Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 529

In the imperial censor\'s prison, Li forgot to worry. After sending clean water to the prison, he washed the blood on his body, then lay on his back on the bed, put his head on his hands, and stared at the roof of the prison with open eyes.

Until now, Li forgot his worries, his fingers still trembled, and his eyes were full of blood.

He really didn\'t expect that he would kill people today, and killed three people in a row... Although those were only Japanese, Li forgetful is still very uncomfortable.

He closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but his mind played back the blood overflowing picture repeatedly, so that he couldn\'t sleep at all.

I don\'t know how long later, Li forgot to worry. In his ears, he heard a sound of footsteps from the silent prison and stopped at the door of his cell.

Li forgot to worry, opened his eyes and looked up, but Li Erzheng stared at him angrily. He quickly turned over and got out of bed and gave Li Er a gift: "I\'ve seen my uncle."

"Hum, Ziyou, I underestimated you. Unexpectedly, you really dare to raise a knife to kill."

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly: "uncle, it\'s not my nephew\'s rampancy. It\'s really forced by the situation. If I didn\'t do it, the Japanese would have stabbed my knife into my Peilan\'s body. To tell my uncle, my nephew\'s hands are still shaking. This is my first murder."

Hearing what he said, Li Er\'s face eased a lot, motioned to the prison head who dared not go out, opened the prison door, raised his feet and walked in.

"You\'ll enjoy it. This cell is more comfortable than my bedroom." Li Er glared angrily.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only smile, not much explanation.

What can he say? He shouldn\'t have been in this prison. It\'s a disaster only when he is unjustly imprisoned. It\'s obviously Li Er\'s responsibility. What\'s wrong with living comfortably by himself? He\'s not a real prisoner.

Li Er was also impolite. He sat down beside several cases and motioned to Li forgetful to pour himself wine.

Li forgot to worry and quickly changed his glass to pour wine for Li Er.

As for the leftover dishes that had been eaten with the dandies before, they naturally could not be used to entertain Li Er. But fortunately, the beauty boss was careful and asked pelan to send him a lot of dried meat and peanuts.

Let the jailer and the cell head clean up the leftovers in the cell. Li forgets to take out boiled spiced peanuts, fried peanuts and beef jerky.

It is generally believed that peanuts are native to Peru and Brazil in South America, but in fact, peanuts have existed in China since ancient times and are known as long-lived fruit, groundnut or ground bean.

However, Tang people naturally didn\'t understand the way to eat spiced peanuts and fried peanuts. Li Er was curious to take one and chew it in his mouth.

"Ziyou, I\'m really impressed by your mouth. When it comes to cooking, you are the first in the whole Tang Dynasty. I haven\'t seen anything comparable to your family."

"Hey, hey, uncle, eat more if you like. It can\'t be better for drinking."

Li Er ate a few peanuts and drank a mouthful of wine, which made him feel much happier. He waved to the guards and jailers to leave. Then he put down his glass and said to Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, you almost missed my big event this time."

"My nephew killed the Japanese. There\'s no way to refute this. Naturally, let my uncle do it."

"Hum, several Japanese people will be killed if they are killed. What\'s the crime? Besides, those Japanese people deserve to die. They kidnapped your little lady. It\'s not a pity to die! But you shouldn\'t kill them at this time." Li Er glared at Li forgetful with dissatisfaction.

Li forgets his worries and doesn\'t know why: "uncle, what do you say?"

"These Japanese people are here to present their credentials to me. I hope I can agree that they will send envoys to pay tribute and learn from the culture of the Tang Dynasty. It\'s about the majesty of the Tang Dynasty. Since the Japanese have shown their obedience, I certainly agree that they will come to study in the Tang Dynasty. But many people in the court have much criticism about it, and Ziyou are embarrassed to kill three Japanese envoys at this time Hum, I\'m afraid Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou, Cui Xin and others are already overjoyed at this time. "

Li was very happy that he could make the Japanese bow down and become ministers. Of course, he did not object to the Japanese wanting to send envoys on a large scale to study in the Tang Dynasty.

You know, in the pre Sui Dynasty, the Japanese sent envoys to meet with emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty. In the national book, they wrote shamelessly: "from the beginning of the day to the end of the book, the son of heaven is fine".

The emperor claimed to be "the son of the sun" and called the emperor "the son of the sun", which naturally made the emperor angry.

Now, under the "leadership" of Li Er, the "barbarians" in the Tang Dynasty bow their heads and bow down to be ministers. How can Li Er be unhappy.

As a matter of fact, there are many dignitaries in the imperial court who have sent envoys to Japan to express their support.

Whether Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, changsun Wuji, or even Wei Zheng, they are all supported.

After all, from their perspective, they can attract a large number of "foreign students" from neighboring vassal states, which fully shows the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the prestige of the Tang Empire.

In fact, don\'t make complaints about Datang. Even in the later ages, a Chinese University in order to attract overseas students, did it not make "learning partner" that made countless netizens Tucao?

Now, it is precisely Li\'s "enemies" and aristocratic family leaders who oppose the "envoy to the Tang Dynasty" in the court.

In fact, it\'s also easy to understand. The aristocratic family doesn\'t want Li Er to show such "limelight", let alone show his literary, political and martial arts skills and continue to consolidate Li Er\'s imperial power.

The aristocratic family found all kinds of excuses to grind teeth with Li Er in the court, just to stop it.

Now Li forgot to worry and became a beauty in anger. He killed three Japanese envoys. I\'m afraid this matter will be publicized by the aristocratic family.

For example, the Japanese are rude and unreasonable. They can\'t teach. What\'s not our race, their hearts must be different, so as to hinder the dispatch of Tang envoys.

Wei Zheng was worried just because he thought of this.

After understanding the whole story, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help but be dumbfounded. What\'s the name of this special meow?

According to Li\'s heart, I wish the matter of sending Tang envoy was over.

Li Er, they don\'t know, but Li forgets his worries. The Japanese across the sea are ambitious.

In the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese sent a total of 17 envoys to study in the Tang Dynasty, ranging from a few hundred to five or six hundred.

In addition to those mission officials, the Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty also included doctors, painters, musicians, as well as craftsmen from all walks of life, such as shipbuilding, boatman, boatman, carpenter, caster, blacksmith, jade worker and so on.

It can be said that the Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty basically covered all walks of life in the mainland. They studied the Tang Dynasty all-round and all-weather.

After returning from the Tang Dynasty, the envoy also brought back all kinds of knowledge of the Tang Dynasty, such as art, technology, culture, medicine, system and so on.

More importantly, the envy of Chinese culture has also stimulated the wolf ambition of the Japanese people to expand their territory.

After the Japanese absorbed the essence of the Tang culture, even though the Song Dynasty was more prosperous, there was no "sending envoys to the Song Dynasty". By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Japanese were full-fledged and even began to think of invading China.

Therefore, Li forgot to worry about it. He didn\'t think it was a good idea to send envoys to the Tang Dynasty, let alone any glory.

Of course, what made him more painful was that those who stood in the same position with themselves were the previous "enemy", the aristocratic family valve