, the man who killed me is in this mourning hall..."

The ethereal voice continued to come, and the words immediately made the group of old ministers more and more flustered.

"Well, this matter has nothing to do with me! Lord Tuoba, grievances have heads and debts have owners. Don\'t find the wrong person."

"Lord Tuoba, I didn\'t hurt you."

"Liu, Liu Gong, this is Liu Gong\'s idea."

"Nonsense, Lord Tuoba, I didn\'t hold your leg and stuff you into the white silk. You, don\'t recognize the wrong person."

"It\'s you old thief who dares to talk nonsense. It\'s obviously your old thief\'s idea!"

Tuoba Zhengyang came back to life and directly said in front of the people that he had died unjustly. The murderer was in the mourning hall. Naturally, these old ministers were split up. They were terrified and said nothing.

A group of old ministers, just above the mourning hall, climbed up and bit each other.

And their words, combined with the words of Tuoba Zhengyang\'s "ghost" before, were immediately known to all.

It turns out that it\'s false to hang yourself to death.

Tuoba Zhengyang died unexpectedly, and the murderer was this group of pretending and indignant old ministers who carried the coffin into Chang\'an!

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son roared and rushed towards the Liu Gong. He rode directly on him and punched him.

"Old thief, if you dare to kill my Lord, I will kill you today and let you fight my Lord!"

The old minister surnamed Liu had no time to explain, so he was hit by this random fist and fainted directly.

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s relatives, friends and students were worried about killing the chaotang official, so they hurried forward and opened Tuoba Zhengyang\'s legitimate son.

"Dalang, don\'t kill him! After dawn, take your adult\'s coffin and escort these old thieves to the Zhuque gate to complain! The sage must be fair for Princess Tuoba!"

"Yes, come on, look after these old thieves. No one is allowed to leave. After the square door is opened, take them to the rosefinch door!"

"Bah! Human face and beast heart. I really believed your nonsense before!"

When the mourning hall was in a mess, no one noticed that the dandies secretly took something from the coffin and then withdrew from Tuoba Zhengyang\'s residence