Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 530

Li forgets to worry that he is really embarrassed. If he is not good, he may have to turn into pig Bajie and look in the mirror.

Let him support Li Er without conscience, and let a large number of Japanese envoys come to Datang to learn the valuable knowledge accumulated by the ancestors recklessly. Li forget worry is really unwilling.

If, together with the aristocratic family, he took a clear-cut stand against the deportation of Tang envoy, I\'m afraid Li Er would really put him in prison in his anger.

Li forgot to worry for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "uncle, with all due respect, I\'m afraid the Japanese have some intention to send envoys to Tang Dynasty. I still know something about the Japanese people. These short people hang alone overseas. I\'m also worried that they will become a big trouble in the future after they learn all the good things of Tang Dynasty."

Li Er naturally didn\'t believe what he said. As long as the Japanese kidnapped his little lady today, they naturally won\'t say good things about the Japanese after the conflict.

Today, the main enemy of Datang is the Turks in the north. As for the Japanese, even the most fierce aristocratic family opposed to sending Tang envoys, they don\'t think it will be a threat from Datang.

Li forgot to worry for a long time, but he didn\'t have any excuse to convince Li Er, which made him very distressed.

"Uncle, in a word, it\'s better to be careful. Don\'t give me another ringworm and mustard in Datang. My nephew thinks that sending Tang to Datang to learn the classics of sages, the teachings of Taoism and Buddhism, and even go to the DPRK to observe politics. However, we can\'t teach them the craftsmanship of Datang, and we should keep it strictly confidential."

Li Er was noncommittal: "Oh, why?"

Li forgot to worry about his eyes for a long time, and then he choked out a reason that was not a reason: "uncle, the kingdom of Japan is across the sea from Baiji and Xinluo, and it is not far from Koguryo, which was built by Wei\'s Korea, the book of the later Han Dynasty." It is recorded in that it is called "the same family of the Japanese, and their words are interlinked". Uncle, you can\'t help but guard against it. If the Japanese learned how to build warships, swords and even military systems from the Tang Dynasty and taught them to Koguryo privately, wouldn\'t it be a disguised capital enemy? The Japanese country is isolated overseas and has no enemies at all. Why learn these? "

He bowed to Li Er: "Uncle, the remains of hundreds of thousands of good Chinese men in the three expeditions of the former Sui Dynasty are not allowed to be found in Koguryo. How humiliating is it that Koguryo built a Beijing Temple by that beauty? If I made weapons in the Tang Dynasty and learned from Koguryo again, I would be more worried about the Tang Dynasty, but I don\'t know when I can conquer Koguryo and welcome back the remains of my good Chinese men. Please think twice, uncle. It\'s just the saying that if you don\'t lose your country, your officials don\'t If a secret is lost, a few things will be harmful. How can we teach the craftsmanship of the Tang Dynasty to these barbarian countries? "

Li\'s remarks are actually unreasonable, but they are just a sneak change of concept and forcibly pull the relationship between Japan and Koguryo.

But Koguryo is also a thorn in Li Er\'s heart, especially the Jingguan temple built by the corpses of Sui soldiers hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, efforts were made to repair relations with Koguryo, Baiji and Silla.

In the fifth year of Wude, the two sides exchanged prisoners of war. In the seventh year of Wude, King rongliu of Koguryo accepted the title of Tang Dynasty. Li Yuan canonized king rongliu as king of Liaodong and king of Korea, King Baiji Wu as king of Daifang, and King Zhenping of Xinluo as king of Lelang.

However, both Li Yuan and Li Er refused to ask Koguryo to recover the bones of the former Sui soldiers.

In order to guard against the Tang Dynasty, Koguryo even began to build the Great Wall along the border of the Tang Dynasty. This naturally made Li Er peerless angry and angry, but he had to bear it.

After all, today Datang needs to recuperate, and the biggest enemy is the Turks in the north. However, Koguryo has always stuck Li Erru in his throat, which is very uncomfortable.

