Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 531

For the beauty boss to "revenge" for himself, Li forgot to worry, but he was deeply worried.

I\'m not worried about the beautiful boss, but that the beautiful boss will make things too big, which will not end well at that time.

Although the beauty boss now only manages the carriage shop and underwear shop in Datang, she is not an ordinary person. In later generations, at the age of 24, a beautiful boss can become Li\'s immediate boss, relying not on a degree from the University of Pennsylvania, but on personal ability.

Although after crossing Datang, because of gender and unfamiliar with Datang, the beauty boss kept a low profile.

But Li forgets worry, but she is sure that if she really wants to make wind and rain, she will make a lot of waves.

However, Li forgets worry and looks forward to it. As a white bone spirit and strong woman of later generations, it\'s interesting to fight with the "indigenous" of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help thinking of another "strong woman" in the Tang Dynasty, Wu Meiniang and Wu Zetian.

I don\'t know what it would look like if the beautiful boss met the famous female emperor.

But Li forgot his worries and thought again, but he couldn\'t help laughing. Wu Meiniang and Wu De were born seven years ago. Now they are only four years old. Even if she is a monster again and meets a beautiful boss, she will only be taught.

Recalling the history of Tang Dynasty in my mind, it seems that Wu Zetian and her family still live in Jingzhou.

Wu Meiniang will not move back to Chang\'an with her mother until the ninth year of Zhenguan, when her father Samurai Yu dies. Wu Meiniang should be 12 years old that year.

Thinking of this, Li forgot to worry, rubbed his chin and wondered if he should do something at that time.

It seems interesting to be the teacher of the female emperor after being the teachers of Li Chengqian, Li Tai and future Gaozong Li Zhi.

But now it\'s too early to say these things. As for what the beautiful boss wants to do, Li forgets worry can\'t stop it. In short, the beautiful boss should not suffer a loss. To understand this, he didn\'t intend to take care of it. He focused on the meat steamed stuffed bun in his hand and ate his breakfast at ease.

In this way, Li forgot to worry and lived in the Taiwan prison of the censor\'s platform. He played mahjong with the dandies to fight the landlord every day, and had three delicious meals a day sent by Peilan.

Apart from being unable to get out of the boundary of Yushitai prison, it is no different from being in my own house.

Moreover, in the view of the prison leaders and prison guards in Taiwan, Li QIAOYOU, a Huxian uncle, was very grateful for his last conflict with the Japanese because he opened his eyes for them and taught the Japanese a lesson.

In addition, the people were afraid of Li forget worry. On that day, without saying a word, Li forget worry stabbed three Japanese people, which gave them a great shock.

But Li forgets worry again to act generously, the massive copper money scatters out, this group of Taiwan prison\'s jail head and the jailer, all wish to regard Li forgets worry as the ancestor general to confess.

"Yes, second!" Fang Yiai lost his card and asked Wei Shuyu, "Uncle Yu, did your adults say how long Ziyou can go out? It\'s been several days. It\'s really boring to play cards in this prison every day."

"Four threes, blast!" Wei Shuyu proudly dropped the bomb: "it\'s not what my adults say. The sage has to speak. I guess it\'s fast. The old man Tuoba\'s house has been closed for five days? It\'s time to be buried in two days. I think Ziyou should be able to go out after he\'s buried."

Li forgot to worry and said helplessly, "why don\'t you get up and pass! This Tuoba Gong is really full and supports. He killed himself well. He can still blame me. Where are you going to be reasonable?"

"Guo! Uncle Yu, can you play cards? Ziyou is the landlord. What are you doing to blow me up? If I say, this old man Tuoba is powerful enough to hang a beam and kill himself. It\'s considered that the old man is very capable."

As soon as Li forgot to worry about this, he stopped playing cards: "dear brother, what do you mean by this?"

"Hey, hey, I\'ve heard from people. It\'s said that old man Tuoba has been ill since the beginning of spring this year. His condition has worsened after being driven to Huxian by the sage. You think, old man Tuoba is dying of illness. It\'s normal for a man of this age to say that he took poison or cut his wrists and killed himself. Old man Tuoba can climb up the beam of the house and hang white silk alone, Hang yourself again. Tut Tut, it\'s powerful. Is it old and strong? "

Fang Yiai used to make fun of Tuoba Zhengyang, but when he said this, the two brothers Du he and Du Gou, who were watching the war, couldn\'t help slapping him on the back of his head.

"Shit! Why did you two brothers beat me?" Fang Yiai was stunned and immediately became angry.

Du he and Du Gou were so angry that they clubbed Fang Yiai\'s forehead with their hands: "are you stupid? Why didn\'t you say this important thing earlier? Are you a pig head?"

"Why didn\'t you ask?" Fang Yiai didn\'t respond.

Li forgot his worries and said nothing. Is this pig\'s head really a muscle? He wondered if Fang Xuanling had been given green when she gave birth to her son? Or did wenpo throw her head to the ground when she was in production?

It\'s no wonder that in history, Fang Yiai would follow Gao Yang\'s woman to rebellion. It\'s really stupid.

"Dear brother, since you thought that Tuoba was seriously ill, how could he be able to commit suicide by hanging a beam? Have you never doubted?" Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes.

"What do you doubt?" Fang Yiai was puzzled, then suddenly stared wide and looked at the people in disbelief: "do you mean that old man Tuoba didn\'t have the ability to commit suicide by hanging a beam, maybe he died of illness? But he was lied by the group of old guys that he committed suicide by hanging a beam to show his ambition by death?"

Wei Shuyu gathered together and said in a cold voice, "maybe even this old man Tuoba was strangled by others."

"It\'s impossible, isn\'t it? That\'s a doctor of Sinology of the fifth grade? Who\'s so bold? Dare to murder the imperial court officials?" Fang Yiai murmured.

"Hum, that\'s not necessarily true. Just look at how many people benefit from the death of old Tuoba? Those old men who were driven to Huxian by the saints are back now! These people may not be able to do such things for their official position. Ziyou was wronged and lived in Taiwan prison. Do you think it\'s possible?" Wei Shuyu said coldly.

Fang Yiai was silent. He was not a real fool. He just didn\'t think about that before.

"But it\'s just our doubt. What can it do? Can we run to old man Tuoba\'s house and open his coffin for autopsy? Old man Tuoba also left a blood letter. It\'s a certainty. What else can we do?" Fang Yiai murmured.

After thinking for a long time, Li forgot to worry. His eyes lit up, reached out and waved to the dandies. Several heads came together and whispered