Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 526

It was several men in Tang clothes who clashed with the jailers in Taiwan prison, but their bun and strange voice immediately made Li forget you recognize the identity of these people.


Li Qieyou was a little pink in later generations. Naturally, the most annoying people were Japanese. At the moment, seeing a group of Japanese people in Taiwan prison, their attitude is still so rampant that they can\'t help getting angry.

"Cao your grandmother\'s little devil! In the territory of the Tang Dynasty, I dare to be so arrogant!" Li forgetful was a little drunk. Now, stimulated by alcohol, he directly grabbed the wine pots on several cases and smashed them at the Japanese people.

The Japanese who were scolding the prison guards angrily, how could they expect Li forgetful worry to suddenly get into trouble? Out of guard, the leader was hit by the wine pot.

The porcelain wine pot smashed on the man\'s forehead and immediately opened a ladle on the Japanese man\'s head. The blood mixed with the wine and then flowed down.

"Baga!" the group of Japanese people responded, yelled, rolled up their sleeves and prepared to start.

Li forgot to worry faster, ran out of the cell and waved his fist at them.

Li forgot to worry about it. Although the dandies didn\'t know why, they didn\'t care about them, and then rushed out.

Niu Wu and several Li family episodes naturally can\'t sit back and watch his husband fight with others. Without any hesitation, they rushed over and punched and kicked the Japanese.

In fact, there are only seven or eight Japanese people, and there are more than ten dandies here, not to mention Niu Wu and several fierce soldiers from Jin Wuwei.

This was basically a one-sided "battle". In a few minutes, the floor of the prison was full of Japanese people, each holding pain and wailing.

The prison leaders and a group of prison guards in Taiwan have long been silly and dare not even make a voice to dissuade them.

The prisoner has been in Taiwan prison for seven or eight years. It\'s the first time he\'s seen such a thing.

"Hu, Hu County uncle, don\'t, don\'t fight. If you fight again, you\'ll kill people. These Japanese are envoys." after a long time, the prison head came back and shouted in a trembling voice.

Li forgot to worry and glared at him: "make it clear, these little devils, oh, no, they are Japanese. What\'s the matter?"

"Hui Hu Xian Bo, these are members of the Japanese mission."

"Members of the mission? Why are they locked in this prison? Why dare they beat the jailer?"

The prison head\'s face has been wrinkled into buns: "Hui Hu Xian Bo, these Japanese envoys had a conflict with the people of Xinluo when they were drinking in pingkang square a few days ago. They attacked them too hard, and one of the envoys of Xinluo was killed alive. Naturally, Xinluo quit and went to the saint to sue him. The saint was so angry that he ordered people to catch these Japanese envoys and teach them a lesson I was supposed to be locked up in Wannian county or the prison of the Ministry of punishment, but these two yamen refused to take over. Finally, they had to be locked up in this prison. "

He sighed again: "they said they were imprisoned. In fact, they didn\'t ban them. They just gave an explanation to the Silla country so that they wouldn\'t continue to pester. There\'s no way for them to leave. They can only be left to these Japanese people. These Japanese people are really not things, and our brothers have been tired of them for a long time. But they are Japanese envoys after all, so they have no choice."

Li forgot to worry and glared at the Japanese who fell to the ground and shouted. He was so angry that he went up and kicked them again.

These Japanese people are not envoys to send Tang Dynasty. It was four years since Zhenguan sent envoys to send Tang Dynasty envoys.

The dandies laughed and didn\'t think it was a big thing to beat these Japanese envoys.

In the eyes of the Tang people, they are just small foreign countries.

In this prosperous Tang Dynasty, where Hu Ji and Kunlun slaves were all sold as slaves from thousands of miles away, you don\'t have to expect these dandies to take any bullshit Japanese envoys to heart.

"Ziyou, come on, keep drinking. These Japanese people don\'t care about them. It\'s cleaner when they die."

Chumo and others think that it is the Japanese who insult and beat the prison guards that annoy Li forget you. They don\'t understand why Li forget you calls these Japanese little devils.

Naturally, the dandies can\'t imagine what kind of disaster China will encounter in the future. What\'s more, they can\'t imagine that these muddy Japanese lying on the ground will rush into the land of China like wolves more than a thousand years later, burn, kill and plunder, and do all kinds of evil.

There is a reason why Li forgot to worry so much about the Japanese.

In that year, three million Sichuan troops resolutely went out of Sichuan to resist Japan, with more than 640000 casualties. The war dead ranked first in the country. How heroic and tragic.

Li QIAOYOU\'s grandfather was one of the Anti Japanese troops out of Sichuan.

Although he survived a fierce battle in Taierzhuang, he was hurt by several bullet holes. Grandpa felt very happy about this. Compared with his brothers who died in the battle, he was very satisfied.

National enmity and family hatred made Li forget his worries. For the Japanese, their eyes naturally congested at the first sight.

After cleaning up the Japanese envoys, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t bother to pay attention. He and the dandies run back to their cell and continue to laugh and drink.

The prisoners and guards of the Taiwan prison will clean up the mess outside. Anyway, the dandies and Li forget worry are not afraid of these Japanese envoys. They go to report to Li Er and naturally ignore their life and death.

During the fight just now, Niu Wu and several veteran ruffians made a heavy hand.

Not a few of those Japanese messengers were broken. They would all lie on the ground and shout continuously.

Naturally, the prison head was helpless. He was going to ask the jailer to find a medical worker. By the way, he informed the censor to see how to clean up the mess.

While Li forgot to worry that they were having a lively drink, they heard a woman\'s scream outside the cell.

As soon as Li forgot to worry about hearing the sound, his face immediately changed greatly, left the wine bowl in his hand and rushed out again.

Although his cell was surrounded by thick curtains, Li forgot to swear that the voice was made by Peilan just now.

The dandies naturally heard the voice and rushed out again with Li forgetful worry.

But I saw that one of the Japanese who had just been beaten down by them got up. It was the one who had been smashed in the head with a wine pot by Li forgetful.

At the moment, he is imprisoning a girl with his arm. Who is it not Perrin?

At pelan\'s feet, there was an overturned food box filled with all kinds of delicacies. Obviously, Peilan just returned to Kaihua workshop and cooked some meals for Li forgetful and dandies, ready to be sent to Taiwan prison.

But she didn\'t expect to enter this prison. Before she could say hello to the prison head and the jailer, she saw a man rush out of the prison and catch her.

Pelan screamed with fear and turned to run, but she was stuck in the neck by the Japanese.

This incident startled the prison leaders and prison guards in Taiwan. Are these Japanese people filled with shit?

The little lady who was caught was obviously from huxianbo\'s side. Is this Japanese crazy? Dare you touch that noble woman?

The Japanese not only grabbed Peilan, but also pulled out a short blade from his waist and put it against Peilan\'s chest.

"Baga, how dare you humiliate the emperor\'s warriors! Get down on your knees! Or I\'ll stab this woman to death!"

Li forgot to worry and glared at the Japanese with bloodshot eyes