Li forgot to worry and took out Koguryo to persuade Li Er, which made Li Er hesitate.

"Well, I\'ll think about it myself." Li Er stood up and said, "kill three Japanese envoys and punish them with 30 jin of copper! Don\'t be so menglang in the future!"

Li Er then turned and left, leaving Li forgetful in a daze in his cell.

Is it over?

Thirty pounds of copper?

Is it that simple? According to Li Er, the life of a Japanese envoy is only worth ten kilograms of copper?

Especially meow, he was forced to live in the imperial censor\'s prison just because he wanted to use the nun\'s toilet.

If you kill three Japanese envoys, you will be fined 30 jin of copper. Is it over?

Li forgot his worries and looked at the ceiling for a long time. Finally, he simply lay back on his bed and went to sleep.

The psychological pressure brought by killing was diluted by Li Er\'s sentence of 30 kg of copper

Sure enough, the next day, Wei Zheng\'s foot ban yesterday was cancelled.

Not only is Li\'s cell unlocked, but he can stroll into the courtyard of the Taiwan prison to bask in the sun at any time. Dandies and people in the Li family can also visit him in the Taiwan prison at any time.

"Ziyou, don\'t you know that the story that you killed three Japanese people yesterday has spread all over Chang\'an city now." Fang Yiai grabbed a steamed stuffed bun sent by Peilan and gave Li forget you the gossip of popular science while eating.

Li\'s steamed stuffed bun is the favorite of dandies, especially the steamed stuffed bun with fresh meat and chicken sauce.

Li forgot to worry and looked at the guy who ate without washing his hands. He quietly avoided the steamed stuffed bun he had just met: "I\'m afraid the news came from those aristocratic families?"

"Hey, it\'s mostly them. I\'m so happy. A few days ago, the aristocratic family was still trying hard to publicize how absurd and uninhibited you are. Building a women\'s toilet is to reverse ethics. As a result, the style of conversation changed overnight. Man Chang\'an was telling how you confronted those despicable and shameless Japanese people and killed them mercilessly. In addition to demoting those Japanese envoys It\'s worthless. Besides being rude, it\'s to publicize how brave you Huxian uncle is. Ha ha, I\'m really laughing to death. "

The dandies naturally knew the entanglement between the aristocratic family and Li forgetful. When they saw that the aristocratic family was holding their nose and man Chang\'an preached Li forgetful\'s courage and fearlessness, their big teeth almost laughed off.

In fact, Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou, Cui Xin and others are not uncomfortable? It\'s as bad as eating a dead fly.

But the aristocratic family has a thick skin. It is more important for the aristocratic family to make Li Er uncomfortable than to suppress Li forgetfulness.

What Japanese people are not Japanese people? The aristocratic family has the same attitude as Li Er and doesn\'t pay attention at all. But they did not want to see the Japanese people\'s Congress send envoys to Tang Dynasty on a large scale, so as to raise Li Er\'s imperial authority.

The lesser of the two evils, the aristocratic family naturally can only choose this way.

It doesn\'t matter that Li forgets to worry about these things. It\'s up to Li Er to fight with the aristocratic family, but it\'s not up to him to worry about sending envoys to Tang Dynasty. What\'s more, there are big men like Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and eldest sun Wuji around Li Er. He is not a political Xiaobai who can participate in it.

In comparison, Li forgot to worry more about his intention to build a road toilet.

"Peilan, why didn\'t Changqing come?" Li forgot to worry, took a bite of delicious steamed stuffed bun, turned and asked Peilan.

After a night\'s rest, Peilan regained her former liveliness and made a grimace at Li forgetful worry: "sister Changqing worried about you all night yesterday, but she said that the saint would not embarrass you because of the Japanese people. She said she would give you \'revenge\'. The door of the workshop opened early this morning. Sister Changqing went out, and the slave didn\'t know where she went."

Li forgot to worry and was stunned when he heard the speech.

Avenge yourself? Beauty boss, what does she want?