Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 527

If you encounter this kind of thing in future generations, Li forget worry must run as far as he can, and call the police at most 110.

But now he has no possibility to give in, let alone dare not give in.

"Let this woman go, and I\'ll leave you a whole body!"

Li forgot to worry about this, but it startled Niu Wu and others and all the dandies. Peilan\'s little girl is in the hands of the Japanese. Shouldn\'t it be said to let Peilan go and let bygones be bygones?

To stimulate the Japanese like this, is he really not afraid of the Japanese stabbing pelan to death?

Li forgets to worry in the heart is more nervous, this tough attitude is purely pretended.

If there were a famous Tang man on the other side, he would not say that to stimulate others, but there were Japanese on the other side.

Li Qieyou has read the famous chrysanthemum and knife in later generations, and has a better understanding of this wonderful nation.

Bushido, as a part of the Japanese moral system, has far-reaching significance to the Japanese thought.

Since the Japanese who kidnapped Peilan thought that Li forgetful and the dandies humiliated them and the so-called emperor\'s warriors. Then it is absolutely impossible for him to stop because Li forgets to worry about what he said. It is absolutely a shame for the Japanese to do so.

In the book chrysanthemum and knife, Japanese people\'s character is summarized into two contradictory poles, such as loving beauty and militarism, courteous and aggressive, new and stubborn, obedience and non tame

So when the Japanese put the knife on Peilan\'s chest, Li forgot his worries and knew that this was not a matter of empty words and white teeth that could let him go.

"Baga, you bastard, I am the warrior of his majesty Shu tomorrow in the sunrise country. You dare to humiliate me. You must bear my anger and revenge! I......"

The Japanese roared at this, but before they finished, they were interrupted by Li forget you.

"Bah, shit emperor, Japanese people who bathe in crowns and monkeys dare to call themselves emperor! If I count to three and don\'t let go of this woman, I\'ll kill one of your companions!" Li forgot to worry, with a cold tone and eyes staring at the Japanese, said word by word.

As he spoke, he took out a Zhang knife from Niu Wu\'s waist and held it in his hand.

"Baga..." the Japanese were stunned by his words, and then wanted to scold, but Li forgot to pay attention to him. He walked slowly to a Japanese who couldn\'t stand on the ground, raised his foot on his chest, and lifted his Zhang knife against the Japanese\'s chest.

"No, no, I\'m an envoy of Japan. You, you can\'t kill me!"

"One, two, three!" when he read the three words out, he saw that the Japanese who had kidnapped Peilan had no response. Li forgot to worry. He gritted his teeth and made a sudden force in his hand. The sharp Zhang knife directly stabbed the Japanese under his feet.

"Ah!" a stream of blood suddenly flew out. The Japanese who were pierced by the sharp Zhang knife screamed. Their eyes bulged and their mouth opened wide, like anoxic fish desperately trying to breathe. They grabbed the Zhang knife stabbed into their chest with both hands.

This accident stunned all the people present. No one thought that Li forgetful would actually kill

Even if he put Zhang Dao on the Japanese\'s chest, the dandies didn\'t think Li forgetful worry would really stab people, just as he was threatening the Japanese.

As for Niu Wu and the episode of Li\'s house, naturally, I didn\'t expect that my little husband would dare to die.

The head of the prison, the jailers and others were so frightened that they landed on the ground. The head of the prison was so frightened that his face was pale.

These Japanese are envoys. Even if they are thrown into this prison, they dare not offend easily. Now one of them was killed by Huxian Bo with a knife. It\'s going to break my heart!

In Taiwan prison, the remaining six or seven Japanese were so frightened that they shouted in Japanese, and the Japanese who kidnapped pelan was almost staring out of his eyes.

"Eight, eight GA, you, how dare you kill? Hanoi whale, you killed Hanoi whale!" in panic, his knife almost stabbed Perrin\'s chest.

Li Qieyou reached out to wipe the blood splashed on his face and grinned at him: "I said, if you don\'t let go of the woman, I\'ll kill all your companions! Now let\'s start again. If I count to three, if you don\'t let go, I\'ll kill the next person, one..."

"Ziyou, these......" it\'s certain that Li forgetful worry will really kill people. The dandies just come back. Chumo wants to dissuade him.

Although these Japanese deserve to die, they are envoys after all.

Dandies can beat them or even break their hands and feet, but if they kill them directly, something will happen.

But Chumo\'s words came out, and Li forgot to worry turned his head and stared back.

At the moment, Li forgot to worry. His eyes were red and his face was ferocious. On his cheeks and body, there were spots of blood. He was a living beast that chose people to eat.

In fact, they couldn\'t see that Li forgot to worry\'s body was shaking like chaff in his wide clothes, but he was just pretending to be calm.

He killed fish and chickens. This is the first time to kill people.

When did a good five young man in later generations think that he would personally put a sharp knife bucket into others\' bodies and be drenched into blood by the ejected blood?

A strong feeling of nausea constantly stimulated Li to forget his worries. He didn\'t even dare to look down at the dying Japanese for fear that he would spit out the next moment.

Li forgets worry and dare not vomit, and dare not show a trace of weakness, otherwise Peilan may have an accident. Now he can only bet that he can frighten the Japanese, make him surrender and let pelan go.

Since crossing the Tang Dynasty, Li forgot to worry and opened his eyes. The first person he saw was the little girl Peilan.

After getting along for more than half a year, he had long regarded the girl as his sister. If she wants to encounter an accident for her own reason, Li forgets worry and is afraid that she will really go crazy.

Now he just hates that he didn\'t do it hard enough and didn\'t break all the hands and feet of these Japanese people.

"Three!" seeing that the Japanese was still indifferent, Li forgot to worry and walked slowly to another Japanese who had broken his feet and couldn\'t get up.

The Japanese man was scared to death when he saw Li forgetful stabbing his companion in the chest. Regardless of the pain of hurting his feet, he tried to climb outside the prison with his hands and feet.

Li Qieyou walked to him without delay and put his foot on his back. Then without any hesitation, he stabbed the Zhang Dao in the Japanese\'s back again.

Another howl sounded in the closed prison. The howl, coupled with the strong blood gas, made all the dandies pale.

Although Chumo, Wei Chi and Baolin were born into a family of military generals, they have never been in battle, nor have they seen murder so close. As for the legitimate sons of Fang Yiai, Wei Shuyu and Du he and Du Gou, they were even more unbearable at this time.

Du he directly covered his mouth with his hand, turned his head and ran back to the cell, holding the clean bucket and vomited.

Li forgot to worry slowly pulled out Zhang Dao, twitched a few times in the corners of his mouth, grinned an ugly expression and looked at the Japanese who kidnapped Peilan: "let go of that woman! I\'ll leave you a whole body!"