Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 528

At this time, Li forgot to worry. After killing two Japanese people in a row with the strength of wine and anger, the smell of blood on his body was too strong to look directly at.

The Japanese man with blood on his head finally began to feel cold. Their Japanese warrior is cruel enough, but he is really afraid of the young Tang Lang, who is light and stabbed two of his companions with a knife.

"You, you, don\'t come here! Again, again, I\'ll stab this woman to death!"

Li Qieyou smiled at him with a frightening smile: "OK, kill you, but then I\'ll let you know what life is better than death. I don\'t know how long you\'ve been in Datang. Have you heard of a punishment?"

Li Qieyou motioned with his hand, "I\'ll bury you in the earth and only expose your head. Then cut a hole in your scalp with a knife and slowly pour mercury down from the wound. You\'ll start to feel itchy and uncomfortable, and struggle hard... Boom!"

Li Qieyou suddenly made an exaggerated gesture, which scared the Japanese almost unable to hold the knife in his hand.

"Guess what? You\'ll jump out of the soil naked. Hey, hey, but you don\'t have skin, only red flesh... Have you ever seen a sheep skinned? That\'s it, but you won\'t die right away. You can still jump around and enjoy your skin." Li forgetful\'s voice became more and more gloomy, Everyone got goose bumps.

Even Niu Wu and the group of veteran ruffians shuddered and got goose bumps when they thought of the picture described by Li forgetful.

The dandies knew that Li forgetful worry was scaring the Japanese, but they also felt that the torture he described was too frightening and disgusting.

"I love another kind of torture in China. * it\'s more interesting. You will like it."

Li niangyou continued, "I will cut off your limbs, dig out your eyes, inject copper into your ears, make you deaf, pour dumb medicine into your throat, cut off your tongue, and then stuff you into a jar. Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you die. I will let someone take care of you, let you live well and repent your mistakes in hell."

When he finished speaking, he heard a bang. The Japanese man\'s knife fell to the ground. Then he softened his hand and released Peilan.

Pelan, who had been strong and silent before, couldn\'t help crying and rushed into Li forgetful\'s arms.

"Lang Jun, I\'m afraid."

Li Qieyou hugged Peilan tightly and stroked her hair: "Peilan, it\'s okay, it\'s okay, with your husband, no one can hurt you. I won\'t let go of anyone who dares to hurt you."

When he finished, he patted Peilan on the back and asked Niu wuhaosheng to take care of Peilan. Then he walked slowly to the Japanese man with his bleeding Zhang Dao.

The Japanese, who had been frightened by Li\'s relentless killing of two companions, was frightened by Li\'s frightening words. Then, in a trance, he let Peilan go.

Just as it was written in the chrysanthemum and the knife, the Japanese who had just been ferocious bent down and gave Li forgetful a big gift, with a flattering smile on his face.

Obeying the strong is the habit of their nation.

Later generations, the Japanese were beaten into grandchildren by the Americans, and even left two nuclear bombs to kill countless people, but they immediately gave in and behaved quite skillfully in the following decades.

"Your Majesty, there have been misunderstandings and misunderstandings just now. We are all envoys of the Japanese state. We are envoys of the Japanese state to the Tang Dynasty on behalf of the Japanese state and submit our credentials. Please also forgive our rudeness."

Seeing the Japanese bow their heads and admit their mistakes, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

Two Japanese envoys have been killed in a row. It\'s big enough. If the Japanese don\'t obey soft, Li forget worry is afraid that he will really continue to kill. No one doubts this now.

At this time, Wei Zheng, who had been informed by the jailer, led a group of officials from the imperial Taiwan to the Taiwan prison in a hurry.

Even Wei Zheng was shocked to see the blood in this place and the fallen bodies of two Japanese envoys. No one expected that things would go so far.

Just as Wei Zheng was about to speak, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly raised his Zhang knife and plunged it directly into the back of the Japanese who was still bending and bowing.

The knife was so fierce that it pierced directly into his heart from his back.

Another pot of blood flew out. The Japanese never thought that Li Lianyou would hit him at this time. He was lifeless with a terrible howl, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

"Huxianbo! What are you doing? You\'re crazy!" seeing that Li forgetful dared to kill people in front of him, Wei Zheng was so angry that he almost shut his breath.

Li forgot to worry at the moment and finally recovered his peace. He forced out an ugly smile towards Wei Zheng: "Duke Wei, this man kidnapped my little mother. I said, he will give him a whole body. A man can\'t break his promise."

"You..." Wei Zheng was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at the prison head and the jailer: "put him in prison for me. Don\'t let him out without my order! Hum, Huxian uncle, you must be responsible for this. Wait for the anger of the saint!"

Lee did not resist, but he walked back to the prison honestly and let the prison be locked with iron chains.

"Excuse me, please send me some water later. It\'s bloody and sticky. It\'s really uncomfortable." Li forgetful whispered to the cell head.

The prison head squeezed out a smile more ugly than crying at him and nodded silently.

At the moment, Perrin was so frightened that she cried and threw herself on the prison door and refused to let go.

"Niu Wu, you take Peilan back. You\'re not needed here." Li forgot to worry and ordered.

Niu Wu nodded silently. At the moment, they are really not suitable to stay in this prison.

Not only Niu Wu and others, but also all the dandies were driven out by Wei Zheng in his rage. He also ordered the people of Yushitai to treat the Japanese, transport the three corpses away and wash the blood

Now, this is no longer something Wei Zheng can deal with. He can only report it to Li Er according to the facts and ask him to be sacred and arbitrary.

After hearing Wei Zheng\'s report, Li Er was stunned on the spot: "Duke Wei, are you kidding? Ziyou killed three Japanese envoys in a row in Taiwan prison? Does he have so much courage?"

"Yes, your majesty, it happened for a reason. When the Japanese envoy humiliated the jailers in Taiwan prison, huxianbo was angry, so he beat up the Japanese envoys with his dogs, Cheng Chumo, Fang Jun and others. Originally, the matter was over. Who thought that one of the Japanese envoys kidnapped the little lady of Li\'s house with a knife, which made huxianbo angry and killed her violently People. "

Wei Zheng was angry, but he still explained the facts very clearly. He heard Li Er frown again and again.

"If these Japanese people deserve to die, they dare to kidnap women in Taiwan prison. Hum, I think Ziyou did a good job. These barbarians who don\'t know how to behave are dead. Duke Wei has heard Ziyou\'s" Xiake Xing "and killed one person in ten steps. Hum, this boy really isn\'t just talking."

Between the Japanese and Li forgetting his worries, Li Er did not hesitate to protect his shortcomings, not to mention that it was clearly provoked by the Japanese. In Li Er\'s opinion, what Li forgets to worry about is not wrong at all.

Wei Zheng\'s face was bitter: "Your Majesty, I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple..."